Tag: immune system

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 2

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 2

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 2 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND  In my last blog on sinusitis I started with a description of what the sinuses are, where they are and even what they do. I then talked about what the symptoms of sinusitis are. (1,2,3)  

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 1 

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 1 

Sinus Infections or Sinusitis Part 1  Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to talk about sinus infections for several reasons. Obviously, the location of the sinus cavities plays a role in the decision to talk about them during a review of dental health. In 

Homemade Toothpaste from Invite Health

Homemade Toothpaste from Invite Health

Homemade Toothpaste from Invite Health

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND

Toothpaste is an interesting topic because to be frank everyone has their favorite brand. Which brand do I think is best? The one you will use! If you like strong peppermint that is great. But if a kid’s fruity fun flavored toothpaste encourages you to brush just a tad longer then by all means use it! In this blog I want to help you to take your favorite toothpaste and make it even better for your health. In fact, I will be using some of the products that I mentioned in both my intro to dental health blog and my blog on gum disease. So, let us get into it, shall we?

  1. Bad bacteria be gone!
  • This formula will use the following items: ¼ cup of the toothpaste of your choice, 1 Probiotic Hx capsule, 2 Olive Leaf Extract capsules and 2 Buffered C 500 mg capsules.
  • To a container add the ¼ cup of toothpaste. Then add the Probiotic, Olive Leaf and Vitamin C. Mix till well combined. Use as you typically would.
  • Why these nutrients? Studies have found that using probiotics can help regulate the bacteria in the mouth. (1) Studies have found that Olive Leaf is antibacterial, antifungal and even antiviral. (2) Olive Leaf also helps boost our immune system. (3) Vitamin C can help promote healing. (4)
  1. Helping with bone loss!
  • This formula will use the following items: ¼ cup toothpaste of choice, 1 scoop of Bone Powder, 2 scoops of Collagen Hx or 1 Scoop of Collagex HA (Please note that Collagex HA does contain shellfish and is not recommended for anyone with a shellfish allergy.)
  • To a container add the ¼ cup of toothpaste. Then add the Bone powder and Collagen or Collagex HA. Mix till well combined. Use as you typically would.
  • Why these nutrients? Bone Powder is a powder that contains both calcium and magnesium. Studies have found that the combination of these 2 nutrients can help to lower the risk of periodontal disease. (5) Bone Powder also contains Vitamin D. Studies have found that vitamin D is important for bone loss and can even improve the outcome of periodontal treatments. (6) Vitamin K, another nutrient in bone powder is considered essential for bone building. (7) Collagen is important for our dental health for many reasons. For example, studies have found that collagen can reduce the inflammation found in periodontal disease. (8)
  1. Reducing inflammation and pain (Bye Bye ouchie)
  • This formula will use the following items: ¼ cup of your toothpaste of choice, 2 Turmeric with Ginger capsules, 2 Olive Leaf extract capsules and 1 Probiotic Hx capsule.
  • To a container add the ¼ cup of toothpaste and then add the Turmeric with Ginger, Olive Leaf and Probiotic. Mix till well combined. Use as you typically would.
  • Why these nutrients? Turmeric is a great nutrient for dental health for many reasons. Studies have found that it is anti-inflammatory. It also has antimicrobial benefits which are important for periodontal disease. (9) Ginger has been found to help against bacteria associated with cavities. (10) In studies ginger has been found to be as effective as NSAIDs in reducing pain and inflammation after periodontal surgery. (11) Olive leaf, as I said is antimicrobial which helps to reduce inflammation inducing bacteria. (1)
  1. Wake up toothpaste!
  • This formula contains ¼ cup toothpaste of choice, 1 Methyl-B capsule, 1 Green Tea capsule and 2 CoQ10 60 mg Ubiquinol capsule.
  • To a container add the ¼ cup of toothpaste and then add the Methyl-B, Green Tea capsule and CoQ10 Ubiquinol. Mix till well combined. Use as you typically would.
  • Why these nutrients? B vitamins have been found to help reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth and thus can help to reduce the risk of gum disease. (12) Green tea can be helpful in regulating the bacteria in the mouth. In fact, green tea has been found to help those with gum disease by reducing inflammation, reducing bone reabsorption, and even helping to limit the growth of bacteria. (13) CoQ10 has been found to help reduce inflammation involved in gum disease. (14)

Our next blog will be regarding TMJ1.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464620302097
  2. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5288333/
  3. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-olive-leaf-extract
  4. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9405326/
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30931742/
  6. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7285165/
  7. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10670967/
  8. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9658266/
  9. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/turmeric-benefits-a-look-at-the-evidence
  10. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6701906/
  11. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8039361/
  12. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/00220345600390052201
  13. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8797077/
  14. https://www.rdhmag.com/patient-care/article/55240618/the-antioxidant-advantage-coq10s-role-in-fighting-gum-disease



Hepatitis Part 2

Hepatitis Part 2

Hepatitis Part 2 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND In our last blog on this topic, we began with some background information such as just what is hepatitis? What causes hepatitis? And what are the symptoms you might experience with hepatitis? If you haven’t read the first 

Hair and Skin Changes Due to Cancer Treatments

Hair and Skin Changes Due to Cancer Treatments

Hair and Skin Changes Due to Cancer Treatments Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Cancer treatments can have different side effects when it comes to our hair and skin. Let’s start with our skin, shall we? Certain cancer therapies can cause skin to become dry. They 

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


I wanted to talk about cancer related fatigue because it’s so common in those who have cancer. It can also be difficult to work with because there can be a number of reasons why a person feels fatigue. So let’s get into this interesting topic, shall we?

Well let’s start with the beginning. What exactly do we mean when we say cancer related fatigue? It is a physical, emotional and mental fatigue in someone with cancer that does not improve with sleep or rest. This can occur during treatment and persist after treatment is concluded.  When you have cancer related fatigue you may notice that your fatigue isn’t alleviated by rest. Normal activities may make you feel more tired than usual. You may feel too tired to do things you want to do. You may also feel like it’s hard to focus and you have no energy. You may also notice you feel weak, sad, cranky and frustrated. It may be hard to lift your arms and legs. You may even feel that you need more sleep than usual. (1)

Why does cancer lead to increased fatigue? Well as I said there is a number of reasons that increased fatigue can occur. Certain types of cancer can cause the release of proteins such as cytokines which can cause fatigue. Certain cancer treatments also cause fatigue. Another cause for fatigue is anemia. Hormonal changes that can occur during treatment can also trigger fatigue. Chronic pain can also lead to feelings of fatigue. Certain life style factors that can trigger an increase in fatigue include poor nutrition, lack of exercise and a decrease in the amount of sleep you are getting. Anxiety and depression can also increase fatigue. (2) It’s important to rule out certain conditions that can also mimic cancer related fatigue. For example muscle weakness can mimic fatigue. Depression can also mimic fatigue as well. (1)

What are some blood tests you can talk to your doctor about that can help to determine anything that maybe making your fatigue worse? First the doctor should check your iron levels and red blood cell counts to rule out anemia. They can also check for vitamin deficiencies such as B12, folate, or even vitamin D. Please check out my blog on Methyl-B for more information on the B vitamins. The doctor can also check for certain hormones that can trigger fatigue such as your thyroid hormones. You can also ask your doctor to check for inflammation, infections and even certain chronic diseases such as celiac disease and diabetes. (3) You can also fill out the attached questionnaire and bring it to your doctor’s visit! (2)


  • When did you begin experiencing fatigue?
  • Has it progressed since your diagnosis?
  • How severe is it?
  • How long does it last?
  • What eases it?
  • What makes it worse?
  • How does it affect your daily life?
  • Do you experience shortness of breath or chest discomfort?
  • How well are you sleeping?
  • How and what are you eating?
  • How are you feeling emotionally?


What can you do to help with your fatigue? The following suggestions are fine for both during and after treatment.

  • Make sure to address any underlying concerns that are making your fatigue worse. For example if you are deficient in iron you would want to take iron to help with the deficiency. If you are low in the B vitamins it is important to correct the deficiency. (4) Please Invite’s Iron Plus and Methyl-B for these important nutrients.
  • If you are experiencing pain turmeric has been found to help reduce pain levels. (5) Please see Invite’s Bio-curcumin & 5-Loxin and Turmeric with Ginger.
  • L Theanine and Magnesium have been found to help with sleep quality. (6) Please see both Invite’s L-Theanine and Magnesium Glycinate/ Citrate. For those who don’t like pills don’t forget Magnesium is available in powder form, Bio Avail Magnesium!
  • Nutrition – to help improve nutrition please check out my blog on Invite protein powders!

The following can be helpful for those who have cancer related fatigue that persists after treatment.  Please note that these recommendations are for after treatment, not during.

Our next product highlight will be the confusing world of Iron!


  1. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/side-effects/fatigue-weakness-sleep/fatigue.html
  2. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/side-effects/fatigue-weakness-sleep/fatigue.html
  3. https://patient.info/signs-symptoms/tiredness-fatigue
  4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anemia/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351366#:~:text=Treatment%20for%20this%20form%20of,This%20might%20involve%20surgery.
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7812094/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9017334/
  7. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-834/acetyl-l-carnitine
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10320999/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK531491/