The Top 7 Essential Vitamins for Those Ages 40+

The Top 7 Essential Vitamins for Those Ages 40+

Essential vitamins are a key component in every day healthy life, especially when you do not or cannot consume the daily value of vitamins and minerals needed daily. Everyone can benefit from taking vitamins (and not just those over 40 years), in fact, many women 

Polyphenols in Coffee May Improve Blood Sugar Levels in Men

Polyphenols in Coffee May Improve Blood Sugar Levels in Men

Coffee is a highly traded commodity, the main reason why it is the subject of epidemiological and clinical studies with respect to safety and the likelihood of health benefits. This new study from Japan may give men who drink coffee reason to brew an extra 

Nutrigenomics for Prostate Health by Dr. Mille Lytle, ND, MPH, CNS

Nutrigenomics for Prostate Health by Dr. Mille Lytle, ND, MPH, CNS

The field of nutrigenomics is a subfield of epigenetics. These are big words but their concepts are relatively simple. Epigenetics is the study of the behavior of genetic material (RNA and DNA) through variations in the cellular environment. Epigenetics’ fundamental principle states that the cellular 

Prostate Health Through Hormone Balance by Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP

Prostate Health Through Hormone Balance by Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP

Very often, when healthy hormone balance is highlighted, the focus tends to be on women’s hormones. Healthy hormone balance is just as important for men but little attention gets paid until there is a problem. Men’s hormones impact everything – prostate health, sex drive, muscle 

The Truth Behind Drug Expiration Dates for Medications

The Truth Behind Drug Expiration Dates for Medications

The answer to the age old question of, “Can I use my prescription drugs past their expiration dates?”, has usually been answered by healthcare professionals with a stern “No.” To figure out why you can’t use your old drugs after they are said to expire, 

6 Questions You Must Ask Your Doctor before Filling a Prescription

6 Questions You Must Ask Your Doctor before Filling a Prescription

Asking your doctor questions about your health is one of the most important things you can do at your appointment. Whether you trust your doctor or are just hopeful that the new medications that have been prescribed to you will work, asking your doctor questions