Ask Your Doctor: Vitamin C for Cellular Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 192

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph
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Today, I want to discuss Vitamin C. There’s data that certain nutrients and certain lifestyle habits, like exercise, getting enough sleep and a great diet, lower the risk of cancers. It’s not bulletproof, but still, it’s lowering the risk and that’s very important.
There’s also data coming out now that certain nutrients help with cancer in humans. For instance, fish oils, melatonin, probiotic bacteria and Vitamin D have been shown in several different studies to help cancer patients. Bear in mind, there are many different treatments for cancer these days and many different cancers, so it’s not like one suit fits all. Vitamin D might not help with every cancer, although I believe there may be something to that. But today, we’re talking about Vitamin C.†
There have been individual case reports of people with very severe, basically impossible-to-treat cancers. These studies show that these patients last longer when infused with high doses of Vitamin C. This provides us with a lead to see if this is actually beneficial. Recently, there was a report from the University of Iowa and published in the journal Cancer Cell that looked at giving infusions of Vitamin C to patients with different cancers, like brain cancers and lung cancers. “Clinical trials found that it is safe to regularly infuse brain and lung cancer patients with high doses of Vitamin C as a potential strategy to improve outcomes of standard cancer treatments,” the study reports.†
That was treatment, now let’s look at prevention. The Nurses’ Health Study looked at premenopausal women with family histories of breast cancer. If they consumed 200mg of Vitamin C a day or more, it lowered their risk of breast cancer by 63%. The Swedish Mammography Cohort looked specifically at overweight women. Overweight women who had at least 100mg of Vitamin C every day had a 39% lower risk of breast cancer compared to overweight women who had less than 100mg of Vitamin C every day. For more research about how Vitamin C can help cancer patients, tune into the full podcast episode.†