Test Your Genes for Nutrient Deficiencies – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 39

Test Your Genes for Nutrient Deficiencies – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 39

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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On today’s episode, I am going to be talking to you about nutritional deficiencies. Is your body actually absorbing the nutrients and vitamins you are taking? It’s so important to look into gene mutations when it comes to nutrient deficiencies. This could impact the types of supplements you are using and your lifestyle, including your diet.

Why you should test your genes

The main causes of nutritional deficiencies are a poor diet that lacks specific nutrients and minerals, a disease, or a medication or prescription that is blocking nutrient absorption. When you think about the different chronic conditions that you may be faced with throughout your life, like brittle nails and chronic fatigue, these may be directly associated with nutrient deficiencies.

What if I told you that there was a way you could look into how well your body incorporates the nutrients you consume from foods and supplements? And why you may be experiencing absorption issues?
– Amanda Williams

These deficiencies can go unnoticed and have been associated with adverse health effects. For example, in the western population, it is estimated that 45% of Americans are low beta-carotene converters because of a gene variant. This could potentially lead to a vitamin deficient state.

Taking a multivitamin? Find out why it’s so essential today! Click here >>

If there a specific gene mutation happening in your body, a blood test is not enough. Genes are a set of basic instructions that give a determination to how your body will react to certain things. A gene mutation will show what you are at risk of developing, based off of what is happening in your body. A blood test just shows you what you are lacking in your body.

Common nutrient deficiencies and what they directly impact

Looking at specific genes and identifying mutations or variants can help you determine what you need to do in order to fix it. For example, here is a list the seven most common nutrient deficiencies and what they can directly impact.

Vitamin A Deficiency Vision, Immunity, Cell Division
Vitamin D Deficiency Immunity, Blood Sugar Regulation, Heart Health, Brain Health, Bone Health
Iron Deficiency Anemia, Immunity, Brain Health, Fatigue
Iodine Deficiency Weight gain, Bone Health, Brain Health, Metabolism, Thyroid Issues
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Brain Health, Nerve Function, Elevated Homocysteine Levels
Calcium Deficiency Bone Health (Osteoporosis) Heart Health, Oral Health (teeth)
Magnesium Deficiency Digestive Health, Insulin Resistant, Blood Pressure Regulation, Heart Health, Muscle Cramps, Fatigue

The Invite Nutritional Deficiencies Testnutritional deficiencies

You contain two copies of each gene, one from your father and one from your mother. Understanding the genes in your DNA can help you predict your future state of health and alerts you to begin practicing a particular lifestyle, eat a more focused diet, or even adjust your exercise regimen. You will also be able to supply your physician with this information, which can greatly benefit your future health. All DNA tests are performed with a simple swab of your inner cheek, which is then examined for particular mutations that can contribute to future health issues or that may be protective.

The Nutritional Deficiencies Panel helps indicate how you metabolize key vitamins and nutrients that are critical for nourishment, energy, immunity, and healing. Deficiencies in essential nutrients can contribute too many health ailments, such as vision loss, Osteoporosis, anemia, depression and more. The information provided in this Nutritional Deficiencies Panel allows for patients and providers to make informed dietary and supplement choices. A number of genes are included that determine the function of key vitamins and iron.

Feeling run down? Turning to Adaptogens might help! Learn more by clicking here >>

More about Kashi Clinical Laboratories

  • Our partners at Kashi Clinical Laboratories use the latest in quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction instrumentation with a high degree of sensitivity for detecting gene snips accurately.
  • SNP’s are only included in our panels when peer reviewed studies show there is a clear connection with treatment decision making, the studies are relevant across a range of population types, clinical intervention is indicated, and that nutritional or other lifestyle choices can affect the regulation of gene expression.
  • Your results will be ready within 5-7 business days of receipt at the lab. Once your results are ready, an InVite® certified healthcare professional will contact you to discuss your results and recommend a supplement protocol based on your specific results. Once your results are ready, an InVite® Expert will guide you through a personalized, supplement protocol based on your results.


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