Month: January 2015

New Study Shows Depression May Reduce Memory Function

New Study Shows Depression May Reduce Memory Function

Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash A new study, published in the journal Cognition and Emotion, found that people who experience constant depressive thoughts may be more likely to experience problems with memory as well. During the study, researchers induced depressive thoughts in the participants 

Could These Four Superfoods Slow Aging?

Could These Four Superfoods Slow Aging?

Photo by Jenn Kosar on Unsplash The health and beauty industry racks in billions of dollars every year from people trying to maintain a youthful appearance. This secret fountain of youth is a never-ending challenge – from wrinkle creams to serums, an endless amount of 

Tired and Drained? Your Thyroid Might be to Blame

Tired and Drained? Your Thyroid Might be to Blame

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

It’s a tiny gland that frequently gets overlooked and misdiagnosed called the thyroid. Can’t sleep or lose weight? Feeling blue?  Twenty million Americans have this issue and 60% of them don’t realize it. Detection is becoming more common but symptoms overlap into several other medical conditions, making it hard to pinpoint if it is in fact a thyroid problem.

This gland is one of the smallest, yet most important organs in the body. It is instrumental in healthy regulation of critical body functions such as proper metabolism, energy levels, the burning of calories for fuel, and the creation of body proteins and reaction to hormones. It manufactures and releases two essential hormones to the kidneys and liver to regulate all of these body functions. The key nutrients in these hormones are Iodine and L-tyrosine. As we age, critical levels of key nutrients decrease and may not be sufficiently replaced by a healthy diet. Good levels of Iodine and L-tyrosine must be maintained to produce essential hormones and support necessary body functions. Since we may not be able to achieve this naturally through the aging process, targeted supplementation is important.

New Study: The amino acid L-Tyrosine may speed up the brains reaction time as well as your reflexes.

Thyroid function is measured with a quick blood test to check your level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). A high TSH level means that it is having a hard time getting the job done, and a low TSH level means that your thyroid might be in overdrive.

Hypothyroidism: Under-active Thyroid

Symptoms: Fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, feeling cold all the time, depression, constipation, forgetfulness.

Treatment: Most people who take a daily dose of synthetic thyroid hormones can find relief within days or weeks. Patients should have their levels checked regularly so the doctor can adjust treatments if necessary.

Risk factors: If you’ve had radiation treatment (usually to the head or neck), an autoimmune disorder such as Hashimoto’s disease or a family history (particularly if either of your parents had it), you may have an increased chance of developing an underactive thyroid.

New Study: Even mild under-active thyroid if not treated can lead to heart failure.

Hyperthyroidism: Over-active Thyroid

Symptoms: Weight loss (despite a hearty appetite), anxiety, nervousness, increased sweating, racing heart, hand tremors, more frequent bowel movements. Women may notice lighter or irregular periods.

Risk factors: If someone in your family has an overactive thyroid, you’re more likely to develop it. About 70% of the time it’s caused by Graves’ disease, an autoimmune problem in which it swells and pumps out too much hormones.



Winter Blues: Tips to Fight Seasonal Depression

Winter Blues: Tips to Fight Seasonal Depression

Photo by A l on Unsplash Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of seasonal depression that usually occurs in individuals during the winter. Experts believe this mental health issue has to do with the lack of sunlight in the winter. It’s normal to 

Sticking to Your Resolution: 6 Tips to Stay on Track

Sticking to Your Resolution: 6 Tips to Stay on Track

It’s about that time! After a full week of sticking to your resolution, you might realize that you’re not sticking to your healthy eating plan all that well. January is the month where people put in a good effort towards their resolution – but slow 

Healthy Recipe: Healthy Hot Cocoa with Cocoa Hx®!

Healthy Recipe: Healthy Hot Cocoa with Cocoa Hx®!

Stay warm with this delicious recipe for healthy hot cocoa!

Chocolate is one of nature’s most powerful superfoods. In its natural form, chocolate contains a wide variety of minerals, vitamins and antioxidant flavonoids that offer great health benefits – but the benefits of chocolate are generally reversed when milk, cholesterol from milk solids, and/or an enormous amount of refined sugar are added. This recipe includes our popular Cocoa Hx® powder, which is packed with flavor without the unhealthy additives. Try it out and let us know what you think!

Try Cocoa Hx® from InVite Health today! Click here now!


Cocoa Benefits & Information

Chocolate, cocoa, is one of nature’s most powerful super foods. It its natural form, it contains a wide variety of minerals, vitamins and antioxidant flavonoids that offer great health benefits. But the benefits of chocolate are generally reversed when milk, cholesterol from milk solids, and/or an enormous amount of refined sugar are added. Cocoa is naturally bitter in flavor so chocolate bars require a lot of sweetening. When cocoa is cooked, it becomes even more bitter.

Cocoa in its natural form (without the additives) includes essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc, as well as the Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and pantothenic acid. In addition, it has polyphenols similar to those found in wine that offer excellent antioxidant protection. These beneficial antioxidants increase circulation to the brain and heart, improving healthy blood flow. They also help to reduce the blood’s clotting function, potentially decreasing your risk of blood and cardiovascular related health issues. Together, these agents help improve various areas of health such as circulation, energy and mood. Flavonols appear to be the substances in cocoa that are responsible for boosting heart health and keeping blood pressure in the normal range. These substances appear to improve the bioavailability of nitric oxide from the cells that line the inner wall of blood vessels.

Try Cocoa Hx® from InVite Health today! Click here now!

Our Cocoa Hx® formula tastes delicious and mixes well with either hot or cold beverages, including InVite®’s other superfood powders! It can also be added to yogurt or smoothies for a great-tasting supplement to a healthy dessert! We do not recommend it be mixed with dairy milk but it can be mixed with milk substitutes such as almond, oat, rice or organic soy milk. It also tastes great in plain water. The flavor is enhanced with the non-caloric natural sweetener Xylitol and the herb Stevia. This product is free of fat, sugar and cholesterol. 100mg of ORAC* blend is added for extra antioxidant protection.

What other delicious recipes do you use Cocoa Hx® in? Share them in the comments!