Five Fun Workouts to Switch up Your Fitness Routine!

All too often, we think of exercising and workouts as a chore. But staying in shape doesn’t have to be boring! Here are some great workouts that are so much fun, you’ll forget you’re burning calories.
You’re probably wondering how hula hooping, something we did as little kids, can possibly be a good workout for adults. It’s crazy, but true – hooping is a fantastic workout. When I took my first class I broke a sweat within five minutes, and I’ve been a dancer and gymnast my entire life! Hooping is a full body workout. It works muscles you probably don’t even realize you have – studies suggest that it uses as many as 30 different muscles in the body. Depending on the intensity and style, you can burn up to 600 calories per hour. Hooping is great for your heart, it improves your spine’s strength and flexibility, it helps with hand-eye coordination and motor skills, and it is SO much more fun than running on the treadmill! This type of workout can be done from home which is good for those with a home gym; in a similar vein, a suspension trainer may be worth looking into for your fitness regime.
Being outdoors will lift your mood right away, and going out on a hike either alone or with friends is a great way to exercise without even realizing it. Hiking uphill will give your workout some extra intensity. You can also challenge yourself by carrying a backpack or hand weights while you walk. So get outside, find a great hiking spot near you, and enjoy the scenery while you burn some serious calories. Bring your dog with you for an extra boost – keeping up with them will give you no choice but to move faster and work harder!
Rock Climbing
Rock climbing is one of the best ways to work out your back, arms, shoulders and forearms, and you’ll feel like a hero when you reach the top of the wall! You can increase the intensity of your climb as you become stronger and fitter. At a moderate intensity, rock climbing burns about 400 calories per hour. There are facilities both outdoor and indoor to practice rock climbing. This is a total body workout that improves cardiovascular health and muscle tone while bringing out your competitive spirit – once you start climbing, you won’t want to give up until you reach the top.
There are endless types of dance to choose from, and every one of them will give you a great total body workout. Between salsa, swing, hip-hop, ballet, ballroom and all the rest, you’ll be able to find a style you love and a class you feel comfortable in. Find a studio with a lot of class options and a good adult program to help you become more confident on the dancefloor and get fitter as you do it. Try out every class available until you find one you really love – dance works out your mind just as much as your body. You’ll get the best workout in a class where you can put everything you have into your dancing.
Zumba Toning
You’ve probably heard of Zumba classes, but Zumba toning adds an extra element – hand weights. Zumba toning uses the same basic dance moves from merengue, salsa, and flamenco, but with the added challenge of hand weights. You can choose the level of weights that you use to determine how hard you would like the workout to be while considering any injuries or weaknesses. Using weights doubles the intensity of your class, letting you burn more calories than your average Zumba class. You can buy fun hand weights for your Zumba toning class that shake like maracas and are easier on the joints than regular weights. Find out more here:
Exercise doesn’t have to be a drag – just think outside the box! With these creative workouts, you’ll add so much more to your fitness routine. So, try swapping your usual routine for a dance class, an outdoor hike or a hoop lesson. Once you try one of these fun workouts, you’ll be switching up your routine all the time – and showing off your impressive new skills, too!