Month: July 2015

High Fat Diets Manipulate Gut and Brain Activity

High Fat Diets Manipulate Gut and Brain Activity

Have you ever wondered why you can never eat just one French fry or just one chip? According to a new study performed on rats, researchers studied the link between gut and brain activity and found that a high fat diet changes the populations of 

New Study: Antipsychotic Medication Prescribed to Children Who Don’t Need It

New Study: Antipsychotic Medication Prescribed to Children Who Don’t Need It

A new study has found that kids suffering from ADHD or other behavioral issues are being treated too quickly and incorrectly with antipsychotic medication. The most extensive analysis of antipsychotic medication use among children and adolescents of its kind was performed by the Journal of 

Have You Heard of Death by…Water?

Have You Heard of Death by…Water?

You have probably heard it throughout your entire life by your parents and your doctor, “Are you drinking enough water?” Water is essential for the human body to function. But can it be dangerous? A recent study has found that consuming too much water can be just as harmful as drinking too little.

New guidelines and warnings published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine and announced at the International Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia Consensus Development Conference have outlined the safest amount to consume without drinking too much. The study’s lead author, Dr. Tamara Hew-Butler, an exercise science professor at Oakland University explains, “Our major goal was to re-educate the public on the hazards of drinking beyond thirst during exercise. Every single exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) death is tragic and preventable, if we just listen to our bodies and let go of the pervasive advice that if a little is good, than more must be better.”

What is EAH?

Experts have targeted runners, football players and other athletes at the highest risk of drinking too much during their physical activity, causing EAH. EAH is a condition where the kidneys become overwhelmed by the large quantity of liquid that it is being forced to process. The body’s naturally occurring sodium can’t keep up with the amount of water consumed, which causes swelling in the cells and in the most severe cases, death.

Common symptoms and warning signs of EAH include:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Puffiness
  • Weight gain during physical activity
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Delirium
  • Seizures
  • Comas

“Using the innate thirst mechanism to guide fluid consumption is a strategy that should limit drinking in excess and developing hyponatremia while providing sufficient fluid to prevent excessive dehydration,” according to the guidelines.

How much water is just the right amount?

Because water is a key chemical of the body, it needs to remain within a healthy range to balance out the body. According to the Mayo Clinic, the human body loses water every day through breathing, sweating, urinating, and having a bowel movement. To replenish the amount of water your body loses, the Institute of Medicine has determined 16 8-ounce cups (3.7 liters) for men and 11 8-ounce cups (2.7 liters) for women as the ideal amount to consume without overwhelming the cells. Sports drinks that contain sodium can also help to replace and balance out increased water intake while reducing the chances of developing hyponatremia.


How do you feel about this study? What are some ways you make sure you consume enough water every day?

InVite® Health Current Sale

How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Weekend

How to Stay Healthy This Holiday Weekend

Enjoying the holiday weekend does not have to mean destroying your diet or regular healthy lifestyle. Though, the temptation is definitely there. From burgers to hot dogs to cakes and pies, it may be hard to reign yourself in and eat healthy. But what if 

Cocoa: A Sweet Treat for Your Heart and Brain by Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP

Cocoa: A Sweet Treat for Your Heart and Brain by Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP

Few things please me more than a delicious and nutritious superfood. Unprocessed cocoa is quickly emerging as the market’s newest and hottest superfood. The Latin name for cocoa, Theobroma, translates to “food of the Gods,” as many of us delightfully worship the altar of dark