New Study: Krill Oil for Cognitive Processes for US Army

A new study, conducted by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) entitled, “The Ranger Resilience and Improved Performance of phospholipid bound Omega-3s” (RRIPP-3), will determine if omega-3 supplementation, Krill Oil, can improve cognitive processes in high-performing warfighters from the US Army. The trial started August 1, 2016 and will last until spring of 2018.*
The Study
The study’s lead researcher Bernadette Marriott, PhD, from MUSC says the purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not “supplementation with krill oil concentrate can improve specific cognitive processes that underlie key elements of soldier performance that may have a measurable impact on performance and mental health under the extreme psychophysiological stress of military office training”.
Numerous studies have shown omega-3s to benefit individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as seen in this study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders. The purpose of studying fish oil specifically, according to Dr. Travis Turner, a neuropsychologist and MUSC co-principal investigator, is because it is “phospholipid-bound and is reported to be absorbed more readily”
What do researchers hope to find out about Krill Oil?
Researchers of the study will be seeking answers to these three questions, according to the South Carolina Research Studies Directory –
- Will treatment with krill oil concentrate containing omega-3 HUFAs improve cognitive and psychiatric functioning during U.S. Army Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (Part I)?
- Will treatment with krill oil concentrate containing the omega-3 HUFAs improve the performance of officers during portions of the US Army Infantry Basic Officer Leadership Course (Part I) and Ranger training (Part II)?
- Do effects of the supplements continue once a person stops taking them? Are there any group differences in functioning observed 2 months after treatment is discontinued (i.e., after Ranger training)?
What does that mean for you, a civilian?
Dr. Marriott explains, “In the big picture, intake of omega-3s is essential for living a productive and healthy life. For instance, sustained attention, inhibition and cognitive control are essential for everyday things like safe driving, parenting, academic achievement and handling challenges at work.”
Jerry Hickey, R. Ph, Pharmacist and Scientific Director of InVite® Health says, “The oils from fatty fish supply amazing health benefits. It’s true – fish is “brain food”. The key component in fish oil is their EPA-DHA omega-3 fatty acid content. Fish oils are essential for memory and cognitive function and to protect the brain.”
For more information about Fish Oils from Jerry Hickey, R. PH, click here!
*As soon as new information is available on this study, InVite Health will be sure to keep you updated!