A Day In The Life Of Detox – InVite Health Podcast Episode 546

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A Day In The Life Of Detox – InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode 546
Hosted by Allie Might, INHC
*Intro music*
InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed healthcare professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that InViteⓇ Health has to offer at www.invitehealth.com/podcast. First time customers can use promo code PODCAST at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started!†
*Intro music*
Allie Might, INHC: [00:00:40] Welcome to the Invite Health Podcast, where today we will be discussing how to do a simple detox. This is Ally Might Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Functional Medicine Coach here with a day in the life of a detox. † [00:00:51]
[00:00:52] When I do the detox, I typically do it anywhere from 5 to 10 days, depending on how I’m feeling. Upon waking up, this is how my day would go. I would start off by making a cup of warm water with the juice of a half a lemon. I will follow that up with a quick 5 to 10 minute meditation where I take that time to do some deep breathing and really set my intentions for the day. After my quick meditation, I will take my morning supplements, which typically consists of a probiotic. To start to help balance out my gut flora, as well as an herbal formula called Hepatox, which consists of a little bit of milk thistle, some dandelion root and Phyllanthus amarus extract, all to help support my liver health. I will take those with my breakfast, which will usually consist of an egg which I either like to poach or soft boil. And I will pair that with either three cups of steamed broccoli or an entire bag of spinach that I will lightly sauté with a little bit of fresh black pepper and some garlic. A couple hours after breakfast, I’ll have my morning snack, which I like to have some fruit at that time. This will either be peaches, plums, maybe a nectarine, or some fresh berries. † [00:02:16]
[00:02:17] A couple hours after my morning snack, I will have my afternoon supplements which consist of a good multivitamin, milk thistle, as well as N-acetyl cysteine, which is commonly referred to as NAC or N.A.C. These two supplements are very good not only for liver support, but also to help support the kidneys. I will have that with my lunch, which consists of either a large salad which I make with either kale or some arugula, and I typically use about 2 to 3 cups of that, just depending on how large I want the salad and to that I will add in all kinds of other different vegetables, maybe sometimes pepper, some additional broccoli, maybe some mushrooms, cucumbers, zucchini, anything that I have at home that looks really good, I will throw into that salad. To the salad, then I will add in fresh herbs, either basil or cilantro, some seeds, which is usually sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds, and then some fresh citrus of either a lime or lemon to add some nice extra flavor and depth into my salad. † [00:03:34]
[00:03:35] My other favorite go to lunch would be vegetable soup, which I would make with vegetable broth and diced, add a couple of cups of diced vegetables and I would pair that with a side salad of chopped up cucumbers and tomatoes. A couple hours later, I’ll have my absolute favorite afternoon snack, which always consists of a cup of vegetables that I cut into sticks. So I’ll have a variety of carrot sticks, celery sticks, pepper sticks or cucumber sticks. After that, I’ll do a light workout, which consists of some light stretching, restorative yoga, or walk through the park when it’s time for dinner. I have another Hepatox like I had in the morning, and then when I make dinner, this is where I get really creative for the day with my meals, I’ll have anywhere from a third of a piece of tofu and three cups of vegetables to zoodles, which is spiralized zucchini to look like pasta with some fresh marinara sauce or sliced tomatoes on top. To my absolute favorite, which is a bag of sautéed spinach topped with marinara sauce. And then I’ll bake a well in that and I’ll crack an egg and steam it until the egg is the consistency that I like it.† [00:04:57]
[00:04:57] A couple hours later, I will have my what I like to call my night supplements, which is a scoop of fiber or psyllium husk and an eight ounce glass of water. I mix that up and drink that before going to bed, and that is my day of a detox. I hope this has been helpful for you to see what a detox would look like on a daily basis. And for more information on this topic, check out my companion blog on our website invitehealth.com or you can contact me. Allie Might at our uptown location on Second Avenue and 71st Street at 2122492036 or email me at [email protected] † [00:05:40]
[00:05:46] I want to thank you for tuning into the Invite Health Podcast. Remember, you can find all our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting invitehealth.com Backslash Podcast. Now do make sure that you subscribe and leave us a review. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at at InViteⓇ Health, and we will see you next time for another episode at the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. Until then, stay healthy.† [00:05:46]
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