Protect Your Body Against Sugar-Induced Damage with Benfotiamine – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 90

Protect Your Body Against Sugar-Induced Damage with Benfotiamine – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 90

When your glucose level is too high, your Vitamin B1 or Thiamine levels are depleted and a build up of AGEs occurs. Here’s what you can do to fend off excessive glycation in your system, including incorporating an important form of Vitamin B1 called Benfotiamine.

Grape Seed Extract for People with Diabetes, Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 75

Grape Seed Extract for People with Diabetes, Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 75

In part 2, Jerry Hickey, Ph. discusses the number of things Grape Seed Extract can do for you if you have diabetes, including studies that show its benefit for blood pressure and vision health.

Aged Garlic for Heart and Overall Health – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 54

Aged Garlic for Heart and Overall Health – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 54

On today’s episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses one of the world’s longest used medicinal foods available – Garlic. Many times, it is only looked at for its heart health benefit, but it really has advantages for overall health, especially in its supplemental form, Aged Garlic.

A Superior Antioxidant: Resveratrol – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 45

A Superior Antioxidant: Resveratrol – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 45

On today’s episode, Amanda Williams discussing Resveratrol, the popular anti-aging supplement that is so important for your body, especially your brain and heart. Let’s get started.

hs-CRP: The Blood Test That Predicts Heart Attacks – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 43

hs-CRP: The Blood Test That Predicts Heart Attacks – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 43

The hs-CRP test can help predict your future risk of a heart attack and heart disease. This is a test that should be added to your regular yearly check up. Hs-CRP is also called Cardiac-CRP and it is a proxy for inflammation.

Sleep Better, Faster & Longer – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 37

Sleep Better, Faster & Longer – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 37

Did you know that 35% of Americans do not get adequate sleep? This has been shown to have a direct link to conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Here’s what you need to know.