Tag: bone health

Expert Discussion: Collagen by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph

Expert Discussion: Collagen by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph

Jerry Hickey is a pharmacist and radio personality and fills the esteemed role of Scientific Director and President of Invite Health. He has spent his professional life analyzing nutritional information and medical studies with the aim of creating the highest quality and most natural nutraceuticals 

Prevention of Osteoporosis in Men By Jun Wang, MS.

Prevention of Osteoporosis in Men By Jun Wang, MS.

Osteoporosis is a health condition where your bones are weak and brittle. Health risks of osteoporosis may include an increase of fractures of the hip, wrist and spine. Generally speaking, osteoporosis is bone loss and, every day since the day we are born, our bones 

How to Approach Sarcopenia As You Age

How to Approach Sarcopenia As You Age

By Archana Gogna, MS, CNS, MBA

Maintaining strong and toned muscles are very important; not just for the sake of vanity and for attracting admiring looks, but the health of muscles translates to real health and vitality. While a great deal has been made of strong bones, not enough attention is paid to the health of muscles mass other than for ‘decorative’ purposes. Just as there is a name given to the condition of loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) so is there a name for the loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia).

Sarcopenia (from Greek, sarx, “flesh” and penia, “poverty”) is the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality, and strength associated with aging. It starts to become apparent after the age of 40 and progresses annually (0.5 to 1% loss per year after the age of 50), generally accelerating after the age of about 75. Progressive sarcopenia is a good predictor of many illnesses, physical and mental, as well as premature mortality. Sarcopenia and osteoporosis are directly related conditions, one often following the other. Muscles generate the mechanical stress to keep our bones healthy. When muscles are used less frequently, as in the elderly and in ‘couch potatoes’, it can exacerbate the problem of osteoporosis and lead to a decline in health. It is evident that the top priority to maintain good health involves maintaining muscle health.

There is no single cause of sarcopenia. Sarcopenia can be a result of many different factors that arise as a natural part of aging, like – Continue Reading >>


InVite® Health Current Sale

One in Four Women Over Age 65 Have This Painful Disorder

One in Four Women Over Age 65 Have This Painful Disorder

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported roughly one in four women over the age of 65 have osteoporosis of the hip and spine, a painful and debilitating bone disorder. Yet, this disorder only plagues less than 6% of men over the age of 

Why Calcium Alone Just Doesn’t Cut It by Nicole Crane, B.S. NTP

Why Calcium Alone Just Doesn’t Cut It by Nicole Crane, B.S. NTP

Peel back the layers of skin and muscle and imagine your bones. You are likely thinking of something very rigid and static that does not change once you reach adulthood. Despite being a hard substance, our bones are very much alive, growing and changing throughout 

Healthy Recipe: Bone Food Lemonade

Healthy Recipe: Bone Food Lemonade

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

Try out this delicious, refreshing recipe for Bone Food Lemonade. This healthy drink gives your bones a boost with a blend of lemon juice, natural sweeteners, and a few scoops of InVite’s exclusive Collagen Hx® Powder and Bone Food Powder. Try it out today and let us know what you think!

Bone Food Lemonade

1 scoop of Bone Food Powder

1 scoop of  Collagen Hx®

¼ cup of lemon juice

10 oz. of water

1 teaspoon of honey or 8 drops of stevia

½ cup of crushed ice

Blend over ice and enjoy!

Bone Food Powder

Bone Food Powder by InVite® Health offers much more than your average calcium supplement. One of our most popular products, this powerful blend of ingredients helps keep your bones strong throughout the aging process. The majority of people age 50 and over in the US – about 55% of the senior population – are at risk of developing Osteoporosis. Inadequate levels of Calcium and Vitamin D as well as lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet are both major factors that can increase your risk of Osteoporosis. InVite®’s Bone Food Powder is an excellent source of both Calcium (1000mg, 100% DV) and Vitamin D3 (1000IU, 250% DV). Supplementing your diet with these, along with the other bone health ingredients included in this product, may be very beneficial in reducing your risk of Osteoporosis. Our Bone Food Powder offers a great amount of calcium in each 9.5g serving, providing 1000mg in just one scoop. Its lemon-lime flavoring gives it a pleasant taste, and its powdered form makes it easy to swallow. 400mg of Magnesium, 80mcg of combination Vitamins K1 and K2, and 500mg chicory root extract round out this excellent bone health supplement. Bone Food Powder from InVite is free of the following common allergens: Crustacean Shell Fish, Eggs, Fish, Milk, Peanuts, Soybeans and Tree Nuts.

Collagen Hx®

InVite®’s upgraded Collagen Hx® formula is produced with ingredients from the top manufacturer in the world. Originally from Brazil, this high-quality collagen is extremely pure and clean. Brazil’s herbs that are imported to the United States are the finest herbs in the world. It is known in research as Peptan B 5000HS, and it is the same collagen that is used in human clinical trials. Collagen is vitally important for your joints, your bones, your skin, your hair, your nails, your muscles and more. Collagen production decreases naturally with age – by the time you are 25, the rate at which your body produces collagen begins to decrease at a rate of about 1.5% a year. That means by age 45 you’ve lost about 30% of your body’s collagen, and by age 60 you’ve lost about half! Loss of collagen leads to problems throughout the body, so collagen supplementation is extremely important for strong bones, smooth skin, healthy nails, hair and more as we age. Collagen is used very often to smooth out wrinkles in the skin – 70% of your skin is collagen, and the other 30% is made out of an ingredient in collagen called hyaluronic acid – this is a chain of thousands of sugars. In fact, the wrinkles that form in our skin that appear as we age are the result of damaged sugars.

Click here to check out more healthy recipes from our professional nutritionists.