The Dirt on Skin Health: Adult-Onset Acne!

Adult-onset acne (also known as adult acne), according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), is most common among women going through menopause. Adults – both men and women – may continue to get acne well into their 50s. The AAD reports that adult-onset acne can be due to the following reasons – foods in your diet, fluctuating hormone levels, stress, family history, use of chemicals in hair and skin care products, medication side effects, or undiagnosed medical conditions, how do you cure it though? There are thousands of different treatments for acne out there, each of them proving to work on different people – you have to remember everyone’s skin is different. SApart from the obvious causes listed above, some healthy foods are actually bad for your skin although they are widely assumed to be a super food. So let’s look at why these so called healthy triggers cause acne!
These 5 “Healthy” Foods May be Causing Your Adult-onset Acne
- Low-fat Foods
When food manufacturers remove fat from their products and label it as “fat free” or “Low fat”, it usually means they are replacing the fat content with added sugar. Stay clear of these foods and be sure to include “good” fats into your diet, including avocados and fish.
Learn how to decode healthy food labels here!
- Skim Milk
The concept of drinking skim milk is similar to that of drinking diet sodas – it may actually trigger the body’s sugar response, as many diet or low fat foods and beverages use sucralose as a sweetener. A study performed in 2005 by the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health found that participants who drank skim milk had much higher rates of acne that those who drank less.
- Vegetable oils
Vegetable Oils contain trans fats, which have been shown to increase your risk of heart disease. In 2015 the FDA released a statement, taking action against the use of PHOs (Partially Hydrogenated Oils) like trans fats, hoping to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and prevent thousands of fatal heart attacks in the United States. But other types of oils are very good for you in small amounts – olive oil, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil!
- Wheat Bread
Living with a gluten allergy can be daunting; it limits the types of foods you can eat, where you can dine, and may even restrict you from buying store-bought foods like wheat bread. Symptoms of this allergy include stomach pains, headache, skin rashes, and insomnia to name a few. Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., founder of The UltraWellness Center reports that as many as 30% of individuals may have non-celiac gluten intolerance. Are you one of them? Get tested for a gluten allergy as soon as possible. In the meantime, switch to gluten-free rice or veggies until you are in the clear.
- Fruit Smoothies
Yes – there is no doubt that fruits are healthy. But many fruits also contain high levels of sugar. Sugar has a direct relationship with the increased risk of diabetes, regardless of how much physical activity or calories a person burns in one day. The sugar in your favorite fruit smoothies eventually gets stored in your body as fat. Portion your fruit servings to be sure you are not consuming too much sugar.
Hair and Skin Care Products
Your body absorbs up to 60% of what is applied on your skin, according to Mariesette Zeyl, ND. Many skin and hair care products are loaded with harmful toxins and chemicals that could be effecting, not just your skin’s health, but your overall health as well. Be sure to avoid BHAs, DBPs, Parabens, Artificial Fragrances, and Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Opt for natural ingredients in your skin care products, including Vitamin C and A, Aloe Vera and Shea Butter.
Learn more about Hair and Skin care products by clicking here!