Tag: eye health

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 401

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 401

Your lifestyle choices can impact your triglyceride levels. This includes the foods you eat, your exercise habits and the medications you take. Tune into this podcast episode for more information on how to support healthy triglycerides.

Nutrients to Target the Impacts of Air Pollution – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 395

Nutrients to Target the Impacts of Air Pollution – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 395

Air pollution can wreak havoc in your body, impacting cognition, heart health and more. The good news is that there are powerful nutrients that can help fend off this damage.

Supplements to Target Eye Floaters – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 389

Supplements to Target Eye Floaters – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 389


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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Have you ever noticed little shapes or squiggly lines in your vision? This is known as eye floaters. Today, I want to talk about why floaters occur, when they become incredibly problematic and what you can be doing to stop this from occurring in the first place.† 

What are eye floaters?

Floaters are actually pretty common as we get older. They start to increase. Researchers estimate that by the time someone is in their 70s, about 30 to 40% of the population has chronic eye floaters.†


Floaters appear as these small spots which are right in your field of vision. They are certainly age-related or induced because of the aging process. One of the things that we recognize about eye floaters is when we have a breakdown of certain nutrients in the body, such as inadequate Vitamin C, a lack of antioxidants and the wearing away of hyaluronic acid. These are all factors that can actually exacerbate or even create floaters.†

When we look at the anatomy of the eye, there is a gel-like substance that is in the middle part of the eye called the vitreous. As we get older, that vitreous starts to shrink within the eye itself, creating these small particles. It is these particles that we’re actually seeing as they pass in front of the macula.† 

Nutrients to help with this issue

We have to think about why we are having this issue in the first place. Is it because we’re not getting adequate nutrients?† 

We can certainly look at Vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant that does a wonderful job in terms of the elimination of toxic waste build up and helps to target and neutralize free radicals. Citric acid itself helps to improve upon proper lymphatic and circulatory supply. Having adequate Vitamin C really does so much to support our visual health. When people experience floaters, having adequate amounts of Vitamin C on board can be very beneficial.†   

We can also look at a basic, comprehensive eye vitamin, such as the Macula HxⓇ Advanced. It has NAC, the mineral zinc, Vitamin C, zeaxanthin, bilberry extract and powerful carotenoids. Giving your eyes the nutrients that they need each and every single day is very helpful.† 

There is also a strong relationship between eye floaters and calcium. As people get older, there’s always the concern about bone health, so they will begin to use a calcium supplement. There’s an interesting link between the use of calcium supplements and the lessening of frequency of eye floaters. This is why I oftentimes recommend the Bone Powder and the Calplex HxⓇ to people with floaters.† 


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains what eye floaters are. She describes the ways that this issue can come about and provides recommendations of supplements that can help.†

Key Topics:

  • Can floaters dissipate? 
  • Underlying problems and factors that can impact this issue
  • Other ways to take care of your eyes
  • How does glycation impact eye floaters?

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.

Nutrients to Target Eye Pressure – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 387

Nutrients to Target Eye Pressure – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 387

Eye pressure can contribute to pain in the eyes, glaucoma and even blindness. The good news is that there are nutrients that can help.

How Too Much Screen Time Impacts Your Eyes – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 67

How Too Much Screen Time Impacts Your Eyes – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 67

In today’s world, screen time takes up most of our day. Overtime, this can create potential damage to our eyes from the blue light, the fatigue and strain within the eye muscles. The good news is that there are some nutrients that can be beneficial to your eyes. 

The Strong Connection Lutein Has on Memory and Vision – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 4

The Strong Connection Lutein Has on Memory and Vision – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 4

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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Today we are going to discuss the strong connections between eye health and memory. So, I am going to try to inspire you to eat right – eat your spinach! Spinach, like many other green, leafy vegetables supplies a wide variety of vitamin-like nutrients, like invigorate your eye health and memory functions! It’s a little, yellow-orange pigment called Lutein!

What is Lutein?

Lutein is a member of the carotnoid family. Caratinoids are a group of pigments in plants that are extremely important for our health. Sources of lutein include kale, spinach, collard greens and romaine lettuce.

Lutein converts to an important pigment called Zeaxanthin that is very important for vision. In parts of the eyes, they are the only carinoids that are accepted. Zeaxanthin is also found in the same vegetables as lutein but is found in many orange-colored foods like tangeries, oranges and orange peppers.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are very important protectors of the eyes and the brain, due to their antioxidant properties. This helps protect them from inflammation.

Impact of Technology On Sleep

Now, in today’s digital world it seems like you can not escape your screens! Screens use technology that shows a brighter, clear image like LED lights. These lights emit a great amount of blue light. This blue light can impact the amount of nutrients in your eyes, specifically Lutein and Zeaxanthin. This can impact your brain health and impacts your body’s release of melatonin. Melatonin is the nighttime hormone that allows your body to know when it is time to go to sleep.

A recent study in a group of young health people, shows that screen usage disrupts both melatonin release, which leads to a decrease in quality and quantity of sleep.

Link Between Lutein and Brain Health, Specifically Memory

Lutein, in many studies, has been shown to provide benefits for the function of your brain, for attention span and focus, for obtaining information and your mood and memory.

A young, healthy brain creates 700 new, healthy memory cells everyday. Which may not sound like much, but by the time you are 50 years old, you’ve replaced all of the original memory cells that you were born with and developed in your youth.

In a study on infants, Lutein made up 55% of the total carotinoid content of their brain, which is needed for the growth of brain tissue and to develop nerve tissue. More on that when we come back tomorrow!

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcasts. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the invite health podcast.

Key Topics:

  • Important nutrients that impact vision health
  • The best foods for essential vision health nutrients
  • Impact of blue light on your overall health
  • Low levels of Lutein impact your brain and sleep

Jerry Hickey About The Host Invite Health Podcast