Tag: stress

Nutrients To Help Mitigate The Impact of Stress – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 182

Nutrients To Help Mitigate The Impact of Stress – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 182

What are the long-term impacts of stress and how can you manage your stress in a much more efficient way? So many people deal with stress on a daily basis. It can come in different forms and be caused by a variety of things. Let’s talk about what you can be doing to help mitigate the impacts of stress. 

How to Manage Stress As You Return to School – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 166

How to Manage Stress As You Return to School – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 166

On top of living through a global pandemic, students and employees are heading back to school and work. This could mean a time of chronic stress is upon us. But you should know about Phosphatidylserine – a powerful brain health nutrient for learning and memory.

How L-Theanine Relieves Stress Without Feeling Drowsy – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 122 –

How L-Theanine Relieves Stress Without Feeling Drowsy – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 122 –

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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Today we are going to discuss how to reduce stress and feel calm without making you feel drowsy. There is a reason why Buddhist monks sip green tea before meditating. There a caffeine-components found in green tea, but there is also an amino acid that is related to tea called L-Theanine. It has been shown to induce a calming feeling and helps you focused, without making you feel drowsy.

What is L-Theanine?

According to Japanese authorities, there is about 20mg per cup of L-Theanine in tea. That is about enough to offset the caffeine components of the tea. But it is not enough to help you with stress. That can only come with an isolated, purified L-Theanine in supplement form.

L-Theanine is an amino acid derived from the tea plant that safely promotes relaxation and natural stress relief, without common side effects, such as drowsiness. Soon after taking L-Theanine, a restful state takes effect without reducing alertness or cognitive ability. It can also offset the effects of the stress hormone (cortisol) on the brain and nerves. L-Theanine is an amino acid that easily crosses into your brain. There is a protective mechanism in your brain called the Blood Brain Barrier that is extra protection for your brain that keeps bad things out. It is GRAS certified by the US Drug Administration. The maximum daily dosage has been established as 1200mg, but for most people one capsule at 100mg once or twice a day is plenty for stress.†

The Benefits of Rhodiola, including Stress Relief. Listen Now >>

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L-Theanine and Stress 

A study was published in the journal Nutrients by the Department of Mental Disorder Research from the National Institute of Neuroscience in Tokyo, Japan – a randomized, placebo-controlled, cross over study – on healthy, very stressed adults. Their stress was impacting their mental ability, their ability to focus, and their cognitive functions when compared to placebo. Giving the participants L-Theanine capsules in the daytime reduced their feelings of stress, clicked their mood up a couple of levels and at night it improved their sleep. Participants were following asleep faster, had less sleep disturbances and had a deeper sleep. Their cognitive scores also improved. †

Other Key Topics

  • Theanine works with GABA receptor sites
  • BDNF, miracle growth for your brain

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

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5-HTP for Depression, Anxiety & Stress – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 86

5-HTP for Depression, Anxiety & Stress – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 86

5-HTP easily enters your brain and is quickly converted into serotonin. Serotonin is known as the ‘happiness molecule’ and is a very important neurotransmitter. This is why 5-HTP has been studied for its benefit for mood and overall brain health.

COVID-19: Causing Stress & Impacting Cellular Health – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 66

COVID-19: Causing Stress & Impacting Cellular Health – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 66

On today’s episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses how you can assess your level of stress. This is a really interesting way to see how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting your cellular health. 

Coronavirus and Common Disease States – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 60

Coronavirus and Common Disease States – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 60

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH.

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On today’s episode, I am going to be discussing chronic disease states and the risk for Coronavirus. This is something that we’ve all been hearing about. Those who have chronic diseases or underlying medical conditions that may be impacting your immune system can put you at a greater risk for COVID-19. The symptoms can also be much more severe and can significantly impact your health in a negative way. This is important to discuss because, when it comes to many disease states, many Americans fall into these categories. I’ve been getting a lot of questions via email and calls from our customers that are considered about this, and I certainly see the reason why.

Chronic Disease States

One of the areas that I have researched within my Public Health degree is disease states and outbreaks, or epidemiology. This includes looking at the biostatistics and how different health events are effecting different people’s immune health. When you hear about community spread of a virus, of this infection spreading at a rapid rate, and especially impacting those who are more vulnerable, you have to include people who have underlying health conditions. But individuals who are carrying this virus can also have strong immune system, and still experience mild to moderate symptoms. But when we think about the wide range of people in the United States that have conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, prediabetes, and heart disease, these can all lower the efficiency of your immune system. Those who have autoimmune conditions or those who are on medications are also part of this group, as certain medications may be deleting key nutrients from your body.

Maintaining Your Health In Spite of a Disease

Many times, a doctor will just label your condition without telling you that if you are managing your health (even in spite of a disease) your immune system may still be able to fend these things off. If you can manage your disease, you can lower your risk for complications including viral infections or bacterial infections. Unfortunately, right now, everyone is so overwhelmed with incorrect information. If you are continuously stressing out, you could be lowering your immune system. Cortisol can really be your enemy.

This is why incorporating healthy foods into your diet is so important in helping bolster up your immune defenses. Be sure to eat a many fruits and vegetables as possible. Adhering to a Mediterranean diet can help keep your body in a low state of inflammation. So, if you can manage your disease state during COVID-19, but also on a daily basis, then you will find that your immune system will act in kind.

So when you look at different marks for inflammation to access the state of hyper-inflammation going on in the body, you can see that when you adhere to a healthy diet those markers for inflammation begin to come down. So, the key right now is managing your disease states.

Stick to these foods:

  • Green fruits and vegetables
  • Seeds and nuts

Because access to all foods may not be possible, you may want to turn to supplementation. Reds Hx and Greens Hx contain powerful antioxidants and ingredients that can help support your overall wellness and a healthy immune system. These products also contain Probiotics to help you boost your immune system further. These formulations can help give your body what it needs to fight off free radicals.

Other immune-boosting nutrients include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc

Following these healthy tips can help keep you strong and your immune system working at its best.

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

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