Tag: brain health



Neuropathy Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Neuropathy is usually something that most people associate with diabetes. This is an accurate connection because one of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. But did you know that neuropathy can also occur after cancer treatments? To 

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about one of my favorite formulas for our memory and brain health. This formula is called Cerebral Care. But what is it about this formula that I like so much? 

Combat Chemo Brain

Combat Chemo Brain

Combat Chemo Brain

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


One topic that comes up a lot is what to do about the side effects that can occur as a result of the different cancer treatments.  The first side effect I will be talking about is called cancer-related cognitive impairment or cognitive dysfunction. You may have heard it referred to as chemo brain or chemo fog. Chemo brain refers to thinking and memory problems that can occur during and/or after cancer treatments. (1)  In my professional opinion on working with those who experience chemo brain it is best to wait until treatment is complete before addressing the symptoms experienced with chemo brain. This is to ensure no potential interactions between the supplements and cancer treatments that could occur.

What are the most common symptoms of chemo brain that you may experience? Well you may notice that you are unusually disorganized and have difficulty concentrating. You may also notice that you feel confused and have a short attention span that may make it difficult to multitask. In fact you may find that it takes you longer to do things than it would normally. When you are speaking you may have trouble with finding the right words and later on you may find you have trouble with verbal memory or even visual memory. In other words you may notice you have trouble recalling conversations or in recalling a list of words. You may also experience difficulty planning activities. You may notice that there is an increased difficulty in learning any new skills. Overall you may find you have short term memory changes and a general feeling of mental fatigue. (1) Lastly you may even find it difficult to make up your mind or even plan things such as family outings. (2)

While anyone who is undergoing treatment for cancer can experience chemo brain there are some factors that can increase your risk. These can include having brain cancer or cancer that has spread to the brain. Having received radiation to the brain can increase your risk. Additionally if you receive higher doses of either chemo or radiation you are at a higher risk for chemo brain.  Being either younger or older at the time of cancer diagnosis as well as treatment places you at a higher risk of developing chemo brain. (1) Being anemic or just not getting all the nutrients you need can also increase chemo brain risk. If you have an infection it can also increase chemo brain risk. Certain chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, trouble sleeping, chronic pain, anxiety or depression can all increase chemo brain risk. Additionally alcohol or other mind altering substances can increase your risk. Even certain hormonal changes such as menopause are risk factors. Lastly being weak or frail can both increase your risk of chemo brain. (2)

What can you do if you find that after treatment you have developed chemo brain?

  • You can start by controlling things in your environment that may be affecting your memory. For example reduce the noise that is around you. Eat a snack before beginning any activity so you reduce hunger that may distract you. Lastly pick a time of day to do activities where you feel most “alert”.
  • It is also important to stay organized. This can often involve using calendars or planners to help.
  • It is also helpful to take breaks and divide your tasks into more manageable portions so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Exercise your brain with crossword puzzles. It is also helpful to be active. (1)
  • It is also important to get enough sleep. (2)
  • Inositol has been found in studies to help with brain health, memory and our ability to learn. (3) Please see Invite’s Cerebral Care!
  • Acetyl-L- Carnitine has been found in studies to help with signs of mental fatigue as well as help improve memory. (4) Please see Invite’s Cerebral Care, Cognition Hx as well as our Alcar + Ala which is available in both tablet and capsule form!
  • Phosphatidylserine has been found in studies to help to improve our memory. (5) Please see Invite’s Cerebral Care, Cognition as well as our Phosphatidylserine formula.
  • Omega 3s haves been found in studies to be associated with increased memory, increased processing speeds and even a healthier brain. (6) Please see Invite’s Fish Oil and Krill Oil!
  • Our product highlight will focus on Cerebral Care!



  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/chemo-brain/symptoms-causes/syc-20351060
  2. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/side-effects/changes-in-mood-or-thinking/chemo-brain.html
  3. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/209115#:~:text=Myo%2D%20inositol%20is%20also%20a,neurotransmission%2C%20learning%2C%20and%20memory.
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18065594/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2966935/
  6. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3425/13/9/1278#:~:text=The%20entorhinal%20cortex%2C%20frontal%20pole,speed%2C%20and%20structural%20brain%20measures.



THE KETO DIET~ IS IT OR ISN’T IT GOOD FOR EVERYONE? By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   The Keto Diet…we’ve all heard about it, we all have opinions on it, but what do we really know about this diet theory. It seems as though 

Omega 3s and the Heart!

Omega 3s and the Heart!

Omega 3s and the Heart! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Omega 3s are something that everyone has heard of. In fact many nutritionists including myself consider them to be essential to a healthy daily vitamin regimen. But many people I talk to ask a few 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


When it comes to enjoying something indulgent and decadent, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is CHOCOLATE. It’s comforting as it takes us back to our childhood and brings back all kinds of warm and happy memories. It can also make us feel rich and fancy as it pairs well with so many things, whether it’s in a dessert or as a drink. However, it’s also believed to be healthy and good for us too. How is this possible? Let’s explore everyone’s favorite superfood and find out.

Chocolate, or cocoa, has been around and used by many cultures for centuries. Cocoa is grown in warm climates, typically close to the equator. The beans are extracted from the pods and go through a drying process before they are ready to be ground down into the more familiar form we all know and love. From here, we can nibble on the bitter nibs which have the texture of coffee beans, or can be ground to a powder to be scooped into a drink or recipe or made into the all familiar chocolate bar.

Navigating which cocoa can offer health benefits can be tricky as there are so many types of chocolate varieties available. We see unsweetened, milk, dark, extra dark, and often with the percentage of cocoa on the label….like 72% cocoa. Some may provide health benefits, while others are strictly for taste.

NIBS: These are ground, dried cocoa beans that are extremely bitter. They can be adding to smoothies are you can nobble on them, but the bitterness makes them not very tasty. They thought to be the purest form to consume and believed to be rich in antioxidants and may even have some anti-inflammatory properties.

DARK CHOCOLATE: This is chocolate that usually contains 50%-90%, sometimes even a little higher, of cocoa. This has minimal added sugar while still tasting good. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this type of cocoa can have a wide range of health benefits. It’s shown to be helpful for a healthy heart, blood pressure, protects the skin and is a good source of fiber.

MILK CHOCOLATE/CHOCOLATE MILK: This is most common in commercial bars or in the popular chocolate milk drink. While this still contains cocoa, it is also high in milk/dairy and sugar. This can aggravate those with certain health issues, such as lactose intolerance. According to a study titled “Chocolate Milk Consequences: A Pilot Study Evaluating the Consequences of Banning Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias” from The National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information, the high sugar content can also be a contributing factor to obesity, especially in school aged children. My Advice: avoid this type of overly processed cocoa at all costs.

COCOA HX is an easy, delicious and nutritious way to incorporate cocoa into a healthy daily diet. This supplies 4000mg of cocoa bean powder with natural sweeteners such as stevia and fruit extracts. It can easily be added to water, smoothies, recipes, plain yogurt or even almond milk for a healthy daily treat. What an indulgent way to get this centuries old superfood and get all the health benefits it offers without feeling guilty!







