Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Before we move on to a different topic I felt it was important to talk about our mental health. Being diagnosed with cancer or any other chronic illness is much more than just the physical aspects of 

Iron Plus

Iron Plus

Iron Plus Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   One vitamin that seems to come up in conversation quite frequently is Iron Plus. People often ask questions such as I’m tired all the time, do I need to take Iron? Or I’m a vegan I must need 

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to talk about cancer related fatigue because it’s so common in those who have cancer. It can also be difficult to work with because there can be a number of reasons why a person feels 

Protein Powders

Protein Powders

Protein Powders Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Invite health has a number of different type of protein powders. These include a whey based protein, a plant based protein and even a weight management powder that can help improve our overall nutrition.  That being said why is 

Cancer and Weight Loss

Cancer and Weight Loss

Cancer and Weight Loss Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Weight loss is a common side effect experienced by those with cancer. This weight loss can occur for a number of reasons. To start with, having cancer can lead to weight loss. This is because in some 

Methyl-B: Feel More Energy, Fight Daily Stress and More!!!

Methyl-B: Feel More Energy, Fight Daily Stress and More!!!

Methyl-B Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Most people have heard that it can improve your health if you take a B complex. You may even have heard the term “methylation”. But do you know what that term means? Why does it even matter? This blog