How Cruciferous Vegetables are Natures Detoxifiers – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 162

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH
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A we get older, there are many different things in the body that begin to change. One of them is the detoxification process that occurs within our bodies each and every single day. On today’s episode, we are going to discuss how you can support this important process with specific foods, namely cruciferous vegetables. These are vegetables that have been show time after time through clinical research to be advantageous when it comes to the way that the body is processing harmful chemicals and hormonal byproducts that can be damaging at a cellular and systemic level.
What are Cruciferous Vegetables?
The cruciferous vegetable family contains foods like:
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Rutabaga
- Turnips
- Watercress
The vitamins and minerals that are derived from these cruciferous vegetables include other antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, powerful carotinoids and fiber. But how you are preparing these vegetables impacts its nutritional benefits. The best way to prepare them is by steaming them or eating them raw. This is the best way to obtain the full spectrum of all of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that these vegetables provide. If you are preparing them in butter and heavy oils, the chemical constituents within these vegetables will be ruined. As we get older, our ability to break down certain cruciferous vegetables can start to shift.
The Importance of Metabolic Detoxification
Metabolic Detoxification is the pathway by which the body is removing harmful chemicals. These chemicals can be coming from a variety of different sources. Some examples include prescription medications, highly processed foods, and environmental factors. There are also chemicals that can build up in the body that the liver has to be able to get rid of. These are called hormonal byproducts, including estrogen byproducts. The cruciferous vegetable family has been shown to target and support healthy metabolic detoxification.
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