Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH
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Staying hydrated is key to our existence. We know that water is probably the body’s most important nutrient, accounting for nearly 70% of body weight in a normal adult. We certainly have all heard that during the hot summer months in particular, we’re more prone to excessive fluid loss, which can lead to dehydration.
Interestingly enough, we often overlook what can happen in terms of the winter months, and maybe our fluid intake goes down a little bit more in the winter, so we can actually fall victim to dehydration even in the cold temperatures. There’s been extensive research looking at just that. We certainly know that warm weather has been recognized for years to be that link to dehydration, but initially, there were very few studies that were assessing the effects of cold-induced dehydration and how that can impact thermoregulation in terms of how well our body maintains proper temperature. It’s important to recognize that fluid balance in the cold specifically can really wreak havoc.
Today, I want to talk about what we can do during the cold winter months to make sure that we’re getting in proper nutrients and proper fluids.
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How the cold impacts your body
Cold weather tends to move blood and other body fluids from your arms and legs to the core, so this is kind of the opposite of what’s occurring in the hot months. Your blood and other fluids will start to go towards the center of the body, which can increase your urine output.

We also know that cold weather can decrease our body’s thirst sensation, so maybe you’re just not feeling as thirsty as when it’s warm out when you’re sweating and think to yourself that you need to drink more water. In the winter, we don’t experience that as frequently, so we can have this decrease in thirst sensation. That can be an early sign of mild dehydration.
We can also look at other symptoms of dehydration:
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue
- Muscle cramps
- Dry skin
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Headaches
Tune into the full podcast episode for more information about dehydration in the winter.
How to help combat cold-induced dehydration
So, how can we make sure that we’re getting enough fluid in and that we’re also getting other nutrients? We have a really wonderful product called Purples Hx. This is great for a variety of different reasons. First and foremost, what the Purples Hx actually is is a blend of the purple family of fruits and vegetables, so it has things in it such as blueberry extract, blackberry extract, black cherry extract and black currant. It also contains carrot extract and beet root extract. All of these wonderful nutrients have individually been studied for their benefits. Purples Hx is a powder that can be mixed into water. The key point to be recognized is that in doing this, especially during the winter, not only are we helping to enhance our fluid intake, we’re also loading our body with all these powerful nutrients.
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To hear more recommendations from Amanda, tune into the full podcast episode.
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