Tag: grape seed

Poor Circulation to the Legs? These Nutrients Can Help – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 475

Poor Circulation to the Legs? These Nutrients Can Help – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 475

If you’re experiencing pain or cramps in your legs, there’s a chance you are having issues with circulation to your legs. The good news is that there are nutrients that can help.

Should You Be Afraid of Antinutrients? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 348

Should You Be Afraid of Antinutrients? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 348

Antinutrients are components of food that may block the absorption of minerals, but does that mean you should avoid them? Not necessarily. Learn about the pros and cons associated with antinutrients from Jerry Hickey, Ph.

Grape Seed May Improve Fat Loss – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 347

Grape Seed May Improve Fat Loss – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 347

fat loss

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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A recent article in the journal Obesity Facts discusses evidence that grape seed proanthocyanidins may have an anti-obesity effect by helping with fat loss. There has long been evidence that taking grape seed before a meal can reduce the absorption of sugar from your food, which can be helpful for diabetics and prediabetics. It would make sense that a healthy blood sugar would relate to fat loss and weight management.†

Grape seed, GLP-1 and fat loss

A study conducted in Spain looked at rats. Researchers began feeding cafeteria food to these rats, causing their blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides to increase, as well as their weight. They became addicted to the sugar found in the cafeteria food. If the researchers gave the rats high-dose grape seed extract, it affected their food intake. This occurred because the rats began to release something called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1).† 


GLP-1 is a hormone made out of amino acids. When you eat food, you release GLP-1, which lowers your blood sugar and helps contain your appetite. This, in turn, can lead to fat loss and overall weight loss. GLP-1 does not function properly in diabetics, so this is something many researchers are trying to target with medications. Grape seed extract helps with GLP-1 activity and helps contain your appetite.†  

How does grape seed interact with sugar?

When you eat a carbohydrate, like beans, rice, pasta or cake, the sugars are released, but they’re not magically absorbed. They don’t just passively diffuse across the lining of the intestines or enter into your bloodstream through the liver. They have to be nipped and tucked. There are enzymes in your saliva and small intestines that do this. These enzymes are broken up into two families called alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase.† 

Grape seed works to help block the absorption of sugar by attaching to these enzymes. Even though you can taste your food, you’re not absorbing the sugar from the food. This has been shown to help people who have prediabetes or diabetes. If they’re absorbing less sugar, it’s easier for them to control their blood sugar. This also assists with fat loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Green tea is also good for this, so if you add the two nutrients together, you can really block the absorption of a lot of sugar.†    


In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. discusses whether there is a possibility that grape seed can help people lose some excess fat if you use it appropriately. He shares studies indicating that grape seed may help with fat loss, as well as blocking the absorption of sugars from food.†

Key Topics:

  • Studies looking at grape seed and obesity
  • What is visceral adipose tissue? 
  • The addictive nature of sugar
  • Grape seed for fat loss and sugar absorption

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

The Impact of Alcohol On Your Heart – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 280

The Impact of Alcohol On Your Heart – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 280

In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses the true meaning of alcohol consumption, different types of alcohol and the real cardiovascular impacts of alcohol consumption.

Boosting Your Brain Health with Cocoa – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 259

Boosting Your Brain Health with Cocoa – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 259

We want to make sure that as we get older, we have the full functionality of our brain. The good news is that cocoa can really support brain-boosting ability. 

Safe Help For Hot Flashes – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 68

Safe Help For Hot Flashes – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 68

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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Most women entering and throughout their menopausal years will experience hot flashes. They are not a disease but they can definitely impact your quality of life. Some women may not experience them so much, they will be mild or maybe even short-lived. But for many others, hot flashes can start years before your last menstrual period and go on for years after. You can experience flushing of the face and upper body, severe sweating which could be followed by chills, clammy feeling. A hot flash can last anywhere from 30 seconds to up to five minutes. About 85% of women experience them.

Hormone replacement therapy is used as a treatment for hot flashes. But remember, hot flashes are just a quality of life issue and not a disease. So many women would rather not take these medications in order to avoid the increased risk of cancer or blood clot development that are related to the hormone replacement therapy.

What is a hot flash?

Estrogen and other sex hormones are fluctuating rapidly up and down. A part of your brain senses this – your hypothalamus – and tries to balance them out. But it gets confused and responds inaccurately, thinking your body is overheating because the fluctuation in these hormones effect your blood vessels. The brain causes your blood vessels near your skin to dilate, or widen, to let off the excess heat. This occurs mostly in the skin near your head, face, neck and chest. When your blood vessels return to normal, you can cool down again.

Interested in learning more about Resveratrol? Click here >> 

How a hot flash impacts your body?

Hot flashes can impact your sleep, which can lead to daytime fatigue, depression and anxiety. It can also make your blood pressure rise when you’re having a hot flash and your heart can actually race.

Lifestyle Modifications 

The good news is that lifestyle changes can help. For instance, you’ll want to stay away from caffeine. Caffeine has been shown to increase the effect of the hot flashes. Avoid smoking, as this effects your blood vessels, the number of hot flashes you have and how severe they are. Alcohol always raises your temperature a bit initially and then it makes you cool down. This will further complicate the hot flashes.

Being obese is also something you will want to manage. It is time to get rid of excess fat, as fat is metabolically active and is not just storing calories for later use; fat is giving off chemicals that make you inflamed and they do complicate your hot flashes. Wearing lo0se clothing can help to regulate your temperature, especially during a flash.

Resveratrol is found typically in the skin of red grapes in tiny amounts. In studies, researchers use Japanese Knotweed, a type of grass. As far as Grape Seed extract, the best comes from the pip of white grapes. Both Grape Seed and Resveratrol are extremely safe and have been shown to support brain health, circulation and heart health.

How Grape Seed Extract Supports Healthy Circulation. Listen Now >>

In a three month long study on older women by the Mayo Clinic looking at the safety of Grape Seed extract, researchers found the that extract did not impact the participants hormone levels and worked by improving blood vessel health.†

The Department of Women’s Health, Tokyo Medical and Dental University gave Grape Seed extract – 100mg or 200mg – to women who had hot flashes everyday for 60 days. Some women also received placebo. Grape seed extract, very successfully, reduced the number of hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, improved depression and was good for blood pressure.†

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