Tag: immunity

The Micronutrient & Immune System Connection – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 69

The Micronutrient & Immune System Connection – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 69

Amanda Williams, MPH discusses the important role of micronutrients and the immune system, and understanding how the immune system itself is working based on levels of key vitamins and minerals.

New Report: Vitamin D May Play A Role In Coronavirus Resistance

New Report: Vitamin D May Play A Role In Coronavirus Resistance

A new report published in the Irish Medical Journal reports that Vitamin D supplements may aid in the resistance of respiratory infections, such as the coronavirus or limit the severity of the illness in those infected, according to researchers. 

New Report: Nutrients Have Never Been So Essential

New Report: Nutrients Have Never Been So Essential

According to The Council for Responsible Nutrition UK (CRN UK), the ongoing threat of the Coronavirus could increase the potential for deficiencies in key micronutrients, supporting the immune system. This council represents the UK’s supplement industry and states, “Poor nutritional status is associated with impaired immune function in people of all ages, but particularly those over 60 years of age, so improved nutrition and micronutrient supplementation can help enhance immune responses.”

What is a nutrient deficiency?

We live in an increasingly polluted environment, loaded with toxins; the soil we grow our food in is often nutrient-depleted and many consume processed, factory-made foods supplying scant nutrients. Ironically, our bodies wind up requiring even more vitamins and minerals to effectively metabolize nutrient-depleted foods. Add that depletion with less time spent outdoors, minimal exercise, prescription drugs and medications, and chronic stress, and the result is that many individuals are truly nutritionally deficient.

Questions about COVID-19? Listen to our latest podcast episode by clicking here >>

According to a recent USDA survey (before COVID-19), 37% of Americans do not get enough Vitamin C, 70% do not get enough Vitamin E, nearly 75% do not get enough Zinc, and 40% do not get enough Iron.

Nutritional Recommendations by BDA

The British Dietetic Association (BDA) echoes the advice of the CRN, encouraging a healthy balanced diet that includes copper, folate, iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D in order to support immune function.

Vitamin D is one of the most important, with the BDA advising those who have to self-isolate or unable to go outside, to consider taking a daily supplement “containing 10 micrograms of Vitamin D”. Vitamin D-rich foods include oily fish, cod liver, infant formula and yogurts.

Also noted by the CRNUK in a published article on NutraIngredients website:

  • Evidence that poor mental health and nutritional deficiencies are caused by inflammation in the brain, with possible origins in the gut
  • Further research points to supplements such as zinc, magnesium, omega-3, and vitamins B and D3 to “improve a person’s mood, relieve anxiety and depression”
  • A daily magnesium citrate supplement led to an improvement in “depression and anxiety”
  • Omega-3 fatty acids support proper central nervous system development and function

Nutritional Recommendations by WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued nutritional guidelines during this unprecedented scale of the situation:

  1. Good nutrition is crucial particularly in times when the immune system might need to fight back.”
  2. Along with limited salt, sugar and fat intake, WHO recommends consuming enough fiber, to support a healthy digestive system and offer prolong feelings of fullness (to prevent over eating)

Questions about staying healthy with specific nutrients during this pandemic? Leave our healthcare professionals a comment below to join the conversation!

Nutritional Recommendations for COVID-19 by Chief Scientific Officer and Pharmacist, Jerry Hickey, Ph.

Nutritional Recommendations for COVID-19 by Chief Scientific Officer and Pharmacist, Jerry Hickey, Ph.

With so much information available on COVID-19 and immune health in general, it may be difficult to fully understand what is going on around us today. Here is some important immune health information and some of my nutritional recommendations to keep yourself safe and healthy.

Zinc for Immunity During The Coronavirus – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 42

Zinc for Immunity During The Coronavirus – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 42

It’s March and it should be a bit past the peak flu and virus season, but the Coronavirus has changed all of that. Let’s talk about Zinc – a superior mineral for a healthy immune system.

5 Immunity Essentials to Stock Up On (Not Toilet Paper)

5 Immunity Essentials to Stock Up On (Not Toilet Paper)

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

With the widespread of the Coronavirus, it seems that everyone is looking to stock up on products that can help them in the long run. The good news is that there are five essential immune-boosting nutrients that you should stock up on this season.

1. True by InVite® IMMUNITY

With so many immune-boosting products on the market, how do you know that the immunity product you’ve chosen is right for your needs? With TRUE by InVite® IMMUNITY, you don’t have to second guess your choice. This product is packed with the essentials – Calcium, Zinc, Potassium and 10-oranges worth of Vitamin C. It even comes in an effervescent packed that you can mix into a glass of water for an easy, quick immune-boost. Stick a packet in your bag and keep moving!

2. Zinc Picolinate

Zinc is an essential mineral required by the body on a daily basis. A sufficient amount of zinc is necessary for proper immune system function and numerous other vital body processes. Common food sources of zinc include oysters, oats, pumpkin seeds, eggs, nuts, meat and peas. According to several university research studies, zinc supplementation may be highly beneficial to boost immunity and support formation of healthy tissue.

Because no mineral can exist alone, InVite® Health formulates Zinc supplements in the Zinc Picolinate Supplement form, which is the most highly-absorbable chelate. Zinc’s absorption process into the body is complex, as it requires the zinc to pass through the intestinal membranes, into the blood stream, and finally into each individual cell. When taken in picolinate form, the body can more easily absorb zinc and reap its benefits more quickly.

3. Vitamin C

This Vitamin C Supplement (Ascorbic Acid) provides antioxidant protection and support for connective tissue and blood vessel health. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body does not store it. You must obtain this powerful antioxidant from food, including citrus fruits, broccoli, and tomatoes or a Vitamin C supplement on a daily basis.†

  • Required for the conversion of protein to Collagen
  • Helps protect the heart and artery walls, the health of the lungs, and a healthy immune system
  • Required for the biosynthesis of L-Carnitine, which allows for the conversion of calories into energy
  • Necessary for protecting vision during the aging process
  • Interacts with Vitamin E to protect the brain

The National Nutrition Examination Survey found the prevalence of Vitamin C deficiency to be up 23% of the American population. Less than 18% of adults consume greater than 30mg per day of Vitamin C (half of the RDA).

4. Green Tea

Green Tea Extract, derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, has been used as a tonic in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for superior health and longevity for centuries. Green tea has a very high concentration of polyphenols and catechins, which gives it excellent antioxidant benefits. Black tea, the oxidized form of the same plant, is also a known source of polyphenols and thermogenic caffeine. Recent research has shown that daily consumption of organic green tea extract that contains at least 90mg of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) increases fat oxidation and contributes to a reduced body fat.*

InVite® Health’s Green Tea Hx® supplements provide a potent blend of Black and Green Tea extract, polyphenols, EGCG, and theaflavins (antioxidant polyphenols formed during the fermentation of black tea).  Green Tea extract, with the addition of Vitamin C, provides cellular antioxidant protection and may help improve energy and endurance. Green tea has been shown in numerous studies to boost immunity.

5. Probiotic Hx

Research has shown that a certain amount of “good” bacteria in your intestines is necessary for proper digestion and overall health. The body needs certain strains of this healthy bacteria to counteract the negative effects of unhealthy bacteria in your system. Inadequate amounts of healthy bacteria in the intestines often lead to digestive problems such as bloating and gassiness.

InVite® Health’s Probiotic Hx® formula provides five different strains of healthy bacteria that thrive inside your body and work to fight off unhealthy bacteria. These bacteria are part of the normal microbiome of your bowels. Of the five bacteria strains Probiotic Hx® offers, LactoSpore® has been proven in human clinical trials to colonize and offer a wide range of health benefits for your digestive tract and general health. Probiotic Hx® contains 600 million CFU (0.6 billion) of LactoSpore®, a healthy bacteria strain that colonizes and multiplies into additional flora. Probiotic supplement supplies four other strains of healthy bacteria as well, with 2 billion CFU of each strain.

What are some of your favorite immunity nutrients? Leave a comment below to share!