Tag: vision health

Supplements to Target Eye Floaters – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 389

Supplements to Target Eye Floaters – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 389

Eye floaters are small particles in the eye that can appear as dots or squiggles in your field of vision. They can be annoying and can impact your overall eye health. The good news is that there are nutrients that can help.

What You Need to know about Macular Degeneration

What You Need to know about Macular Degeneration

[sgmb id=”1″] According to the American Macular Degeneration Foundation, Macular Degeneration is an incurable eye disease caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the retina (the inside back layer of the eye that records the images we see and sends them through the 

Healthy Vision by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph.

Healthy Vision by Jerry Hickey, R.Ph.

Your eyes are similar to a camera. Like a camera, if any part of your eye becomes damaged, you do not get a clear picture. Some of the common risks that affect your vision are your lifetime exposure to sunlight, your age, and smoking. All of these contribute to cumulative damage that can affect the crystalline lens of the eye where cataracts can occur, clouding vision, or damage the sensitive macular region of the retina also contributing to vision loss. Also, the threats are magnified especially if they occur in conjunction with a low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables or antioxidant supplements.
Many drugs affect the eye, sometimes temporarily causing dryness or inflammation and sometimes causing permanent structural damage affecting the sharpness of your vision. Some of these drugs are commonly used and do not even require a prescription. The entire family of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause visual side effects such as cataracts, dry eyes, and retinal hemorrhages that may result from long-term use. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium; all available without a prescription. Also acetaminophen, though not an NSAID, can be harmful.

InVite®’s Nutrient Depletion Chart

Whether you occasionally take a pharmaceutical like an antibiotic, or count on a drug long term such as a cholesterol health lowering statin, your need for specific nutrients increases. You must be aware that many prescriptions, as well as commonly used over-the-counter drugs, cause potentially serious nutrient depletions. For your convenience, we here at InVite® Health have devised a Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Chart with a list of drugs and non-prescription medications and the nutrients they deplete. This in turn will give you an idea of the nutrients your body needs, which can be found in our high-quality InVite® Health supplements.

The following drugs can cause glaucoma and/or damage the optic nerve: Once again NSAID’s, Effexor and other antidepressants, and Zocor- the statin drug for reducing cholesterol. Steroids such as Prednisone are the most damaging drugs to the eyes of any prescription drugs. If you must take any of these drugs, be sure to supplement your diet with antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, and beta-carotene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Additional studies support the use of other nutrients for eye health, such as N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) which creates Glutathione, and Bilberry to increase visual acuity and stamina for those with night blindness and tired eyes.

For more information on Vision Health, look no further than InVite® Health’s Nutrition Articles, written by our very own nutrition experts – 

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The Value of Lutein Supplements

The Value of Lutein Supplements

Lutein, a nutrient and antioxidant found in foods such as spinach, kale, collard greens, and egg yolks and extracted from marigolds to make dietary supplements, has been studied as a critical component for maintaining good vision health. A large government study has found that a 

Bacterial Infections Common for Contact Wearers

Bacterial Infections Common for Contact Wearers

Contacts have become less of a rare commodity and more of a necessity for those with vision problems who do not want to be troubled with wearing glasses every day. But as common as contacts are, so are the bacterial infections they can harbor. Many 

Vision Health: Hope for a Cataract Cure

Vision Health: Hope for a Cataract Cure

As recently reported by our very own Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND, in the United States, many develop serious eye conditions, one of the most common being cataracts. Cataracts are a “clouding” of the lens of the eye that develops into a white area that can be impossible to see through. Brought on by factors such as age, trauma to the eye, illness such as diabetes, congenital formation (at birth) or by radiation, a cataract can be different to fully understand. Currently, the only treatment available for this vision problem is surgery from a trained eye surgeon. However, a recent study has given hope and promise to the treatment and cure of cataracts.

The Study

“A naturally-occurring molecule called lanosterol, administered with an eye dropper, shrank canine cataract,” a team of scientists have reported in the journal Nature. Primarily tested on two patients (both children) by lead researcher Kang Zhang of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, researchers discovered that his patients “shared a mutation in a gene critical for producing lanosterol, which the researchers suspected might impede cataract-forming proteins from clumping in normal eyes.” After six weeks scientists discovered, the size and cloudiness of the cataracts decreased.

The authors concluded, “Our study identifies lanosterol as a key molecule in the prevention of lens protein aggregation and points to a novel strategy for cataract prevention and treatment.” Thought researchers and scientists say their findings need further studies and research, they are hopeful to find more efficient compounds that may even have a greater effect than lanosterol.

For now, the primary treatment of cataracts will continue to be surgery. This surgery is known to many to be very simple and safe, however, the number of people who need it is set to double in the next 20 years as population’s age, according to MSN.com.

Preventing Cataracts


Prevention is key. It is much easier to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself than to treat a condition once it develops in an unhealthy body. The first method to prevent cataracts is to quit smoking. Another very important method is to control your blood sugar. Uncontrolled diabetes causes serious negative effects in your body, commonly in the eyes. Diabetes is a major cause of cataract formation and of macular degeneration (a major cause of blindness in the elderly). Other ways to help prevent cataracts include consuming antioxidants such as astaxanthin (found in supplements such as krill oil), L-Carnosine, beta-carotene, zinc, vitamin C and E (6). Other antioxidants found to be very beneficial for eye health include lutein and the northern European berry known as bilberry, a concentrated extract.

Evidence for nutrients that help with the prevention of cataracts

Researchers from Qingdao University performed a meta-analysis of existing studies to clarify if Vitamin A and its precursor, Beta-Carotene have any ability to lower the risk of age-related cataracts. Twenty-two studies met their inclusion criteria. People with the highest levels of beta-carotene in their blood serum were 17% less likely to develop a cataract compared to those in the lowest category and this association was deemed significant. Vitamin A reduced cataract risk by 23%. The study is published in the journal Nutrition, 2014;30(10), pages 1113 through 1121.

According to the article ‘Cataracts by Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND‘, Lutein is an orange-red pigment in green leafy vegetables and is a relative of beta-carotene. Many studies show the lutein influences vision (macular caroteniod). The level of Lutein in the body decreases with age and some research also indicated that the cholesterol lowering statin drugs further reduce its levels. In some studies, lutein has been found to lower the risk of a cataract by over forty percent and frequently has been shown to protect against age-related macular degeneration. (7)

A rather new antioxidant, named cassis berry, has been found to be very beneficial in protecting the eye. Cassis berry an also be found in high quality eye health formulas.

As common as a cataract is, it is also very preventable. Understanding and listening your body is the key to preventing this condition. At the first sign of an abnormality in your body, visit your primary physician for advice and testing. Developing cataracts can be scary and will be just the first stage of a long struggle with the condition. Preventing cataracts by leading an overall healthy lifestyle is not only beneficial for eye health, but for most health issues that plague many people all over the world.

Source: http://www.msn.com

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