Tag: COVID-19

New Report: Vitamin D May Play A Role In Coronavirus Resistance

New Report: Vitamin D May Play A Role In Coronavirus Resistance

A new report published in the Irish Medical Journal reports that Vitamin D supplements may aid in the resistance of respiratory infections, such as the coronavirus or limit the severity of the illness in those infected, according to researchers. 

Coronavirus and Common Disease States – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 60

Coronavirus and Common Disease States – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 60

On today’s episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses staying healthy with chronic disease states through the Coronavirus. Those who have chronic diseases or underlying medical conditions may have an impacted your immune system can put you at a greater risk.

Managing Stress Through COVID-19 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 58

Managing Stress Through COVID-19 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 58

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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On today’s episode, I am going to be discussing how to manage stress while dealing with the everyday changes occurring during COVID-19. This is something that is impacted each and every one of us pretty much throughout the globe. To be able to maintain your sanity through of all this uncertainty, often times it comes down to being able to manage stress. Today we will get into different techniques you can try to utilize, as well as different nutrients that may be very beneficial.

How COVID-19 is impacting our mental health

Every time we put on the news it seems there is more bad news. This virus is impacting us across the globe and it seem to be getting worse every day. For me, this means not seeing my parents on a regular basis. And I know I am not alone in that. Maybe you are at home now and you are not able to work. This could also be a big cause of stress. Maybe you know someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and you have concerns for them, as well as for yourself and your family.

The good news is that there are things you can be doing on an everyday basis that can really help navigate through all of the changes that we are all going through. To be able to use the right tools throughout our day can ensure that we are not weakening and lowering our immune defenses because of our heightened level of stress.

Stress Relief Techniques

You have to find different outlets for your stress. For some, this includes learning yoga inside. For others, that could mean having virtual dance parties. These are wonderful ways for you to release some of those daily stressors. I certainly encourage everyone to find whatever niche works for you. This could be meditation, reading a book or stretching every few hours.

Why Multivitamins are so Critical in Today’s World. Listen now >>

It is also extremely critical for you to eat the right foods. At I know this can be challenging because I was at my local grocery store recently and it’s hard to find what you need; the shelves are getting wiped out, the produce aisle isn’t as abundant. But you still have the ability to make smart choices. And I encourage you to do so. Our bodies are engines, and just like when you put bad fuel into a car, putting bad food into our body will give you the same results. You will continue to deplete important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which will set your body up for lowered immunity.

Nutrition During COVID-19

Foods matter and right now, people are not getting the best selection of food from their grocery stores. A good option it to adhere to a Mediterranean Diet, as this is packed with the most vitamins, minerals wonderful antioxidants that can really help to fend off all of the free radicals that the body can be bombarded by, especially under states of stress.

Invite Health offers really wonderful superfoods that, during this time, might be a good idea to have on hand, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Reds Hx and Greens Hx are packed with antioxidants, plus a Probiotic blend. When you are getting adequate fruits and vegetables, oftentimes people will feel like they feel better and that is because the body has the capability to handle oxidative stress, as well as physical and emotional stress that is brought on by certain situations. And there is no greater situation than what we are dealing with now with COVID-19.

Seventy-six percent of Americans do not meet the recommended daily amount for fruit consumption, which is just two cups a day. You are supposed to be getting three cups of vegetables a day and, alarmingly 87% of Americans are not meeting that requirement either.

Other beneficial nutrients:

  • Superfoods like Cocoa and Beetroot
  • Magnesium
  • L-Theanine
  • 5-HTP
  • Melatonin

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

amanda williams

Nutritional Recommendations for COVID-19 by Chief Scientific Officer and Pharmacist, Jerry Hickey, Ph.

Nutritional Recommendations for COVID-19 by Chief Scientific Officer and Pharmacist, Jerry Hickey, Ph.

With so much information available on COVID-19 and immune health in general, it may be difficult to fully understand what is going on around us today. Here is some important immune health information and some of my nutritional recommendations to keep yourself safe and healthy.

Staying Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 50

Staying Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 50

Jerry Hickey, Ph. believes the objective during this COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic is to make yourself stronger. If you can make yourself stronger with specific foods and supplements, you can boost your immunity and overall wellness today.