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Meet Our New Radio Show Host, Dr. Patricia Selassie – InViteⓇ Health Podcast
Hosted by Dr. Patricia Selassie, ND
*Intro music*
InVite Health Podcast Intro: Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed healthcare professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that InViteⓇ Health has to offer at First time customers can use promo code PODCAST at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started!
*Intro music*
Dr. Patricia Selassie, ND:
[00:00:40] Hi, my name is Dr. Patricia Pimentel Selassie, and I am so excited to be hosting InViteⓇ Health Radio every single Monday morning at 10am, and I think it’s going to be a really great show. InViteⓇ Health Radio is where we practice responsible life-changing nutrition, bringing you the latest in nutritional research and science today. The “in” in InViteⓇ stands for integrating and the “vite” in InViteⓇ stands for vitamins and that’s what we do here at InViteⓇ Health. We’re integrating vitamins into your life and integrating vitamins into your life is a lifestyle choice that has helped improve many people’s lives, including my life and my family’s life. So I’m really looking forward to share that with you, every single Monday at 10am.† [00:01:24]
[00:01:25] Like I said, my name is Dr. Selassie. I’m a naturopathic doctor. And for those of you that don’t know what a naturopathic doctor is, it means that I went to a four-year post-baccalaureate medical school. Meaning, you know, I went to Towson University, got my bachelor’s in English and practically had a minor in pre-med. I was definitely English- and art-oriented, but I had to do those science pre-recs to get into naturopathic medical school. I went to Bastyr University, which is in Seattle, Washington.† [00:01:56]
[00:01:57] And naturopathic doctors… The model of medicine for naturopathic doctors is, is to focus on health restoration rather than disease suppression. So we’re really about restoring health and the way that you do that is through lifestyle. You know, like as a naturopathic doctor, I’m going to talk to you about what you’re eating and what you’re drinking and how you’re sleeping and even how you’re pooping. And one of the major modalities is also nutritional supplementation. I’ve had some patients come and tell me that, that they want to get all their nutrition from food. And, you know, I really, really, really, really think that you should try. But I’m going to tell you that it’s hard with industrial agriculture and a very challenging, a very challenging environment that we as human beings face today. There’s a lot of pollution and chemicals that we will have to detoxify from, which cause a higher nutritional demand. So I’m a big, I’m a big user of naturopathic… I’m sorry, nutritional supplementation, and I’m also a published author. I wrote a book called Aging Brilliantly. Aging Brilliantly, there’s a whole section on supplementation where I talk about a lot of the, a lot of the amazing supplements that InViteⓇ Health has like their resveratrol, their cocoa, their collagen. Some of these are some of the greatest anti-aging nutrients around. Green tea, that one is huge and that’s huge at InViteⓇ. But I prefer to, I prefer to kind of change the paradigm of anti-aging. I think that we should embrace aging. Aging should not be a dirty word. It should be something that we are all stepping into with, with robust health and kind of an excitement to sort of start to take care of ourselves better. Not that you hadn’t been, but take care of yourself better, you know, practice self-love and self-care and start to do all the things. You know, the meditation, the prepping food, the right food. You know, taking your supplements. Taking your nutrients. Stepping into the elder that you’re meant to be. And if you’re not quite ready to use the word elder in a glorified way, then maybe stepping up into that mentor that you can be, just like Jerry Hickey has been a mentor for me.† [00:04:36]

[00:04:37] I co-hosted InViteⓇ Health Radio with Jerry Hickey in 2010, and we did a couple of shows a week together for about a year. And then I think after a certain time, Jerry just didn’t want to share airtime with me, which I get right, because it’s amazing what goes through Jerry Hickey’s brain and comes out of his mouth about all the research out there and the studies. It’s amazing. And so he, he blessed me with my own show, so I hosted InViteⓇ Health Radio. I can’t even remember if it was two or three shows a week from 2010 to 2015. And I was also the nutritional director at the InViteⓇ Health store on Ralph Avenue in Brooklyn, but simultaneously, I also had a practice or have a practice here in Brooklyn, New York, and my private practice was growing. So in December 2015 was my last show. At the time, I was a mother of four daughters. And shortly thereafter, in, after my last radio show, I figured out that I was pregnant with my fifth daughter. So I’m also a mom of five, and I’m really proud to be raising five, you know, strong women in this world, even though I wanted a boy every time. And that was, that was Jerry’s joke. You know, that I kept trying to go for the boy. So I figured I was… I’ve been pretty busy. But now that that little one is a big kindergartner now and all of my girls are a little bit more independent, I figured I’d I’d take the time and host a show, at least one show every Monday at 10am. We want… I think it’s going to be a great way to wake up in the morning, great thing to do on a Monday morning. Learn about ways that you can treat your body right. We’ll talk about supplements and how they can help you, how I use them, how I give them to my children and my mother-in-law, who is a super-ager. She’s 91 years old, just like Jerry Hickey’s mom, who’s 91 years old, and my mother, she’s in her 70s and she is a two-time cancer survivor, so I’m really proud of that. And proud to support my family with nutritional supplementation.† [00:07:08]
[00:07:09] And I’d like to, you know, share some of that knowledge with you. Talk about those anti-aging nutrients, talk about those nutrients that can help whether you are dealing with diabetes or high blood pressure or you know, you want your joints to work a little bit better. You know, maybe you’re, you’re, you know, reaching your 50s and you’re finding that exercise is not as easy as it was before. You’re not recovering as simply as you used to, and maybe it’s getting harder to sleep deeper. You know, sleep is so important for us. We heal when we sleep, you know, that’s really when the body takes the time to heal. So sleep, we can talk about sleep. We can talk about supplements that can help you to sleep, help you to recover from exercise, help you to, to regrow cartilage, to help strengthen your bones. Those are all really important. We can talk about ways, to, what did I mention? Balance out your blood sugar. Lower your blood pressure. We can talk about digestive health. You know, a lot of us have compromised digestive systems. Some people would even say that digestion is the seed of all… Poor digestion is the seed of all disease. So what can we do to strengthen our digestion so that we live healthier lives? We could talk about our kidneys, we could talk about our livers. We could talk about our skin, you know, skin is a big one. I was… I as, basically suffered from eczema, pretty much my childhood, my whole childhood and adolescent years up until my early 20s. And it wasn’t until I saw a naturopath that I really got help with that. And, and so, so I have a special place in my heart for, for skin issues so we could talk about eczema. We can talk about acne, we can talk about just aging skin and how to keep your skin young. We can talk about other, you know, more deeper diseases like autoimmune disease, MS or Sjogren’s or rheumatoid arthritis, you know, so the list goes on and on. We can, we can talk about supplements, we can talk about ailments, we can talk about systems, organs, and I’m actually planning to talk about all these things.† [00:09:34]
[00:09:34] So I’d really love you all to join me. I will be on InViteⓇ Health Radio every single Monday morning at 10 am and I’m going to prepare some really good shows for you and I can speak… I think I can speak for other naturopathic doctors that, you know, we like the supplements at InViteⓇ Health because they follow Good Manufacturing Practices. That means they’re GMP certified and that they have third party quality assurance, meaning a third party that’s not affiliated with InViteⓇ Health or the manufacturing plant comes in and checks the raw material and the final product so that if we say, you know, there’s 100 milligrams of this herb in there, there’d better be, you know. So I appreciate that, I appreciate the standards of InVite Health supplements. They’re high-quality, high-standard supplements because essentially, when I put my patient on a, on a supplement, I want to make sure that they’re getting the real thing so that they can get better, you know? So anyway, join me. That’s a little bit about me. Again, my name is Dr. Selassie. My website is That’s If you want to learn more otherwise, come and hang out with me every Monday morning at 10am on InViteⓇ Health Radio.† [00:09:34]
*Exit music*
Tune into Dr. Selassie’s 10am radio show every Monday right on the InViteⓇ Health website: