Tag: mushroom

Turn to Black Seed to Target Snow Mold – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 511

Turn to Black Seed to Target Snow Mold – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 511

Have you heard of snow mold? This occurs when the snow begins to melt and it may be contributing to issues such as runny nose, cough and itchy eyes.

Cold Sores and Shingles – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 458

Cold Sores and Shingles – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 458

Did you know that your body may be more prone to developing cold sores or shingles during the winter? Learn about the factors that influence this and the nutrients that can help from Amanda Williams, MPH.

10 Factors That Affect the Immune System, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 344

10 Factors That Affect the Immune System, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 344

immune system

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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Our immune system has many jobs. Right at the peak of all of those jobs is protecting you from the outside world. The immune system is designed so it can find and kill foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. When it’s working well, your immune system is strong enough to prevent you from getting sick when you’re exposed to germs. But there are many factors that impact your body’s immunity.†    

The relationship between the microbiome and immunity

About 70% of your immune cells come in contact with your digestive tract, so the shape of your microbiome can impact the way your body defends itself. The microbiome refers to all of the organisms that live with us and use us as their home. Most of this is bacteria, but there is also yeast and viruses. These visitors outnumber us manyfold.† 

The organisms in our microbiome certainly impact our health. For instance, when there’s an imbalance in bacteria on the scalp, you experience dandruff. You have to take care of the multitude of organisms that live in your intestines because they are the easiest to shape. This, in turn, will impact the bacteria on your skin, in your lungs, in your bloodstream and elsewhere.†   

There are good strains of bacteria as well as bad strains. When there is an excess of bad strains, this can cause inflammation or infections. On the other hand, studies have found that good strains of probiotic bacteria can help promote good immune system function to help fight off viruses and colds, even in very elderly people. These good bacteria help contain the bad ones and calm the immune system, helping to fend off allergies, bacteria, viruses and other harmful cells. You can promote the health of your microbiome by following a good, nutrient-rich diet like the Mediterranean diet, eating some fermented foods and taking a probiotic supplement.†


How sleep impacts the immune system

Your sleep cycle is very important. You have an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. It is controlled by the hypothalamus, which is found in the back of the brain. Your sleep cycle can be thrown off if you go to bed at all different times, drinking alcohol and exercising too late at night.† 

Sleep is important because it gives your immune system a chance to recharge. Then, in the morning, when you’re waking up, your immune system needs to be more active because you are often in public and around more people and possible contaminants. When your sleep cycle is inappropriate, the immune system gets muddled and it may become active at the wrong time, making it easier to catch bacteria or viruses.†  


Nutrients from food for immunity

There are nutrients found in food that can help promote our body’s ability to defend itself. Curry, for instance, has turmeric, which is rich in alkylamines. Alkylamines look like the outside of the virus, so this helps to wake up and activate the immune system. Green tea is also beneficial because it contains polyphenols called catechins. These catechins are also alkylamines. Green tea can also help to weaken viruses and mobilize certain immune cells. Mushrooms are also beneficial as they contain ergothioneine, which is arguably the most powerful natural antioxidant known to science. They also have Vitamin D and beta 1,3 glucan that help adjust the immune system.†

In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. explains multiple factors that impact the body’s ability to defend itself from invading bacteria, viruses and more. He details the importance of taking care of your digestive tract, getting good quality sleep and eating the right foods. Tune in tomorrow for part 2 of this podcast!†

Key Topics:

  • The function of the immune system in the body
  • What is the microbiome?
  • The difference between good and bad bacteria
  • What happens during REM sleep?
  • How viruses and immune cells work
  • Why cortisol is important for immunity

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

The Many Benefits of Mushrooms – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 310

The Many Benefits of Mushrooms – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 310

We know that mushrooms are beneficial for our overall health, but they can be especially beneficial for our immune and cardiovascular systems.

Supporting More Than Immunity With Mushrooms – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 225

Supporting More Than Immunity With Mushrooms – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 225

Mushrooms supply powerful antioxidants that support a healthy immune system, while also helping to fight off oxidative stress.

What You Need To Know About Your Prostate Cancer Risk, Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 106

What You Need To Know About Your Prostate Cancer Risk, Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 106

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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Welcome to Part 2 of What You Need To Know About Your Prostate Cancer Risk! If you missed Part 1, click here to listen now! On today’s episode, we are going to discuss additional changes you should implement throughout your life that can help to reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables

These are cabbage-related vegetables that include kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli. When you break down cabbage vegetables the ingredients inside of them are being worked on by the bacteria in your intestines. Glurionic acid has been shown to seal toxins into your stool, which can be extremely beneficial for constipation. Sulfuraphane has been shown to stimulate phase two detoxification (breaking down chemicals and toxins in your body) and it is known as a powerful antioxidant. The healthy bacteria found in the intestines converts Indole-3-Carbinol into a number of different substances that are thought to be protective for women and men’s sexual organs. The most important derivative made from Indole-3-Carbinol is DIM (Diindolylmethane).†invite health podcast offer

Flax Seed

Duke University performed several studies on Flax Seed. Flax seed contains protein, all three groups of essential fatty acids (omega-3s, omega-6s and omega-9s), soluble and insoluble fiber, and lignans. In the journal Urology, researchers from Duke University published a pilot study where men we’re given flax seed with a fat restricted diet or a placebo. Results concluded that flax seed lowered their prostate specific antigen (PSA) significantly. These men had big prostates, elevated PSA, and were scheduled for biopsy’s. A number of these men no longer needed the biopsy, as their PSA levels went back to normal, according to the study. They also found that flax seed was preventing further enlargement, or growth of the prostate. Interestingly, flax seed had no effect on testosterone.†


In studies on breast cancer that have been performed in China – regions in China where there is a higher incidence – research found that women who frequently ate mushrooms had a lower risk, especially when consumed with green tea. Published in the International Journal of Cancer, researchers studied 63,500 men between 40 and 79 and followed them for a median of 13.2 years. Compared with not eating mushrooms very often (like once a month or once every two weeks), for the participants that ate mushrooms once or twice a week, prostate cancer risk was lowered. Eating mushrooms three or four times a week lowered their risk by 17%. This study was performed by  Tohuko University School of Public Health, the Bekman Research Institute in California, and Penn State University in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

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