Tag: bone health

Not All Collagen Types Are the Same – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 370

Not All Collagen Types Are the Same – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 370

Collagen supplements have been increasing in popularity, but did you know there are different types? Learn about the different varieties of this nutrient and why they are important for the health of your skin, hair, immune system and more.

New Findings on the Mineral Magnesium – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 366

New Findings on the Mineral Magnesium – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 366

The mineral magnesium performs hundreds of functions within the body. It is important for sleep, bones, immunity and more. Recent studies have continued to look at the benefits of this mineral in the human body.

The Surprising Benefits of Calcium – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 365

The Surprising Benefits of Calcium – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 365


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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Calcium is well-known as being beneficial to bone, but it also affects many other parts of the body. Inadequate levels of this mineral can lead to fatigue and muscle spasms. It can also impact your mood, nails and skin.

Signs of a deficiency

When you don’t consume enough calcium, whether it’s from food or supplements, it’s going to cause muscle spasms. This nutrient works at the cellular level within the muscle to allow it to contract properly during physical activity. One of the reasons you may develop muscle fatigue or spasms after exercise is that you have pumped the calcium out of your muscles. This can also be accompanied by issues within your joints. Take some calcium and Vitamin D after extreme exercise to help replenish the nutrients in your muscles.†  


Low levels of this mineral can also impact heart health, energy levels and sleep. You may also experience lightheadedness, dizziness and brain fog.†

Getting sufficient amounts of calcium

If you get enough calcium, this can benefit your blood pressure. Studies have shown that getting sufficient levels of this mineral from the diet can help lower elevated blood pressure. Adequate amounts of calcium are also important for bone health. You also need enough sleep for bone health, as well as other nutrients such as strontium, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, phosphorus and magnesium.† 

This mineral is also important for your teeth. When other parts of your body lack calcium, they pull it from your teeth, which can lead to brittle teeth, tooth decay and gum issues. You can also develop dry skin, eczema, dry nails, coarse hair and hair loss.†


In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. discusses the important role that the mineral calcium plays in the body. He explains various signs of low calcium levels and details looking at the benefits of this mineral.†

Key Topics:

  • Critical minerals for heart health and energy
  • What is osteopenia? 
  • Studies on the benefits of calcium 

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.

Why Should I Supplement with Magnesium? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 359

Why Should I Supplement with Magnesium? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 359

Many Americans lack magnesium, but this mineral shouldn’t be overlooked. It is involved in hundreds of processes within the body. If you’re not getting enough of this nutrient through your diet, supplementing is a great option.

Green Tea and Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 332

Green Tea and Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 332

Green tea is commonly known for its antioxidant protection and immune support, but did you know that it can also promote bone health? Learn how its most active constituent, EGCG, can support overall bone health.

How To Be Proactive About Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 232

How To Be Proactive About Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 232

bone health

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH.

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The older we get, the weaker our bones can become. We certainly know that this is a problem within this country when we look at which osteopenia and osteoporosis are affecting so many Americans. Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease because you don’t feel that your bones are getting weaker. This is just something that you recognize once you break a bone or if you have a bone density test done. Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis and another roughly 45 million Americans have osteopenia, which is the category below osteoporosis. This is a major problem and I want to talk specifically about what we need to focus on when it comes to maintaining healthy bones as we get older

Why does bone health matter?

There are different steps that we can implement to try to improve our bone health and to try to prevent osteoporosis and broken bones as we get older. There are a couple of nutrients that we can point out when it comes to bone health and those are Calcium and Vitamin D. However, most Americans are not getting enough of these nutrients from their diet because they follow a Standard American Diet, which is not going to be a good source of the key minerals that we need in order to maintain our skeleton.† 

Don’t Accept Joint Pain As A Regular Part of Aging – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 220. Listen Now >>

The skeleton is beyond just our structural integrity that is needed to hold us up. The bones themselves play a really integral role in maintaining our minerals. So when we think about our immune system, we can think about our bone marrow, for example. We know that our red and white blood cells are formed within that bone marrow, so this is an area that we certainly don’t want to just chalk up to aging. This is something that we can definitely make changes to now to prevent things like breaks and fractures from occurring later on. Bone also plays a role as an endocrine organ, when we think about the different hormones that are secreted.†

Tune into the full podcast episode to learn more about the importance of bone health and who might be at risk for developing issues such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.  

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Ways to start focusing on your bone health now

We want to make sure that we maintain our skeletal muscle, so doing weight-bearing muscle strengthening exercises for stretching and toning is very important, especially in the core. I’m not saying you have to go out and become a fan of heavy exercise every day, but just basic stretching, strengthening and toning exercises can really make a huge impact.†

We want to make sure that we’re not doing things that we know can wear away at the bone density, things such as smoking or drinking too much alcohol. 

When it comes to our diet, that’s kind of that first place where we can make those adjustments. We can make sure that we’re getting nutrients in every single day that help to support the bones. When we talk about that comprehensive approach to bone health, we don’t want to overlook the role that vitamins, minerals and antioxidants play in that, and even omega-3 fatty acids. If you adhere to a Mediterranean diet, the likelihood of you maintaining healthier bones throughout your life is going to be much greater.†

Collagen Loss May Accelerate Aging – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 226. Listen Now >>

We also can look at things such as Calplex HxⓇ. The Calplex is tablets with a combination of Vitamin D and Calcium as Calcium Hydroxyapatite. It also contains within that Phosphorous and Boron, which is really important because we know that certain trace minerals play a really critical role in terms of normal bone function. This includes things such as Magnesium, Phosphorous and Boron. The Calplex is a really nice blend of the Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus and Boron. We can also look at the Bone Powder. Bone Powder has Vitamin K, Magnesium, Calcium, all of the things that the bone needs.† 

Listen to the entire podcast episode to hear more of Amanda’s recommendations for bone health.

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