Tag: skin

Your Dermatologist Needs to Know This Supplement – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 533

Your Dermatologist Needs to Know This Supplement – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 533

If you’re concerned about the health of your skin, you and your dermatologist need to talk about Vitamin B3. This nutrient helps to protect and support the health of your skin.

Immune System, Part 1: The Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 491

Immune System, Part 1: The Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 491

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, immunity has been on everyone’s mind. But how much do you know about the immune system? Learn about the basics of how your body defends itself from pathogens and invaders in this episode of the InVite Health Podcast.

Biotin for More Than Your Hair and Nails – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 394

Biotin for More Than Your Hair and Nails – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 394


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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Have you ever heard that biotin is good for your hair, skin and nails? Well, it is, but I want to talk about other significant details about biotin, including how deficiencies or insufficiencies of this nutrient can negatively impact your health.† 

What is biotin?

In its own right, biotin is like its own little unique B-complex. It’s one of our water-soluble B vitamins, but it plays a really integral role in so many different functions in the body. Many times, we don’t recognize biotin for its true abilities. We look at it for hair, skin and nails, which is important, but it does many other things that are much more significantly important.† 


When we look at the Standard American Diet, we can see how many people do not get this nutrient. Foods that are rich in biotin include egg yolks, spinach and mushrooms. A lot of Americans eat only egg whites and avoid vegetables altogether.†

We also know that healthy gut bacteria help to produce biotin. Now keep in mind how many people have unhealthy bacteria that are the predominant bacteria within their microbiome. This is why we always stretch the importance of being on a good, comprehensive multi-strain probiotic. This can do so much to really enhance the body’s immune system, energy production and more.†  

The role of this nutrient in the body

We have to understand what biotin is doing in the body. One of its most important roles is for cellular energy metabolism and the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is also needed for the regulation of oxidative stress. If we have high levels of oxidative stress, this can do damage to the mitochondria, which makes that cell not want to function properly, preventing you from making adequate energy.† 

When we look at the science, we can draw a conclusion that relates low biotin status to low energy states. If you have low energy, you probably aren’t wondering if your biotin levels are low. This is why taking the Performance Multivitamin is a very good idea.  If you feel like you are dragging throughout the day, I would advise trying out some additional biotin, along with the True Energy effervescent packets, because it really can make an incredible difference.†


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains the many roles that biotin plays in the body. She goes into detail about how important this nutrient is for energy production and how that can affect the rest of the body.†

Key Topics:

  • Reasons for biotin insufficiencies
  • How does this impact fatty acid synthesis?
  • The role biotin plays in energy production

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.


The Chronic Exposure of Chemicals In Skin Care Products – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 279

The Chronic Exposure of Chemicals In Skin Care Products – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 279

When we think about our skin, we have to realize that this is a really integral part of our overall health. We also have to realize that the skin needs protection from environmental pollutants and harmful chemicals that we commonly apply to our skin.

Skin and Oral Care Tips While Wearing a Mask – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 179

Skin and Oral Care Tips While Wearing a Mask – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 179

For so many of us, wearing a mask has become second nature. But are you noticing your breath may not be as pleasant as you thought? Or are you experiencing breakouts around your chin due to wearing the mask? Natural oral and skin care solutions can help!

Soothing Your Skin After Constant Hand Washing – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 77

Soothing Your Skin After Constant Hand Washing – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 77

On today’s episode, I am going to talk about the impact to your hands from washing them so frequently. And we definitely encourage that you are practicing those healthy guidelines and frequently washing your hands. But, as we are sure you know, this can be very harsh on the skin itself. So I want to talk to you about some different techniques that may be beneficial during this time.

Dry, Rough Skin 

In a press release from UCLA, researchers were talking about the best ways to care for dry hands after washing them so much. So, a lot of people have not been exposed to this problem before. I certainly can understand myself, because as a medical student, you are continuously washing your hands, even during your surgical rotation. The harsh cleansers and wearing gloves all of the time starts to impact the hands and reduce their natural moisture. For many people, over-washing your hands means you can start to develop cracks in the skin, which isn’t a good thing either because now you are giving bacteria basically an entry point into the body; this is the same thing viruses. That’s why the concern is right now for people to continuously wash their hands. You don’t want to be able to pass this off from one person to the next. Your hands are a primary source of that.

So this press release from UCLA is taking about how the outer-most layer of our skin is composed of oils and wax, and it acts as this protective barrier that helps to guard the natural moisture of the skin. When this natural barrier is broken down because of this continual hand washing, then people can start to experience excessive dry skin. And this is even more so in areas that are currently trending from winter into spring and dealing with fluctuations with humidity. A lot of the alcohol-based hand washes and sanitizers can cause this dry, cracked skin on your hands.

The American Academy of Dermatology has posted their bit of information, as to what people can be doing when your skin is getting dry and cracked. We know that once we have a breakdown in that barrier of the skin, we are now more open to infections, like bacteria and viruses. What they suggest is that you should use a hand ointment or a cream. Creams are more effective, even more so than lotions. This can be extremely beneficial to allow that protective barrier of the skin – that moisture barrier – to reinvigorate itself. But, the problem that neither UCLA or The American Academy of Dermatology have addressed, is if we have skin that is dried out, and we start to put these different hand moisturizers on, are we putting chemicals directly onto our skin?

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Naturally, Effective Ingredients 

People are quick to use a lot of creams and lotions and even make up but are not paying attention to the actual harmful chemicals that are contained within those. We want to make sure that when we are trying to reestablish that healthy barrier in the skin, that we are applying only clean nutrients. You want to have this protective layer but you don’t want to do that for the sake of using things that contain ingredients like, petroleum, alcohol, colorants or fragrance.

Many manufacturers by law do not have to tell you what is contained in these ingredients like “fragrances”. We, at Invite Health, understand the long term implications of these chemical exposures. This is why we do not use any type of alcohol, parabens, fragrances, sulfates, or other harsh and dangerous toxic ingredients in our Protective Hand Cream. You must allow the skin to rehydrate itself and reestablish that moisture barrier.

Key Nutrients and Ingredients

  • Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot can enhance the skins ability to fend of oxidative stress and to allow the skin to react to exposures to harmful things
  • Chamomile extract, sage, nettle leaf, Rosemary, Grape fruit extract are naturally occurring herbs that enhance the way that your skin can respond to that dryness
  • Natural Vitamin E is one of the most nourishing things for your skin
  • Aloe Vera can help reestablish that protective barrier of your skin

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

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