Age-Related Memory Loss, Invite Health Blog

Written by Dr.Claire Arcidiacono, ND
For further questions or concerns email me at [email protected]†
This will be our last blog on this topic before we have our review on memory and brain health. I wanted to take a moment to talk about typical memory changes associated with healthy aging. In this particular blog I am not referring to dementia or other chronic conditions that cause memory changes. I am simply talking about the changes that occur as we age. †
When it comes to memory changes as we age it is important to see a doctor to rule out any series conditions such as Alzheimer disease. It is also important to do blood work to rule out any deficiencies such as vitamin B12. While it is important to see a doctor to be sure of what’s going on there are some clues you can use to help determine if your memory changes are a normal part of aging or a sign of something else. †
One of the differences you may experience between normal healthy aging and something more series is the difference in frequency of “bad” decisions. In those with normal aging you may make a bad decision once in a while whereas in more severe memory disorders individuals afflicted make frequent poor decisions. Another example of normal aging is missing an occasional bill whereas in more severe disorders an individual is virtually unable to take care of their monthly bills alone. In normal aging you might forget for a moment what day it is, but you remember quickly whereas in contrast in more severe disease you completely loose tract of the date or even year. While people aging normally may lose something from time to time someone with more severe disease will misplace their items and be unable to find them. †
To summarize the main difference between age-related memory changes and severe memory disorders it is the degree and severity of the symptoms. It is important to see a doctor if you find yourself asking the same questions over and over again, if you get lost in familiar places or you are having trouble following directing. It is always important to see a doctor if you notice any changes in your ability to take care of yourself or you find yourself becoming confused. † (1)
What can you do to help age related memory changes? There are quite a few tips and tricks that can help improve memory. †
- Learn a new skill every day. Plan your daily tasks and follow a routine, that includes putting items such as your keys, wallet and even glasses in the same place every day. †
- It is important to maintain our general health by eating well and getting enough sleep.†
- Volunteering and even spending time with our friends and family can help support our memory. †
- Going to the gym and being active is also very useful. †
- Limit intake of alcohol. †
- Doing mind teasers such as crossword puzzles is also a helpful tool in protecting our memory. † (1,2)
There are some supplements which I have gone over that studies have found to be very helpful in protecting our brain and memory. I’ll rehash those here: †
- Alcar has been found in studies to help with memory. (3) Other studies have found Alcar to be helpful in working with the memory changes seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. (4, 5). Please see Invite’s Alcar with Ala, Cerebral care and Cognition Hx!†
- Phosphatidylserine has been found in studies to help improve memory (6) Please see Invite’s Phosphatidylserine as well as our Cerebral Care!†
- Studies have shown omega 3s to be very helpful in working with memory and brain health among the other uses we have for omega 3s. (7) Please see Invite’s Krill oil, Fish oil and even our Flax seed powder.†
- Choline has been found in studies to help improve cognitive performance as we age. (8) Please see Invite’s Cerebral care!†
- Gingko has been found in studies to help with reducing cognitive decline as we age. (9) Please see Invite’s Cognition Hx†
- Club moss has been found to improve memory and brain health. (10) Please see Invite’s Cognition Hx†
In our next blog we will be concluding our brain health series with a nice summary and some brain healthy recipes. †