By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT
Learning can be a valuable tool but often not thought about when putting together a wellness plan. We often think of learning as our education, whether its formal education throughout the K-12 school years or furthering education post-high school. However, it can be so much more than that, and an intricate part of our wellness plan. Let me share my experiences with this important topic.
I have always said that learning something new each day is a sign to me that my day was a success. When I am in an environment where I am no longer learning, I have found that I feel tired and “down in the dumps.” This has often been a signal to me to re-evaluate things and look to move on to a more challenging environment.
The first way I like to incorporate learning is to read about subjects that interest me or watch documentaries on my favorite topics. Often, I even enjoy learning about opposite views of my own. This is through reading and personal conversations to help me get a better understanding of different viewpoints and “expand my mind” while building relationships.
Next, I find that taking a class to hone a hobby has also been effective for me. I love to cook and spend time in the kitchen creating amazing meals and desserts, and I also enjoy gardening. I found that I had so many delicious vegetables from the garden that I was having a tough time using everything, especially in new and creative ways. So, I decided to take a class on canning and pickling. Learning this new skill has sparked creativity in me that I never knew I possessed. Since learning this new kitchen skill, I have made so many delicious goodies like jams, spreads, sauces and even veggies. This had even inspired me to become an accomplished bread maker. Now that I can make these myself, I have the power to control the type of ingredients that I use to make them, instead of being at the mercy of prepackaged options. This has made me feel fulfilled, confident and it is a source of relaxation for me.
Lastly, I wanted to share what I like to call “fun learning.” This is just what it sounds like…. learning and experiencing growth while having fun. You can accomplish this through such things as travel or activities. Inspired through my travels to recreate meals I have experienced from other cultures and even try to put a healthy spin on things to make this more creative and indulgent. Allowing myself to try new activities, whether it is something adventurous in the water or just incorporating new forms of exercise, always surprises me. This is because I find that learning these new activities boosts my self-confidence and truly energizes me. Taking the time for fun and playing always inspires me to learn about new foods, cultures, and activities. How do you have fun learning?
As you can see, learning can be something as simple as reading an article on a topic that interests you, or more complex like signing up for a class. Whatever it is, I have found that learning energizes me, helps me thrive and builds my confidence. How will you add learning into your wellness plan in the new year?
When I am learning something new, staying energized and having a healthy memory is something I make a priority. Supporting energy and memory though proper supplementation can be a key ingredient in maximizing learning efforts.
UBIQUINOL w/NADH is a combination of CoQ10 and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide with Hydrogen helps to increase brain function and memory, as well as increasing energy production.
MULTI ENERGY POWDER is an effective way to start a foundation for good health with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Adding a scoop to a bottle of water each day to sip on is also an effective way to maintain balanced energy and cognitive health throughout the day.
PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE is a nutrient that is helpful for many areas of wellness including fatigue, inflammation and even helpful for those with ADHD. However, it has been shown to be effective for brain health and increased memory function.