InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH
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Everyone’s experienced those times throughout the day where you feel like you just can’t focus or you’re having a very difficult time completing simple tasks at work or school. This is a big problem. There’s certainly a difference between ADHD and stress-induced loss of brain connectivity. I want to talk about a particular formulation that can do so much when it comes to enhancing our ability to focus, pay attention and get things done by supporting our neurons in our brain.†
Lifestyle modifications and ADHD
When we think about ADHD, we know that roughly 4% of US adults have been diagnosed with this. That level is generally higher in males than in females. This is certainly problematic for people who have this type of diagnosis. Many times, people are put of different kinds of medication, but many of the issues associated with ADHD can be improved with lifestyle modifications alone.†
If someone is under high amounts of stress, just taking five minutes a day to have meditative breathing can be really beneficial, as can guided imagery. There are many things that we can do to help keep the nervous system in check. Many people have a difficult time choosing to do yoga because they feel they don’t have the time for it. If that’s the case, then I would be looking at what we can be doing foundationally to support our brain in a much more productive manner.†

How nutrition helps support focus and attention
We can look at utilizing key vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and fatty acids that can potentiate much more efficient pathway function in the brain. I want to focus in on the Cerebral Care formulation, which was made by Dr. Pressman. This is a combination of key nutrients to really optimize our ability to target stress in the body and enhance our focus and attention. It even helps to support better memory retention. If you’re at a high level of stress, the likelihood that you remember information throughout the day is not that good.†
This is why using the Cerebral Care formulation is a really nice way to initiate all of this rebalancing. This is a combination of inositol, acetyl-l-carnitine, CDP choline, phosphatidylserine and astaxanthin. The astaxanthin is certainly beneficial in terms of fending off oxidative stress within our neuronal area. When we think about our brain cells and the reactive oxygen species that can create havoc within them, the astaxanthin is a powerful algae-based carotenoid antioxidant that can help to fend that on.†
We also have inositol. Inositol is really quite interesting. In a sense, it’s a B-complex vitamin and it’s very important when we think about our brain cells and the cell-to-cell communication that occurs. By having adequate inositol, this can really help trigger focus and attention.†
The Cerebral Care formulation is a powder, so you just take one scoop of it and get your day going. You are then nourishing your brain cells with all of these key nutrients.†
In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains how the Cerebral Care formulation can support focus and attention. She details how the ingredients in this supplement help support cell-to-cell communication within the brain and also discusses how stress can impact memory function and overall brain health.†
Key Topics:
- Common treatments for ADHD
- Episodic vs chronic loss of focus
- How stress impacts memory function
- The powerful brain-supporting constituents in Cerebral Care
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