5 Foods That Can Activate Your Immune System

5 Foods That Can Activate Your Immune System
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

As the temperature gets colder, your immune system is in over drive. It is important to know what you can do to keep your immune system balanced and healthy in order to avoid getting sick. Here are eight foods that, when added to a balanced diet, can support your immune system. Drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep throughout the winter months specifically, only further benefit your bodies ability to protect itself.

Citrus Fruits

Many people turn to vitamin C to to help build up the immune system, as this vitamin in particular is thought to increase the production of white blood cells. Popular citrus fruits include grapefruit, oranges, tangerines and lemons.

For those having trouble consuming vitamin C in their diet, a Vitamin C supplement can provide superior antioxidant protection. Orange-colored fruits and vegetables can provide support for your cells, metabolism and energy. Check out Dr. Pressman’s Oranges Hx®, complete with a fruit and vegetable blend, to round out the benefits of your diet.

Red Bell Peppers

Did you know that red bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C than citrus fruits? They are also a rich source of beta carotene, the red-orange pigment found in plants and fruits that is converted in Vitamin A in the body. Beta carotene is both an antioxidant and a carotenoid, which means that it can protect the body from free radicals (boosting immunity) and keeps your eyes and skin healthy.

To get your beta-carotene boost, turn to superior Multivitamins that have been formulated to boost your energy and provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals. A superior, non-GMO Daily Multivitamin supplies beta carotene (vitamin A) to promote healthy immunity, energy and overall wellness.

What are the 6 must-have supplements you need this season? Find out by clicking here! >>

Broccoli and Spinach

Talk about superfoods! Broccoli has tons of important vitamin and minerals, including vitamins A, C and E, as well as many other antioxidants and fiber. Spinach is not only rich in Vitamin C, but it is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene.

Having trouble getting the recommended 3 cups of vegetable serving, based on USDA MyPlate recommendations? Smart-Serve Vegetable Blend offers 14 organic kale leaves, 4 organic spinach leaves and 1 organic broccoli floret in order to help you improve your daily number of servings of green, leafy vegetables.


You’ll want to find an organic-sourced yogurt that has “live and active cultures” printed on the label. This is because yogurt contains probiotics, the good bacteria that lives in your gut and plays a major role in stimulating your immune system to help it fight off colds, viruses and infections. Watch out for the sugar in certain brands of yogurt!

Probiotics are one of the most used supplements on the market today. But a superior source will contain non-GMO bacterial strains, be a vegetarian formula (free of milk, soy and wheat) and contain at least five species of CFU’s, meaning the strains of healthy bacteria can survive your stomach acids and make it into your gut.

What are some of your favorite immune-boosting foods? Leave us a comment below to join the conversation!


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