A Safer Way To Burn Fat with Grains of Paradise – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 235

burn fat
Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph
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Grains of Paradise is from the ginger family. It comes from West Africa. It’s a plant called Aframomum melegueta. The first studies done using this plant in rats are showing that it increases energy levels in the body and induces thermogenesis, which is the burning of fat, so it’s a safe way of helping someone to burn fat.
People have used high doses of caffeine and even dangerous stimulants to burn fat. Naturally, if you get some exercise and you eat a healthy diet, you’re going to burn some fat. But some people need additional help. This Aframomum melegueta has proven that it really can improve fat burning and it does it in a very safe way.
Why fat is dangerous
Baby fat is called brown fat. This is the fat you burn for energy. The fat on your belly is white fat and it’s visceral adipose tissue, which is very dangerous. When you have too much belly fat, it invades your organs. So far, there’s evidence that it can even get into your kidneys, but it’s well-known that it gets into the liver. In some people, this can make them feel inflamed or a little weaker, but in other people, this can lead to liver cancer and liver failure. That same fat can leech into your heart and clog the arteries in your heart. White fat is the fat you have on your belly and it’s not metabolically inactive because it doesn’t give you energy per se since it’s hard to burn. What it does give you is inflammation and that inflammation is connected to things like the onset of diabetes.
To learn more about how fat impacts your body, tune into the full podcast episode.
Here’s a study from The British Journal of Nutrition in 2013. In this study, they were looking at brown fat and thermogenesis. The researchers gave chubby men either Grains of Paradise or placebo. They found out that two hours after ingesting Grains of Paradise, it absolutely increased the level of brown fat and energy expenditure, in other words leading to thermogenesis. They said, “These results indicate that oral ingestion of Grains of Paradise extract increases whole-body energy expenditure, burning fat through the use of brown adipose tissue in human subjects.” That’s converting white fat to brown fat.
Another study done by the School of Nursing and Nutrition at Tenshi College, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine and a couple of other academic research institutions in Japan looked at the impacts of Grains of Paradise on both men and women. The researchers gave the Grains of Paradise to men and women for four weeks. They found that even in thinner people, the Grains of Paradise was preventing the buildup of fat in their bodies.
These studies show that Grains of Paradise is a safe way to improve energy-burning without using a stimulant because stimulants can raise your blood pressure. In fact, if you use enough stimulants, it’ll make you hyper, it’ll raise your blood pressure and it can even trigger a stroke.
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