Tag: Magnesium citrate

Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 3, Invite Health Blog

Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 3, Invite Health Blog

Written by: Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND For further questions or concerns email me at [email protected]†   Alzheimer’s is a complex disease with many risk factors. It is a disease that affects more than just the person who is afflicted with the illness. For the care takers 

Constipation: easy treatments that are safe, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 659

Constipation: easy treatments that are safe, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 659

Subscribe Today! Please see below for a complete transcript of this episode. CONSTIPATION: EASY TREATMENTS THAT ARE SAFE, INVITEⓇ HEALTH PODCAST, EPISODE 659 Hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph. *Intro Music* InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: [00:00:04] Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed health 

Digestive Health, Part 5: Constipation

Digestive Health, Part 5: Constipation

Written by Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Constipation

For further questions or concerns email me at [email protected]

Every week I get calls asking about how to deal with constipation. Clinically speaking, constipation refers to less than 3 bowel movements a week. From a more holistic viewpoint, an optimum digestive tract will lead to a daily bowel movement. There is a common misconception going around that it is necessary to have a bowel movement after every meal. This is not true and is actually a symptom of rapid transit time!†

Symptoms of Constipation

The symptoms include having a few bowel movements a week. Having a bowel movement every other day is considered mild constipation. Whereas, straining to have a bowel movement is constipation. Even if you do have a bowel movement every day, if the stool is hard/small or you feel as though there is stool left behind, you’re experiencing constipation. It can cause gas, bloating, anal itching, hemorrhoids, bloody stool, stomach pain as well as nausea or even vomiting.†

When it comes to working with this, it’s important to understand what is causing it. Oftentimes, it’s a symptom of different underlying systemic conditions. For example, thyroid disorders and pregnancy can affect bowel movements. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or Multiple Sclerosis can have it as a symptom. Medications often cause constipation as a side effect. For example, overusing laxatives, even herbal laxatives such as Senna. On a very serious note, it can be a sign of colon cancer. Just like many different medical concerns, constipation can be caused by or exacerbated by stress. Before addressing the symptoms, it is important to address these underling concerns. In addition to underlying medical concerns, dietary concerns such as lack of water, fiber and even too much dairy can be a cause. A lack of movement is also a common issue. In children resisting the urge to have a bowel movement can also lead to constipation.† (1)

An overgrowth of pathogens such as Candida Albicans can also be a cause; as pathogens can cause diarrhea and constipation. (2) Disorders of the GI tract such as IBS, Diverticular Disease and Lazy Bowel Syndrome or structural defects such as fistulas, Intussusception, malforatation, colonic rotation and outlet dysfunction can also have it as a symptom. (4) While there can also be other causes of constipation, these are the most common.†

How to Handle Constipation

When addressing constipation it is very important to rule out any systemic concerns such as hypothyroidism. Underlying medical concerns need to be addressed first. Clearing up the underlying issue will often resolve the constipation. Follow up or schedule a visit to a Gastroenterologist. A stool analysis will be performed. It’s a great way to determine the presence of any pathogens.†


The following suggestions are things that have been found to be helpful in combating constipation. I cannot stress enough how important it is to have information on hand when you call regarding constipation. Recent lab work, and a diet diary are important resources to have on hand when you call InViteⓇ Health. This way a protocol can be personalized.†

Address any underlying medical concerns and eliminate any food sensitivities or allergies. Increase water to half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 200 pounds you need to be drinking 100 ounces (12.5 cups) of water. Every 8 ounces of water is 1 cup.†

Add fiber to your diet! Fiber is naturally found in fruits and vegetables. These are a great jump start for your digestive tract. Maltodextrin has been found to help combat constipation (4) Psyllium seed husk has also been found to help constipation. (5) For relief of temporary constipation, InViteⓇ Health Colon HxⓇ and soluble fiber can help. A great every day fiber is InViteⓇ Health’s Organic Flaxseed Powder. It’s better to use the powder rather than the seeds since the powder is broken down. That way, the fiber is more easily used by the body.† (6)

Supplements That Can Help

Caprylic acid has been found in studies to help eliminate H. Pylori, Candida and other types of pathogens.† (7) InViteⓇ Health’s Nutristatin 144 is a great item.†

Garlic has been found in studies to help eliminate bacteria and fungus such as Candida. (8) See InviteⓇ Health’s Aged Garlic.

Olive Leaf Extract has been found to help eliminate microbes such as yeast in the body. (9) See InViteⓇ Health’s Olive Leaf Extract and our Renalaid formula.†

Probiotics help to kill bad bacteria and help colonize new healthy bacteria.† (10)

Herbs have been found to help eliminate constipation. Now it is important to stay away from herbs considered laxatives. While these can be a temporary relief, long term they can cause damage to the digestive tract. Triphala fruit complex has been found to help promote bowel movements. (11) See InViteⓇ Health’s Colon HxⓇ, Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm have also been found to help when taken in tea. (12) InViteⓇ Health’s GI Maintain has both of these and can easily be mixed into a warm cup of chamomile tea.†


Magnesium Citrate is one of the best supplements to help. It is a natural, non-habit forming stool softener. (13) See InViteⓇ Health’s Magnesium Citrate, Bioavail Magnesium Complex and Bone Powder. Castor oil packs are incredibly powerful tools in helping with concerns. (14) Omega 3s such as Fish Oil and Krill Oil have also been found to help lubricate the stool. (15) See InViteⓇ Health’s Fish Oil and Krill Oil Advanced.

Next week we’ll cover the topic of Diarrhea.†


  1. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/digestive-diseases-constipation
  2. https://www.humnutrition.com/blog/candida-overgrowth/
  3. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4059-constipation
  4. https://greatist.com/health/maltodextrin-dangers#:~:text=It%20improves%20digestion,fiber%20supplements%20Metamucil%20and%20Citrucel.
  5. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/supplement/psyllium#:~:text=Many%20well%2Ddesigned%20studies%20have,%2C%20Europe%2C%20and%20North%20America.
  6. https://www.healthline.com/health/flaxseed-for-constipation
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21830350/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4458355/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5490280/#:~:text=The%20present%20study%20focused%20on,infections%20such%20as%20oral%20thrush.
  10. https://www.omnibioticlife.com/candida-and-probiotics/#:~:text=Certain%20probiotic%20strains%2C%20such%20as,good%20bacteria%20in%20your%20intestine.
  11. https://www.ndtv.com/food/triphala-for-constipation-how-to-use-this-ayurveda-wonder-to-manage-digestive-issues-1912465
  12. https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/herbal-remedies-for-constipation
  13. https://www.wellandgood.com/natural-remedies-for-constipation/
  14. https://www.healthline.com/health/castor-oil-pack#uses
  15. https://omega3innovations.com/blog/fish-oil-and-fiber-how-to-be-number-one-at-number-two/

Your Cardiologist Needs To Know This Supplement – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 524

Your Cardiologist Needs To Know This Supplement – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 524

Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for making sure the heart is functioning properly, yet your cardiologist may not put it on your radar. Here’s why your heart needs magnesium.

Magnesium: The Heart of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 420

Magnesium: The Heart of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 420

The mineral magnesium is responsible for over 300 functions within the body, but it is especially important for proper heart functioning and healthy blood pressure levels. Learn more about this important nutrient and which form might be best for you from Amanda Williams, MPH.

Beat the Summer Heat and Muscle Aches with Beets Hx – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 381

Beat the Summer Heat and Muscle Aches with Beets Hx – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 381

muscle aches

InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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We’ve all experienced sore, achy muscles at some point in time, but did you know that this can create additional challenges for us during the summer? This is especially true if you’ve been more of a couch potato throughout the winter and spring. If you decide that you want to become more active, this can create challenges for us when it comes to muscle recovery in the heat of the summer.† 

The relationship between summer heat and muscle aches

During the summer, we are more prone to dehydration, which can create a higher amount of electrolyte loss and in turn more muscle aches and cramps. This is especially true when the heat and humidity are high.†


Many areas of the country are currently experiencing heat waves with really high record temperatures. A lot of people aren’t used to this, so maybe they’re doing something that they usually do year-round and once they go out and they start doing this in the heat, they start to have this increase in lactic acid buildup. At the same time, they are experiencing electrolyte imbalances due to the loss of fluids. They may feel fine in the moment, but by the time evening comes around, they may be wondering why they are experiencing muscle aches throughout their body.†   

We have to be prepared for this and we need to know the appropriate things to be doing to help fend off muscle aches.†

How to support muscle health

In order to support our muscle health and help prevent muscle aches, we have to stay hydrated. This is incredibly important. Most people don’t change their routine from one season to the next, but we have to realize that we have to consume a higher amount of water during the summer.†

We have to be able to replace our electrolytes. We can do this by taking a multivitamin. That’s a good place to start because then we’re getting exposure to electrolytes. Taking something like our Reds HxⓇ or Greens HxⓇ is also a really good place to start. Magnesium also plays a really important role in maintaining the ability of the skeletal muscles to remain intact. If you have a tendency to develop muscle aches or cramps, taking magnesium citrate would be very beneficial during the summer.† 

Most importantly, I want to talk about our Beets HxⓇ formulation. Beets HxⓇ is a combination of beetroot extract along with tart cherry extract. Both of these nutrients have been studied in the setting of muscle recovery and exercise endurance.† 


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses how the summer heat impacts muscle health, especially in terms of aches and cramps. She offers recommendations for nutrients that can support muscle health and details the important components of the the Beets HxⓇ formulation.†

Key Topics:

  • The benefits of working out in the summer
  • The importance of staying hydrated
  • Research on beetroot extract and tart cherry extract

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