Month: March 2014

Can A New Device, Cefaly®, Help to Prevent Migraines?

Can A New Device, Cefaly®, Help to Prevent Migraines?

Photo rights: Cefaly™ Sensitivity to noise, nausea, even fainting and blacking out are common symptoms for those who suffer from migraines. Migraines are is different from other headaches. Migraine headaches are a neurological disorder, like epilepsy. They come along with severe and debilitating pain that’s 

A Holistic Approach to a Sugar Addiction

A Holistic Approach to a Sugar Addiction

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash Sugar addiction is a very real phenomenon these days. In fact for many people, sugar consumption can dictate their entire mood for the evening if they don’t get their afternoon sugar fix to keep them going! So is sugar 

Tips and Tricks: Cold and Flu Myths Revealed

Tips and Tricks: Cold and Flu Myths Revealed

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Having both a cold and flu is never fun. The aches, pains, cough, runny nose, fever and congestion are just a few of the symptoms that prevent us from feeling our best and keeping up with our daily routines. When we do get sick, we want to get better as fast as possible, as well as protecting those around us at the same time.

From garlic to orange juice to sweating it out, I’ve heard of everything and tried it all! But the truth is, unfortunately there are some myths about the cold and flu that we engage in because we hear them so often and don’t always realize they aren’t effective. Naturally, we’re willing to try anything to feel better – it’s what everyone does when they’re sick!

Here are some of the most common myths that claim to cure a cold and flu.

Myth #1: Drinking an abundance of orange juice will get rid of your cold faster.

Truth: Orange juice is great for your body, but new studies from the University of Florida show that cranberry juice may actually be more effective than orange juice. Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C, but cranberry juice helps to flush out your system which can help clear the virus out of your body faster.

Cold and Flu Season: Healthy Tips from Scientific Director, Jerry Hickey, R.Ph. >>

Myth #2: Ginger ale will help with stomach aches.

Truth: You can get the same results or better by simply boiling ginger in pot of water and drinking it! Ginger ale in soda form actually contains very little ginger. Although it does help, the key component that helps your stomach feel better is the actual ginger, so boiling real ginger can be much more effective.

Myth #3: The best immune-boosting vitamin is Vitamin C.

Truth: Research has shown that Vitamin D is just as important as Vitamin C to boost your immune system and help your body feel better when you’re sick. In one study, those who took 2,000 IU of Vitamin D over periods of time got sick less frequently than those who showed Vitamin D deficiencies.

Myth #4: Drinking alcohol while you’re sick will prolong your symptoms.

Truth: Moderate alcohol consumption, even when you’re sick, may actually help fight the virus and infection your body is battling. Wine is the best bet when you have a cold or the flu because it has numerous health benefits and antioxidant properties.

Combating Cold and Flu Viruses with Green Tea, NAC by Jerry Hickey, R. Ph

Myth #5: Working up a good sweat will cure your cold.

Truth: When you engage in a vigorous workout while you’re sick, you only dehydrate your body further. Your body needs plenty of fluids to battle cold and flu symptoms. When you’re sweating during a workout, you aren’t “sweating out” the infection – instead of wearing yourself out at the gym, stay hydrated and sip on green tea or other hot liquids.

What are some of your tricks for getting rid of the common cold and flu? Have you tried anything that seems bizarre, but actually worked well? Let us know in the comments!


The Top Nutrition Trends for 2014

The Top Nutrition Trends for 2014

Maintaining your overall health is all about a balanced diet, staying fit, and eating the right foods that give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Every day, though, it seems that there’s a new article or blog published on exactly what we should 

Nutrition Spotlight: Your Brain and Body on a Crash Diet

Nutrition Spotlight: Your Brain and Body on a Crash Diet

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash Many of us have done it at some point – the crash diet. Maybe you have a dress you need to fit into. Maybe you’re going on vacation and want to look perfect in your bikini. Maybe you work