Tag: exercise

Why Monitoring Your Heart Rate During Exercise Is Important

Why Monitoring Your Heart Rate During Exercise Is Important

With so much fitness technology on the market it may be difficult for you to decide which is worth it. The one thing many experts can agree on? Monitoring your heart rate is one of the most important parts of your workout.

Alpha-GPC: How Nootropics Keep You Focused and Support Brain Energy

Alpha-GPC: How Nootropics Keep You Focused and Support Brain Energy

Think about all that you do in one day. It’s no wonder why you’re experiencing burn out more than ever before! The good news is that there are natural options, like Alpha-GPC, that can help keep you focused throughout the day to get all of your tasks done.

More Motivation! Exercise Improves Brain Function, Study Reports

More Motivation! Exercise Improves Brain Function, Study Reports

Having some trouble turning off Netflix and finding the motivation to work out? Well, this should do the trick! New findings of a recent study show that, on top of its benefits for metabolism, mood, and general health, exercise also improves brain function.

The Study on Exercise and Brain Function

Researchers from the University of Tübingen set out to investigate whether or not exercise can improve insulin sensitivity in the brain and improve cognition in overweight individuals.

The study, led by Dr. Stephanie Kullmann, involved 22 sedentary adults who were overweight or obese (an average BMI of 31), who underwent two brain scans before and after an 8-week exercise intervention that included cycling and walking. Brain function was measured before and after using an insulin nasal spray to record insulin sensitivity of the brain. Researchers noted the participants cognition, mood, and peripheral metabolism.

The Results are In!

Though the intervention only resulted in marginal weight loss, brain function important for metabolism “normalized” after only 8-weeks. Increases of regional brain flow in areas of the brain important for motor control and reward processes, which depend of the neurotransmitter  dopamine, were shown. Dopamine is important for learning new motor skills and in reward-related learning. This study shows that exercise significantly improves dopamine-related brain function.

Kullman explains, “The bottom line is that exercise improves brain function. And increasing insulin sensitivity in dopamine-related blood regions through exercises may help decrease the risk of a person to develop type 2 diabetes, along with the benefits for mood and cognition.”

Source: Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. “Exercise improves brain function in overweight and obese individuals.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 July 2019. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/07/190709171815.htm>.

Questions about this study? Motivated to start exercising but don’t know where to start? Leave a comment below to speak with a certified healthcare professional!


What Your Body is Craving Before and After Your Workout

What Your Body is Craving Before and After Your Workout

Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash Working out is hard work, and not just physically! There are specific nutrients and minerals your body needs in order to power through your workout and recover from it. Here’s what you need to know in order to give 

Superior Products for A Superior Workout

Superior Products for A Superior Workout

Photo by MindBodyStock on Unsplash Written by Luke Kornblatt Whether you’re a casual jogger or gym addict, it’s always important to make sure that you’re getting the most out of your workouts. The health benefits of a good workout are endless. Not only can it 

Is Exercise The Best Defense Against Depression and Heart Disease?

Is Exercise The Best Defense Against Depression and Heart Disease?

Photo by Form 679333 on Unsplash

New research, published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, explores the link between two conditions, finding that for many who suffer from depression, exercise is the best treatment that keeps both the mind and the body healthy.

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that affects around 6.7% of adults in the United States each year. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that more than 300 million people currently live with the disorder. This disorder is not a normal “up and down” of emotions; this illness greatly affects mood, body, behavior and the mind and commonly interferes with daily function.

‘Just 1 Hour of Exercise Per Week Prevents Depression’

Does Exercise Help?

Researchers from The Cooper Institute and University of North Texas set out to determine whether fitness measured in midlife would be inversely associated with later-life CVD (cardiovascular disease) mortality in those with depression.

Data collected from January 1971 through December 2009 of generally healthy men and women who presented for preventive medicine examinations at midlife and who were eligible for Medicare from 1999 to 2010 were analyzed. A total of 17,989 participants with a mean age of 50 years old were included. Those with a self-reported history of depression, myocardial infarction, or stroke at examination were excluded.

‘New Link Between Intestinal Bacteria and Depression’

The study’s findings showed that higher levels of fitness in midlife were associated with a 16% lower risk of depression. Also, after a diagnosis of depression, higher levels of fitness were associated with a 56% lower risk of cardiovascular mortality.

According to researchers, these findings suggest the importance of midlife fitness in primary prevention of depression and subsequent CVD mortality in older age and should encourage fitness and physical activity for healthy aging.

Read the full study here!

Defense The Natural Way

Turmeric (aka Curcumin) is the brownish herb in curry that has so many benefits. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant herb useful for inflammation and tenderness, but Turmeric is difficult to absorb. Bio-Curcumin is a vastly more absorbable version of Turmeric with up to 8 times greater bioavailability. Human clinical trials show that Bio-Curcumin lasts much longer in our body, giving a more sustained benefit.†

A number of studies show that BioCurcumin may help adults with depression. In a new study, 123 patients with major depressive disorder were treated with BioCurcumin, or placebo, or BioCurcumin with saffron; saffron supplies powerful antioxidants. Biocurcumin significantly improved symptoms of this condition and anxiety compared to placebo at doses of 250mg or 500mg a day with food. Adding saffron gave no additional benefit. The study is published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.†

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