By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT
How do I take care of my skin? What are the best skin care products? I get asked these questions all the time. In addition to our skin care lines, I wanted to share with you my favorite DIY mask recipes that I’ve made and tweaked over the years. These are all natural, with a combination of common pantry and refrigerator staples, along with my go-to skin care supplements. So, as we begin this series on skin care, I hope you try these easy to make and use masks, as they are the perfect complement to most common skin care routines. †
1 organic egg, separated
1 dropper White Tea Hx
Beat egg white and White Tea Tx until frothy. Using a brush, apply to face and neck and allow to dry. Once dried, wash off with warm water.
Next, break and lightly beat egg yolk with a fork. Using a brush, apply to face and neck and allow to dry. Once dried, wash off with warm water.
*I like the egg white for tightening and toning and the egg yolks for moisturizing the skin †
1/2 cup organic uncooked rolled oats
4 TBSP lemon juice
1 capsule Probiotic Hx
1 tsp raw honey (optional, great for oily skin)
Empty the contents of the Probiotic Hx, mix together with other ingredients and pack onto the face and neck. Leave on for 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
*I use this for tightening, toning and reducing large pores
*I like to use this while relaxing in a bath.
*TIP: make a double batch, put the extra into the bath water
1/2 cup organic Greek yogurt
1 TBSP raw honey
1 TBSP Organic Flaxseed Powder
Mix all ingredients together. Massage into face and neck for 30 seconds then leave on for 2 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
*I love how this helps to exfoliate and dissolve dead skin, and can also be anti-microbial and hydrating
*this should give you enough for 2 masks
1/2 organic avocado
1/2 scoop Collagen Hx
1 TBSP organic rolled oats
Smash ingredients together and apply to face and neck. Leave on for 10-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
*This always helps my skin feel tighter and smoother, as it’s helpful for fighting fine lines and wrinkles
2–4inch slice of aloe leaf
1 scoop Collagen Hx
1 dropper White Tea Tx
Cut a section of aloe leaf and removed the inside gel. Blend all ingredients together and brush onto face. Leave on 10 minutes and wash off with warm water. †
*Nice for soothing the skin, and feels so nice in the warmer months †
After completing your mask, make sure you use a moisturizer and/or use a Vitamin C Serum. As we want to take care of our skin as a whole, not just the face, don’t forget to use a Moisturizing Body Lotion and a Protective Hand Cream daily. †
Turn Back the Clock on Skin Aging, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 632 – LISTEN NOW!
*Please note that these are my experiences and results I’ve had while making and using these masks. Keep in mind that everyone is different and may have other results. †