Tag: muscle recovery

Superfood Spotlight: Benefits of Beetroot

Superfood Spotlight: Benefits of Beetroot

?: @culturekitty Beets are a powerful superfood. Its reddish-brown betalains are powerful antioxidants that protect the walls of arteries. Trimethylglycine detoxifies homocysteine; elevated homocysteine is implicated in clogged arteries. The natural nitrates create nitric oxide, responsible for healthy blood flow, heart and circulatory health, and 

Whey Protein: The Best “Whey” to Recover from Exercise & Build Muscle

Whey Protein: The Best “Whey” to Recover from Exercise & Build Muscle

By Nicole Crane, BS, NTP Working out is hard work! Whether you get up early, hit the gym during lunch, or pound the pavement before or after dinner, exercise takes time and dedication. That hard work also comes with significant rewards and health benefits. Just 

Myths About Post-Workout Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Myths About Post-Workout Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Athletes and fitness buffs wear Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness with pride. It’s that ‘burn’ that you feel following a good ab session, or even that little tension in your legs after doing squats. We’ve all experienced it and know it to be a great feeling, but not having the burn doesn’t mean that your workout wasn’t a good one!

What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)?

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) usually shows up as early as 6 hours post-workout and can last up to 48 hours after. During this time, muscles are repairing themselves and growing. DOMS is most pronounced when you introduce a new training stimulus (a new activity, increased intensity or volume) or if you are new to physical activity in general. Muscle discomfort is the most common characteristic of DOMS, but there are other symptoms. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, these may include reduced range of motion and joint stiffness, local swelling and tenderness, and diminished muscle strength. These symptoms appear gradually following exercise.

Top scientific research institutions are focusing a great deal of their time and resources on developing the science of sports and exercise supplementation.

It’s not a good workout unless you get DOMS.
We often wear our DOMS as a badge of honor and believe that if we’re not sore, we’re not doing enough during out workouts. But that’s just not true. If, after three days, you try to do the same exercise and you cannot because you go immediately to muscle failure, you’ve done too much.

The more fit you are, the less susceptible you are to DOMS.
It’s true that you will start to feel less sore as your body adapts to your workouts and learns to distribute the workload across your muscle fibers more effectively. That’s why you should regularly change up your exercise routine.

Knowledgeable supplementation may improve the rate of recovery after exercise training, prevent dehydration, and reduce the incidence of injury.

Pre- and post-workout stretching is a good way to prevent DOMS.
Unfortunately, no. A review of studies for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews on the effects of stretching before or after exercise on the development of delayed-onset muscle soreness found that pre- and post-workout stretching did not reduce the effects of DOMS in healthy adults.

In essence, your muscle need time to recover and heal from your workouts so it’s best to allow enough time in between or switch your workouts up to prevent overuse injuries.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/04/health/muscle-soreness-myths/index.html?hpt=he_c2

What’s your workout style? How do you prevent injuries?


Fitness Spotlight: How to Build and Maintain your Stamina!

Fitness Spotlight: How to Build and Maintain your Stamina!

Photo by Spencer Dahl on Unsplash We’ve all heard the words “Stamina” and “Endurance” in the fitness world. These are important terms that you definitely need to know about whether you’re trying to lose weight, train for a marathon, or just take on a new