Staying Healthy After Your Baby with Dr. Patricia Selassie

Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash
Many women are extremely particular in seeking the right preparations and care for their bodies before and during pregnancy. However, what about the mother’s health after the baby is born? It’s important to understand that post pregnancy practices are just as important are pre-baby practices. Dr. Selassie just had a beautiful baby girl and I asked her to share some of her own advice and tips for moms who are post pregnancy. Here are some things you moms to be and moms with new babies should consider.
What are some of the symptoms of a woman who has just delivered their baby?
After going through such a life changing event and embarking on a new life with a new child, a mother can experience a lot of emotions ranging from utter joy and bliss to feeling sad and completely overwhelmed. In most women, these emotions level out as soon as hormones start to normalize and the baby starts to sleep through the night.
It’s important to rest as much as you can. Many new mothers make the mistake of catching up with her things-to-do-list when the baby is sleeping, but she should really be resting right along her little one. If feelings of depression persist, a woman should definitely share her feelings with a loved one and visit her doctor, as she may need medication. Remember that prevention is the key. A woman taking fish oils throughout her pregnancy has a 20% chance of avoiding postpartum depression.
How important is breast feeding?
Other than your love and affection, breastfeeding is probably one of the best gifts you can give your baby. Babies who are breastfed tend to have better development, stronger immune systems, tend to avoid developing diabetes or heart disease as adults, they get optimal nutrition and have fewer allergies, asthma, eczema, and better digestive health. Breastfeeding gives your newborn baby all of the nutrients it needs to start their life in a healthy fashion. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your breasts.
What supplements should a new mom be taking that will also benefit her new baby?
- Fish Oil supplement can help support cardiovascular, visual and memory health. Dervived from the tissues of cold-water oily fish, fish oil is the best known source of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. I recommend taking 1 capm 3x per day.
- Vitamin D is important for bone health, overall wellness and metabolism. It is estimated that approximately 70% of North American’s have Vitamin D deficiencies, due to multiple factors that include low levels of sunlight, obesity, and low consumption of foods high in Vitamin D. I recommend taking 3000IU to 5000IU per day – your level on a blood test should be 55-80.
- A superior multivitamin supplies all of the vitamins and minerals found in a high-quality multiple vitamin and the addition of Coenzyme Q10, supporting energy, metabolism and overall health. Superior multivitamins can help to combat nutrient depletions and inadequate levels of essential nutrients in the body for numerous reasons.
- Calcium and magnesium are two of the major minerals needed for building and maintaining healthy bones. Without magnesium, calcium cannot be properly deposited into the bones where it is needed. These minerals are essential for muscle health, as well, and are needed in proper ration in order to support the normal function of every muscle in the body. I recommend taking 2 caps at night before bed.
- The mineral iron is an essential component of proteins and enzymes in the body. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the U.S is 2% in men and 9-12% in Women. Iron is needed to match the demand of working muscles in the body and is important for endurance. If you are anemic, I recommend taking 2 caps, 2x per day
- Colostrum is a substance produced by the mammary glands in the late stages of pregnancy before lactation. It contains antibodies that protect newborns against disease, and it is lower in fat and higher in protein than regular milk. A Colostrum supplement offers support and protection for the gut, digestive tract, immune system, and maintain the health of the organs and tissues. I recommend taking 2 caps, 2x per day.
- I also recommend that mom’s use products within the InVite® Baby Care Collection. I used the baby bottom salve on my baby’s neck and got great results. One hot, summer day, the skin in the folds of my baby’s neck got red and excoriated from getting milk dripping down her neck. I cleaned and towel dried her skin, put the baby bottom salve on the creases and her skin healed up the very next day.
Is breastfeeding while take supplements OK?
In general, supplements are OK to take while you are breastfeeding. You just want to make sure that you do not take supplements that will cause you to detoxify too quickly, because the toxins will get dumped into your breast milk. If you have any questions about the supplements you are on, make sure you speak to an Invite Nutritionist or Naturopathic Doctor.
Is exercise OK?
Exercise is great for you. Is an excellent way to get back in shape, get rid of that extra body fat, strengthen your immune system, and detoxify in a gentle way that’s safe for your nursing baby.
Is there a time frame for your body to get back to pre-pregnancy?
I think that giving yourself 6 months to 1 year to get back to your pre-pregnancy body is safe, responsible, and doable.