Glutathione Helped These Coronavirus Patients Breath Again – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 92

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph
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Several days ago there was a very important headline. It concerned a mother in Brooklyn, NY who had COVID-19 and, like many others sufferers, she had trouble breathing. The New York Post headline reads, “New York Mom With Coronavirus Saved By Medical Students Quick Thinking“. The otherwise healthy 48 year old Brooklyn woman was desperately ill with Coronavirus. She was so short of breath, she couldn’t speak. The family was extremely worried because she could not stand up without passing out, due to her shortness of breath from the virus. The hospital they rushed her to did not have COVID-19 testing available at the time, and doctors sent her home with a suspected COVID-19 infection and a diagnosis of pneumonia. Her other symptoms included fever, body ache, dry cough and the loss of the ability to taste or smell.
Her 23 year old son James Bruzzese is a medical student at CUNY and was worried about her severe respiratory tract symptoms. Her doctors used prescription drugs to help her, which reduced some of the symptoms but nothing was improving her breathing. Her son contacted an association which he interned for – Dr. Richard Horowitz – at the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center, who treats Lyme disease patients. Dr. Richard Horowitz suggested trying a supplement called Glutathione.
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Dr. Horowitz’ Research
Glutathione is a very important antioxidant in the human body, especially in the protection of our upper respiratory tract and our lungs. Dr. Horowitz uses it to reduce inflammation in his Lyme disease patients. He said, “When you get a viral infection with a huge amount of inflammation, you don’t have enough Glutatione to protect your sensitive lung tissue.” Meaning, you cannot make enough to meet your body’s needs during an infection, as levels drop very quickly just like Vitamin C and other nutrients. According to the family, after one 2000mg dose of Glutathione, they witnessed a “miracle”. According to the patient, Josephine Bruzzese,”Within an hour, my breathing got better. It was amazing. I sat up. I got up.” She made her bed and states, “I went and I took a shower.” She took the pills for five days and had no relapse, her son said.
GSH is the accepted abbreviation for Glutathione. Dr. Richard Horowitz and James Bruzzese just published their experiences with GSH in the journal Respiratory Medicine Case Reports. They also discuss a second Coronavirus patient with breathing issues in their journal article. This patient also had tremendous difficulty breathing. Unlike Mrs. Bruzzese who swallowed a Glutathione supplement, they gave this other patients an IV dose of Glutathione. The patient says he soon “felt much better” and “within a half an hour, it helped with the breathing symptoms, in particular.”
Dr. Purvi Parikh, an infectious disease and immunology specialist, at NYU Langone Hospital said, “Glutathione may help in calming the immune system over reaction to the Coronavirus, known as cytokine storm.” For more information on cytokine storm, click here!
What is Glutatione and why is it so beneficial?
Glutathione is a very tiny protein that is made by our body of three amino acids. It functions as a powerful antioxidant protector throughout the body. It is highly concentrated in our brain, our eyes, our lungs, our heart and many other tissues. It is very active in our major organs of detoxification, like the kidneys, liver and lungs.
Our immune systems white and red blood cells also have to be rich in Glutathione. This helps protect our red blood cells while they carry and distribute oxygen, which is attached to the iron-rich hemoglobin within the red blood cell. Glutathione also protects our immune cells from their own chemical arsenals so that can survive and go on to kill viruses and other microbes.
When we use oxygen and sugar to create energy, there is a release of a vast pool of free radicals. This occurs in every cell of our body. Free radicals are highly unstable; if left unchecked, they can kill our cells. Levels of this free radical activity weakens and ages us. These same free radicals are part of many dangerous diseases because they cause inflammation, which damages our organs and tissues. These disease cause co-morbidity, or things that commonly occur with the initial disease like high blood sugar and diabetes.
Questions about this super antioxidant, Glutathione? Leave us a comment below to join in the discussion!
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