New Study: Promising Cancer Therapy Treatment Using Vitamin C

New Study: Promising Cancer Therapy Treatment Using Vitamin C
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

The world of vitamins is quite complex, and even more so when you consider the endless information available online. The health benefits of each vitamin, the pros and cons, and the various side effects are often studied as we continue on our quest for perfect health.

The Study on Cancer Therapy

Recently, the LA Times published an article about how Vitamin C can make cancer drugs significantly more effective. When tested on mice, scientists discovered that certain compounds in Vitamin C helped cancer treatments work more efficiently. When absorbed from foods such as oranges, strawberries, broccoli and kale, Vitamin C feeds neurotransmitters and helps the body make collagen, among other important functions.

The purpose of the trial was to find out whether it made cancer patients sick from their treatment – not whether it was more effective than standard treatment. Researchers were surprised to find that the patients on Vitamin C had more energy, experienced less nausea, and generally tolerated chemotherapy better than those who did not receive Vitamin C.

The dose given to the mice was extremely high — the equivalent of giving human patients about 2,000 oranges worth of Vitamin C. It’s still undecided whether these are effects are long term; however, research is in the works for long-term results.

The Importance of Vitamin C by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph

“Vitamin C is one of the most exhaustively studied of all vitamins, and there is a promising amount of clinical research to support the fact that Vitamin C is highly beneficial for a variety of body functions. These include its powerful antioxidant protection, its role in the formation of collagen, blood vessel health and wound healing, and its ability to protect the body from damaging reactive oxygen species (ROS).

It is also a very effective nutrient for maintaining a healthy immune system, as it mediates the inflammatory pathways throughout your body, fighting various sources of inflammation and increasing overall immunity. It boosts your energy levels and increases stamina, and it also helps other important nutrients become quickly and effectively absorbed into your body.”

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