Tag: multivitamin

Ask Rick Longenecker: Spotlight on InVite® Health Multivitamins

Ask Rick Longenecker: Spotlight on InVite® Health Multivitamins

Written by Rick Longenecker Why take a multivitamin? The reasons for taking a multi are myriad. It fills in the gaps that even the best diets don’t cover. It makes it easier for the body to process foods and other supplements. The B vitamins help 

Ask Jeremy Cubelo, BS: Maintaining A Healthy Immune System

Ask Jeremy Cubelo, BS: Maintaining A Healthy Immune System

Photo by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash InVite®’s Nutritionist, Jeremy Cubelo shares some tips on maintaining a healthy immune system. Why did you choose Nutrition as a profession? I’ve always had a fascination with different types of foods and their potential health benefits. With my family