Tag: wellness



URINARY TRACT INFECTION (UTI) ~ EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW, BUT HAVE NEVER ASKED By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   Urinary Tract Infections, or UTIs as they are commonly referred to as, can affect people of all ages for various reasons. However, women seem 

L Lysine

L Lysine

L Lysine Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   L Lysine is an amino acid you may have heard of. When most people think of Lysine they usually think of cold sores. However Lysine is much more than “the cold sore supplement”. Before we talk about what 




Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In COPD there is damage to the airways and our lungs. This damage can block the airways and make it hard to breath. COPD often entails production of mucus, which triggers a cough. COPD is considered to be a chronic, progressive disease that worsens over time. In the US COPD refers to emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Most people who have been diagnosed with COPD have a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis. (1)

Just a quick rehash on chronic bronchitis. This is a condition that involves inflammation of the bronchial tubes and is characterized by a chronic cough and mucus production.  For more details please see my blog on bronchitis. Emphysema, the other part of the equation of COPD is a condition where the alveoli (part of the lungs) are destroyed due to expose to irritating gasses, cigarette and particulate matter. (2)

People who have CODP develop a chronic, smoker – like cough that is chronic and does not subside even after months or even years. COPD also involves excessive mucus formation that may be transparent, white, pale green or yellow in color. One of the symptoms that most people with COPD find to be the most problematic is shortness of breath. The shortness of breath usually worsens with physical exertion. Another common symptom is a feeling of tightness in the chest, usually when you are inhaling. There may also be wheezing, which can impact speech as well as breathing. As the COPD becomes more advanced it can begin to affect oxygen levels and thus can lead to cyanosis or blue lips and nails. This can also lead to mental confusion.  As the heart tries to get oxygen rich blood around the body it will try to compensate for the lower oxygen levels by pumping faster to get more blood to circulate. Thus you will feel a rapid heart rate. In later stages there may be weight loss. (3) Lastly there may be a lack of energy and even swelling of the ankles, feet or legs. (2)

In the US one of the leading causes of COPD is smoking. In the developing world one of the most common causes is actually air pollution. Another causes of COPD is a rare genetic condition called Alpha -1 antitrypsin deficiency. (1) Risk factors for developing COPD include exposure to things such as tobacco, fumes from burning fuel, and exposure to dust and chemicals. Having asthma is also a risk factor. Lastly having the genetic disorder Alpha -1 antitrypsin deficiency is also a risk factor. (2)

COPD can have severe complications. Having COPD increases your risk of respiratory tract infections such as colds. COPD also increases your risk of heart disease such as heart attack and even high blood pressure. COPD also increases the risk of lung cancer. Lastly COPD can increase the risk of developing depression. (2)

Just like with bronchitis we want to concentrate on our overall lung and immune system health.  How can we do that? Well there a number of things that I will review.

  • Wet socks! I have mentioned this before as being helpful in reducing mucus. In my clinical experience this is one of those things that sounds weird but really does help.  I’ve included a link with directions how to do this helpful protocol. (4)
  • Menthol rubs have been found to help with the symptoms of bronchitis. (5) I am sure everyone remembers a family member using menthol rubs to help them when you were younger. And you know what? That’s because it works.
  • NAC has been found to be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis and studies suggest that it should be considered in the management of bronchitis. (6) Please see Invite’s NAC, Detox Hx and Daily Detox Powder!
  • Black Seed has been found in studies to help improve our lung function and overall lung health. (7) Please see Invite’s Black Seed formula
  • Green tea has been found to be helpful in promoting our lung health. Everyone knows how soothing tea is when you have a cough. I personally recommend 2 full droppers of Green Tea Tx in tea with honey and lemon to help sooth your throat when you are coughing. (8) Please see Invite’s Green Tea Tx!
  • Vitamin C has been found in studies to help boost our immune health and to help fight off infections. (9) This is important when you have COPD because it increases your risk of infections. Please see Invite’s Buffered C 500, 1000 mg and even our Immunity Hx!
  • Vitamin D has also been found to help boost our immune system and help fight off different viral infections. (10) Please see Invite’s Vitamin D3 in 1000 and 3000 IU as well our Immunity Hx.
  • Mushrooms have been found to help modulate our immune systems. (11) Please see Invite’s Mushroom Hx and Black Seed formula!
  • I also want to point out that since smoking is one of the most common causes of COPD it is important to stop smoking to help eliminate this risk. (2)

Our next product highlight will be L Lysine!



  1. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/copd
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/copd/symptoms-causes/syc-20353679
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/copd/symptoms-causes/syc-20353679
  4. https://draliciacole.com/wet-sock-treatment/#:~:text=The%20treatment%20involves%20wearing%20a,in%20the%20head%20and%20chest.
  5. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/030006057800600614#:~:text=It%20is%20concluded%20that%20Vaporub,effects%20of%20petrolatum%20without%20aromatics.
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9487680/#:~:text=The%20results%20of%20the%20present,although%20this%20protective%20effect%20was
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7452452/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9405266/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5707683/
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3166406/
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684115/





APRIL HEALTH AWARENESS~ AN INTODUCTION TO OUR TOPIC OF THE MONTH By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   April is an interesting month when it comes to health and wellness. It’s Public Health Awareness Month, but as always, awareness months are always sharing and overlapping. 

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Today’s product highlight probably seems out of place in a conversation mostly about respiratory health. However the health of our respiratory tract is inherently linked to another system. That is our immune system. Keeping 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


Water is our life force. It is such a necessity but something that very few people seem to get enough of on a daily basis. As I discuss this topic numerous times each day, I’ve heard many misconceptions regarding how much water should or are actually being consumed. Then, we’ll discuss water versus other liquids and try to answer the common question….AREN’T THEY ALL THE SAME?

Water is necessary for so many reasons. It’s needed for the joints, skin, kidneys, and detoxification. It can even can aid in weight loss…and these are just a few of the highlights. We are made up of approximately 60% water. Hence the necessity for proper hydration.

We are accustom to hearing 6-8 glasses of water per day, however that is really an approximation and starting goal. This can fluctuate for each individual. Factors such as weight and activity level play a part in the amount of water needed. It is recommended for an average adult male to drink 13 cups a day and an average female to drink 9-12 cups a day. Keep in mind this can fluctuate, as a general guide that many natural practitioners recommend is to have half your body weight in ounces a day in water.

While liquids in general have water content, there may be some negatives to counting them for hydration. Depending on the liquid, you may have sugar, calories, fat or caffeine into drink. There is truly no substitution for water. You can even start your day my favorite way, with a glass of warn lemon water.

Some people like to add juice or even artificial and chemically flavored squeezable liquid or individual powder packets to make their water more palatable. Incorporating healthy and nutritious powders or concentrated teas can not only boost our overall wellness but also help to increase water intake.


GREENS HX: This helps supply essential nutrients from a variety of vegetables, leafy greens and some fruits. It has a nice earthy taste and is easily mixed into water.

REDS HX: Adding one scoop a day to a bottle of water can offer the antioxidant benefits of fruits berries. This can also be used together with the Greens Hx to add a bit of sweetness without the risk of added sugar.

COLLAGEN HX: This is one of my favorite powders as it has so many benefits.  It can be helpful for hair, skin, nails, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and joints, just to name a few. It even has a yummy vanilla flavor with compliments anything you mix it with each day.

COLLAGEX HA: This is just like the Collagen Hx but with a slightly different formula. This not only has collagen, but also a variety of natural anti-inflammatories like Indian Frankincense and Turmeric Root, but also has Hyaluronic Acid.

FLEX HX: This is a therapeutic collagen supplement. It is an isolated collagen component that specifically works on tendons and ligaments. I like to recommend this to those that have an injury or are active such as weight lifters or runners.

COCOA HX: Cocoa….seems to be everyone’s favorite treat! This is a great substitute for chocolate desserts as it is a cocoa bean powder without the extra calories and sugar. Try blending with water and fresh fruit for a guilt-free snack.

BEETS HX: Adding Beets into your daily routine can be helpful in supporting healthy circulation and is helpful for nitric oxide to assist in blood flow.

ORANGES HX: If you’re like me and not a big fan of citrus fruits, this is a great option to get not only get in the citrus benefits, but also to get in extra Vitamin C all while increase our water intake.

BONE POWDER: A complete formula to support healthy bones. This has calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, silica and boron.

DAILY DETOX: This can be added to water, I like it on an empty stomach about an hour before bedtime, to give a mild detox each day.

MULTI ENERGY POWDER: A complete multi vitamin in a powder to mix easily into a glass of water. Easy to take and some energy to get through the day with ease.

GREEN TEA TX: This is another one of my personal favorites. Adding 2-3 droppers into water each day not only gives an antioxidant boost, but really encourages water consumption every day.

As you can see, getting the right amount of water is essential for proper hydration and our health and well-being. And, adding some delicious nutrients throughout the day can not only help to reach our individual hydration needs, but also may even boost our health.







