How To Prevent Muscle Soreness – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 115

How To Prevent Muscle Soreness – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 115

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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One pretty common group of people that shops at Invite Health are athletes. We have all sorts from tri-athletes to professional baseball players. One thing that they commonly ask is how to prevent muscle soreness after exercise or after training. This becomes a bigger issue with athletes over the age of 35. Once you hit about 35 years old, it takes longer to recover from physical activity. So a muscle injury can really slow you down.

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What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

It is normal to have a little bit of muscle soreness after your workout. But delayed-onset muscle soreness is muscle pain that begins after you’ve worked out. It normally starts a day or two after a workout and could be caused by you using a new machine or heavier weight than you are accustomed to. You won’t feel it during a workout but you do feel it a few days later. Pain felt during or immediately after a workout is a different kind of muscle soreness, called acute muscle soreness. It occurs when the fibers in your muscles get damaged.

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What Can You Do To Avoid Muscle Soreness?

  1. Stretching. Before exercise you should be doing dynamic stretches, which is different than static stretching. Dynamic stretching gets the blood to your muscles and makes you more flexible.
  2. Warm up. You can jump on a bike for 15-20 minutes to warm up your muscles after stretching.
  3. Weight Lifting. Start with a lower weight than you are accustom to and then slowly increase it.
  4. Stay hydrated. This helps to move toxins out of your muscles while you are exercising and helps you recover. If you do get injured, do not hesitate to use ice for 15-20 minutes. Do not use ice before a workout.
  5. Hot bath with Epson salt. This helps speed up your recovery, as it is Magnesium Sulfate or simply electrolytes.
  6. Protein. If you take protein right after a workout, it can help you build muscle. This is because your muscle fibers open up during a workout. Whey Protein is a great choice because it offers all eight essential amino acids.
  7. Supplementation. You may want to try a Calcium and Vitamin D supplement after a workout. This can help to relax your muscles, as one of the reasons why you may get muscle spasms after a workout is that you pumped all of the Calcium and Vitamin D out of your muscles.
  8. Cool Down. This is important in order to give your muscles time to rest, without just being sedentary right after. Get back on a bike or the treadmill for a quick walk to cool your body down.

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