One in Four Women Over Age 65 Have This Painful Disorder

One in Four Women Over Age 65 Have This Painful Disorder

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has reported roughly one in four women over the age of 65 have osteoporosis of the hip and spine, a painful and debilitating bone disorder. Yet, this disorder only plagues less than 6% of men over the age of 

Fish Oil Capsules May Improve Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fish Oil Capsules May Improve Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an extremely painful and disabling form of arthritis affecting many joints at once. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition, although there are ways someone can ease their pain. In this recent clinical trial performed by the Rheumatology Unit at Royal 

Why Calcium Alone Just Doesn’t Cut It by Nicole Crane, B.S. NTP

Why Calcium Alone Just Doesn’t Cut It by Nicole Crane, B.S. NTP

Peel back the layers of skin and muscle and imagine your bones. You are likely thinking of something very rigid and static that does not change once you reach adulthood. Despite being a hard substance, our bones are very much alive, growing and changing throughout 

UC-II® For Joint Support By Claudia Guy, N.D.

UC-II® For Joint Support By Claudia Guy, N.D.

FEATURED IN INVITE® HEALTH’S SUMMER 2015 CATALOG Suddenly, one morning you wake up with a stiff, swollen, and painful joint. You most likely have arthritis. In the United States, more than 50% of individuals over 60 years of age have osteoarthritis, the most common form 

Healthy Recipe: Bone Food Lemonade

Healthy Recipe: Bone Food Lemonade

Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash Try out this delicious, refreshing recipe for Bone Food Lemonade. This healthy drink gives your bones a boost with a blend of lemon juice, natural sweeteners, and a few scoops of InVite’s exclusive Collagen Hx® Powder and Bone Food 

Health Spotlight: Rheumatoid and Osteo- Arthritis

Health Spotlight: Rheumatoid and Osteo- Arthritis

Arthritis – stiff, painful, swollen joints – is not a single disease. There are more than 100 arthritis-related conditions. The most common is osteoarthritis – “wear-and-tear”. Nearly 27 million Americans have osteoarthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Osteoarthritis, in which joint