Tag: stress

Skin Care Spotlight: Can Intense Stress Trigger A Breakout?

Skin Care Spotlight: Can Intense Stress Trigger A Breakout?

Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash Everyone has had acne at some point of their lives, either as a teenager or as an adult. Hormones, when you are a young adult during puberty, can be to blame, as they tend to make your skin produce 

Kick Your Feet Up! It’s National Relaxation Day

Kick Your Feet Up! It’s National Relaxation Day

Photo by Vu Thu Giang on Unsplash In honor of National Relaxation Day, we’re bringing you some tips on how you can stay relaxed and focus today (and everyday)! Your life is hectic. You may be a busy mom trying to juggle a full time 

Feeling Stressed? 4 Easy Ways to Chill Out This Summer

Feeling Stressed? 4 Easy Ways to Chill Out This Summer

Photo by Ishan Seefromthesky on Unsplash

School may be out but work can be just as stressful. According to a recent study, a high-pressured work environment can lead to common mental health issues like anxiety and depression, which can also impact your life outside of work. The good news is that there are a few ways you can chill out this summer and de-stress!

Take a Digital Detox

If you’re like us, you are on your phone or a computer almost every minute of the day. FOMO is seriously real, and you have to stay up-to-date on all of the information that’s circling the internet – from the latest celebrity drama to the photos posted of your girl’s night last weekend. But did you know that constantly being on your phone has a negative effect on us?

Here are the benefits of a digital detox, according study performed by neuroscientists in 2015 –

  1. Better Posture. Stay goodbye to “text neck”!
  2. More Interesting and Engaging Conversations. You’ll stop looking to Google for the answers, and start engaging with people and the world around you to find it.
  3. Improved Memory. You’ll be able to notice things you didn’t before, without the digital distractions.
  4. Better Sleep. Did you know that the blue light from your phone can suppress melatonin (the hormones that regulates your sleep and wake cycles)?
  5. New Perspectives. The lack of distraction helps people think more clearly and make better decisions for themselves.

Call your Bestie

A study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that hearing a friend’s voice can actually lower your stress levels. Friends can also make you laugh, which has been shown to improve mood, reduce stress and even boost your immune system (Alternative therapies in health and medicine).

A Little Self Care Never Hurt Anyone

When was the last time you took a day for yourself in order to release some stress? Sometimes, just taking a day off or doing something as simple as a giving yourself a manicure can be what you need to get back on track! Whilst that might work for some people, others may need a more impactful method of relieving stress.


According to the American Psychological Association, studies show that exercise can relieve stress, reduce depression and improve cognitive function, yet only 17% of adults report exercising daily. It’s time to get moving and say goodbye to stress!

What are some other ways you get rid of stress? Leave us a comment below to join the conversation!


What does a Cortisol Level Test Show?

What does a Cortisol Level Test Show?

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash Whether your doctor feels its best, or you feel your body is out-of-whack, speaking with your doctor about a cortisol level test is never a bad request. It can tell you a lot about what’s going on in your 

The ‘Viking Ginseng’, Rhodiola, May Help Relieve Burn out and Stress

The ‘Viking Ginseng’, Rhodiola, May Help Relieve Burn out and Stress

Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash Rhodiola is a plant that grows in the northern-colder parts of Europe. It has been used for centuries to help cope with the cold winters in Norway, Sweden, and Iceland and was used by the Vikings to improve stamina, 

Anxiety Rates At An All-Time High in the U.S.

Anxiety Rates At An All-Time High in the U.S.

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults ages 18 and older, or over 18% of the population each year. And, according to a new analysis published in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 2.6 million children and adolescents (1 in 20) were diagnosed with anxiety or depression between 2011 and 2012, with numbers climbing. However, there are multiple treatments out there, so it’s important to find the technique that has the best stress-relieving impact.

Why are individuals more anxious?

The American Psychiatric Association released research from a survey of 1,000 participants where 39% were experiencing more anxiety than they were this time last year – more than double the 19% of respondents who feel less anxious.

Bethany Kasssar, clinical social worker and executive director of outpatient services at Summit Behavior Health reports, “Living in our current society with government instability, economic instability, media stress, insecurity of personal safety with current events, and often personal-life instability can be overwhelming and create great concern in one’s life that can often lead to feelings of anxiety.”

Many reports conclude that stress and anxiety come hand-in-hand, as stress is a response to a situation and anxiety is the reaction to the stress.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety Naturally

natural stress and anxiety relief

What can you do when stress and anxiety become an overwhelming daily occurrence? “If you cannot lower your stress level, you can increase your biochemical resistance to it. Combat stress by clearing stress hormones, building happy-healthy brain chemistry, vamping up daytime energy and supporting deep, restorative sleep. Natural remedies can give you the biochemical edge you need to not just survive but thrive with stress,” explains former director of nutrition for InVite Health Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP.

Read more from Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP by clicking here!

When relieving stress, the goal is to balance the hormone cortisol. Stress, and high cortisol levels, have detrimental effects on all of our body systems but take the greatest toll on the heart and the brain. One category of herbs, called adrenal adaptogens nourishes the adrenal glands and helps the body adapt to stress. They also adapt to the individual using them, offering customized benefits based on what their body requires.

What are adaptogens and why are they so important? Read more by clicking here!

When stress affects your memory, a powerful internal antioxidant called SOD (superoxide dismutase) protects us from the inside out. Studies have shown SOD to reduce stress by 30% in those with daily stress, while another study reports that SOD boosts memory and cognitive function by 14% in just one week.

Getting adequate rest is very important for well-being, especially when stress becomes overwhelming. Supporting tranquility during the day and restful sleep at night may be the key to helping the body resist the harmful effects of stress on memory, mood, and sleep, restoring your waking vitality. Natural remedies keep cortisol and other wellness-zapping hormones in check and build healthy, positive brain chemistry. With the help of some natural remedies, you can get your biochemistry back on track, and not only survive, but thrive with stress and anxiety.

Milesi, Marie-Anne, et al. Effect of an oral supplementation with a proprietary melon juice concentrate (Extramel®) on stress and fatigue in healthy people: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Nutr J. 2009; 8: 40
Carillon J, et al; Dietary supplementation with a superoxide dismutase-melon concentrate reduces stress, physical and mental fatigue in healthy people: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Nutrients. 2014 Jun19;6(6):2348-59

Do you suffer from constant stress and anxiety? What do you think about these natural stress relief tips? Leave a comment below.