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Deep Dive into Fatty Liver Disease: NAFLD and NASH

Deep Dive into Fatty Liver Disease: NAFLD and NASH

Deep Dive into Fatty Liver Disease: NAFLD and NASH Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   One of the most common concerns that people call about is fatty liver. Since NASH is a progression, or worsening of NAFLD I wanted to talk about them both in one 

Glutathione-The Antioxidant for Liver Health

Glutathione-The Antioxidant for Liver Health

Glutathione-The Antioxidant for Liver Health Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Glutathione drips or in other words IV glutathione is a well-known treatment in holistic medicine. However many people are afraid of needles. Invite Health’s Glutathione Lozenges are an easy to use form of glutathione. You may 

Liver Function Tests

Liver Function Tests

Liver Function Tests

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


The Liver Basics!

As an Invite health nutritionist one of the most important parts of my job is to help people understand their blood work. In general I find that when it comes to blood work liver function tests tend to be some of the most confusing. But just what are the markers on your blood work that test for liver health? In other words what even is a liver function test? Well let’s get into this important topic, shall we?

Liver function’s tests are tests that are used to help monitor the health and function of the liver. The first test is ALT. This is an enzyme that is found in the liver. When the liver cell is damaged this enzyme is released and blood levels will increase. Another enzyme that is found in the liver is AST. AST is also found in muscle cells. If the levels are elevated it can indicate possible damage to either the liver or muscles. ALP is an enzyme found in both the liver and bones. If it is elevated in the blood it may indicate liver damage or disease. It may also indicate bone disease.  In addition to testing enzymes that are active in the liver the liver blood tests also look at enzymes that are made by the liver. For example Albumin is a protein that helps to fight infection. Lower levels of albumin and even total protein may mean your liver isn’t healthy enough to produce them. Another job of the liver is to process Bilirubin. Normally this is passed through the liver and excreted in the stool. In certain types of liver disease this process is disrupted and bilirubin levels can increase in the blood. PT is a marker of how fast your blood is able to clot. Increased PT can indicate liver damage. However I just want to mention that certain medications can affect PT. Other tests can include GGT and LD. (1)

In addition to blood tests there are certain imaging tests that can help look for liver damage or disease.  Imaging tests can include ultrasounds, CT scans or even getting an MRI. One test that can be important in monitoring liver health is a liver biopsy. (2)

These liver function tests may be abnormal for a number of reasons. For example you may have a virus, tumor, diabetes or other liver disease. (2) Throughout this series will be reviewing a number of these conditions. For example we will be reviewing disorders such as NASH, NAFLD, cirrhosis, and even hepatitis. We will also be talking about the gall bladder since it is so closely linked to the liver. Additionally in this series will be talking about how and when to detox. Lastly we will be talking about another important organ, our kidneys!

But what does the liver even do for our health? Well the liver has a number of important jobs. I’ve attached a picture detailing all the functions of the liver! Please take a look the attached picture. (3)

Since the liver is important for so many aspects of our overall health there are many studies on supplements that can help with liver health and function. Throughout this series we will be reviewing many of these nutrients. These nutrients include NAC (4), Milk Thistle (5), Dandelion (6), and even Catalase. (7) Other supplements that help fight infections that will be included will be nutrients such as Olive Leaf (8) and even Probiotics! (9)  All of these important nutrients are available from Invite Health. I hope you find this topic as important as I do.

Our product highlight will be Glutathione lozenges!



From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5

From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5

From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   You may have heard the saying that sleep and a good healthy diet are both the base of the pyramid of health.  As a Naturopath I agree with this concept 100%! But 



PRIMARY FOOD, LIFESTYLE AND OUR HEALTH~AN INTRODUCTION TO A NEW WELLNESS SERIES By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   Primary foods are an essential part of our health and wellness plan that is often overlooked and even misunderstood. While the topic of self-care in important, 

Flex Hx

Flex Hx

Flex Hx

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Recently I was doing a consult with someone regarding a sprained ankle. When I recommended Flex Hx we soon realized that there’s no blog on the benefits of Flex Hx! So here it is! All about the amazing Flex Hx! Let’s get into it, shall we?

To start with what is Flex Hx? Well simply put it’s a powder that contains nutrients that can help our tendons and ligaments. Chondroitin, one of the nutrients found in Flex Hx has been found to have quite a few benefits. Studies have found it can help with damage to the meniscus, as well as ligament damage. It has also been found to help stimulate collagen synthesis. (1) In one study after 6 month of use chondroitin was found to reduce pain and increase mobility in those with hand osteoarthritis. (2) Studies have also found that using chondroitin can help improve healing torn tendons when they are torn. (3) So what does all this mean? Basically to sum things up chondroitin can promote collagen synthesis which is important in helping with arthritis as well as healing ligaments and tendons.

Bromelain is another nutrient that is found in Flex Hx. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in pineapple. Basically when you think of a proteolytic enzyme you can think of it as an enzyme that “eats” or breaks up inflammation. (4) According to Mount Sinai bromelain is effective at reducing inflammation. It can also be helpful in reducing pain, swelling, bruising and even reduce healing time. For example, Mount Sinai stated it may be helpful in healing tendinitis, sprains and strains. (5)

The next nutrient that is found in Flex Hx are the collagen peptides. Anyone who knows me will tell you that collagen is one of my favorite supplements for so many things! In fact I wrote a whole blog on using collagen not just for the expected joint health but for our heart health. Feel free to check it out! Studies have found that collagen can help improve joint function and reduce joint pain when the joint is damaged. (6)

The last 2 nutrients found in Flex Hx are copper and manganese. These are 2 minerals that help to build up collagen and connective tissues. According to the Cleveland Clinic, copper and manganese are important in building our connective tissue. (7)

I know what you’re thinking, but Dr. Claire what does all this science stuff actually mean? Well it all comes together to mean that Flex Hx is an amazing formula for our connective tissue. In practice this means it is good for tendons, ligaments, cartilage and even for a torn meniscus. Now Flex Hx is a powder. I bet you’re wondering if it can be mixed into a smoothie. It can! It can also be mixed into applesauce or yogurt. It can also be used in place of collagen in any recipes that call for collagen. For example you can make overnight oats. Simply take ¼ cup oats, add ¼ cup milk of choice, 1 teaspoon vanilla, sweetener of choice. Add ½ cup yogurt of choice. Mix and add 1 scoop of Flex Hx. Top with frozen berries of choice. I like frozen but fresh works too!

Our next topic is why it’s important to address Sleep and Nutrition!

