Tag: skin

The Dirt on Skin Care Products By Mariesette Zeyl, ND

The Dirt on Skin Care Products By Mariesette Zeyl, ND

By Mariesette Zeyl, ND Did you know that we absorb up to 60 percent of what we apply on our skin? Yes, it is true! Anything you are putting on your skin is being absorbed into your body and into your bloodstream. Our skin is 

Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph.

Balancing Your Blood Sugar by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph.

Diabetes is a vicious and life-threatening disease. It is a condition where your blood sugar is continuously and seriously elevated (and your triglycerides are also). The excess circulating blood sugar is very destructive inflaming tissues in the heart and circulation, in the eyes, brain, kidneys, 

Do Tattoos Pose Health Risks?

Do Tattoos Pose Health Risks?

What was once a rare occurrence is now very common – tattoos are everywhere. But could getting a tattoo pose long-term consequences for your health? According to a new study, it could.

Published in the June issue of the journal Contact Dermatitis, about 1 in 10 people who get tattoos experience complications whether it be an infection, itching, swelling or redness. Researchers also stated that many people involved in the study also described their complications lingering for years after the tattoo was done.

Dr. Marie Leger, a dermatologist at the New York University Langone Medical Center noticed that an alarming amount of her patients were visiting her clinic due to issues with their tattoos. Leger and her colleagues decided to randomly question about 300 tattooed people in New York’s Central park on any complications they might have had with their tattoos. Of the 300 people, about 10 percent said they did have complications. For some, they were non-threatening complications like temporary swelling and itching. But for those with complaints, six in ten were found to have chronic problems that lasted for a long period of time and were left unchecked by doctors. “Tattoo inks aren’t very closely regulated in the United States. Some of the stories we got do definitely sound like tattoo allergy. They’ll have a red tattoo, and then a few years later, they will get a new tattoo – and, all of a sudden, the new red and the old red tattoo becomes itchy and raised”, Leger explained.

Besides the risk of the tattoo not being done correctly, there is always a risk that the tattoo will fade or just not reflect the person’s interest in the future, according to LiveScience.com –

Here are some potential risks to think about before getting a tattoo

  • Hepatitis C/B
  • HIV
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Bacteria and Toxins
  • Fungal Infections

How to reduce risks

  • Make sure tattoo artists are using sterilized equipment, new needles, disposable gloves and masks and are opening unused containers of ink in front of you
  • Make sure the parlor is safe and clean
  • Visit the parlor before your appointment
  • Do your research: search the company, word-of-mouth
  • Call state, county or local health departments to find out about laws in your community and ask for recommendations on licensed tattoo shops
  • Make sure to leave the tattoo shop with after-care instructions

Whatever the reason, getting a tattoo can be risky. Leger explains, “But beyond the well-known risks, people should also recognize the chance that there will be physical complications. It is important that people who experience these symptoms see a doctor so they may prescribe topical ointments or oral steroids. In some cases, removing the tattoo may be the best option.”

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com, http://www.livescience.com

If you have a tattoo(s), what are some precautions you took when deciding which tattoo artist or tattoo parlor to go to? After getting your tattoo, did you notice any complications? Share your story in the comments below!


Sun Exposure: How to Protect your Kids

Sun Exposure: How to Protect your Kids

Photo by Nikola Radojcic on Unsplash Summer is just around the corner – that means more time outdoors, barbecues, the beach, and of course, a lot more exposure to the sun. The sun has some great health benefits, like boosting your Vitamin D levels, mood, 

You Could Be Sharing More Than Just Make Up!

You Could Be Sharing More Than Just Make Up!

Photo by Glow Repose on Unsplash When you were a kid, your parents always told you to share. And if you have a younger sibling, you are not new to sharing everything – from clothing to food. But what about sharing your makeup? Pink Eye 

5 Basic Steps for Healthy Skin

5 Basic Steps for Healthy Skin

Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

We all want our skin to look healthy and youthful for as long as possible. Of course, our internal clocks and genetics play a major role as far as when and how well our skin will age – but fortunately, there are other factors that we can control.

Protecting your skin at the surface is a major aspect of keeping your skin healthy. Over-scrubbing, scraping, or and picking at the skin will leave marks and long-term damage. To keep a healthy, younger-looking glow to your skin, be gentle when you wash your face and keep your hands away from your skin throughout the day. Here are some other factors to consider for healthy skin:

Wear Sunglasses
Putting on a pair of sun glasses can not only add a to your style, but it actually does protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. The lenses protect your eyes from sun damage that can cause creasing and lines over time.

Avoid Yo-Yo Dieting
Constant, extreme changes in your weight are not only bad for your health, but can leave your skin saggy and reduce its ability to bounce back from the weight loss or gain. Skin stretches to accommodate extra pounds, but when the fat is suddenly lost, that extra skin remains stretched.

Use Sunscreen
If you want to prevent those ugly looking brown spots that appear from the sun, then you’ll want to start wearing sunscreen daily – even when the sun isn’t out. As little as SPF 15 can prevent long term sun damage. Try a moisturizer that contains sunscreen and make it part of your everyday skin regime.

No Smoking!
Yes, it’s a proven fact – smoking causes premature aging. Chemicals from the cigarettes get into your blood stream and eventually into your skin cells. Eventually, your skin will look dry, less youthful, and less supple. Even secondhand smoke can put your skin at risk. Long-time smokers, however, usually have trouble quitting but feel the need to do so eventually. Well, yes, if it ages your skin and causes other health problems, then it only makes sense not to do it, right? Although quitting can be difficult, it’s not impossible. Give it a try and see for yourself.

Source: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/the-5-essentials-of-younger-looking-skin/ar-BBhZztc#page=5