Tag: immunity

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue

Cancer Related Fatigue Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to talk about cancer related fatigue because it’s so common in those who have cancer. It can also be difficult to work with because there can be a number of reasons why a person feels 

Opportunistic Infections

Opportunistic Infections

Opportunistic Infections Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   What do we mean by the phrase opportunistic infections? Well it is exactly what it sounds like, it is an infection that takes the opportunity to grow when your immune system is compromised. Some types of cancer and 

Min Acid

Min Acid

Min Acid

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Min Acid is an excellent formula for helping heal our digestive tract. However I get quite a few questions about this item. In this blog I’ll be reviewing some of the most common questions I get asked! Let’s start with what is probably the most common question I have gotten thus far about this product. “I have high blood pressure is this product safe for me to use?” Licorice extracts normally contain a compound called glycyrrhizin. This is the part of licorice that affects blood pressure. DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice does not contain glycyrrhizin and thus should not affect potassium levels. According to Mount Sinai DGL “does not seem to have the undesired side effects of licorice”. (1)  In other words by removing the glycyrrhizin it makes the DGL form different in that it “does not alter blood pressure, kidney function or even hormones”.  (2) Therefore YES it is safe to use!

The next question I will be discussing is also very common. If I take Min Acid will it stop me from breaking down my food? Simply put – NO it won’t. That is because of the way it works. For example DGL helps to promote mucous which protects the mucous membranes from harm. In other words rather than inhibit acid DGL works to improve our bodies’ defenses against the acid. (3) Marshmallow root, another nutrient in Min Acid is an anti-inflammatory. (4)

What does Min Acid do for us? DGL has been found to reduce gastric and intestinal discomfort. Studies have found DGL can also help with an inflamed throat. (5) Marshmallow as I said is found to have anti-inflammatory benefits. (4) Studies have also found that marshmallow root can help to heal wounds. It can also help to reduce pain such as when you have a sore throat. Studies have found that in addition to helping with ulcers, acid reflux it may help repair a damaged gut lining! Marshmallow may also help with constipation. (6) Plantain root adds certain benefits as well. One of these benefits is that it is a prebiotic and helps to “feed” the good bacteria that protect our GI tract. (7) Slippery elm has been found to help increase mucous secretion in our digestive tract.  This is how it protects us form things such as stomach ulcers, colitis, diverticulitis and any GI tract damage. Slippery elm has also been found to help with either diarrhea or constipation and eve n reduce any inflammation in our gut. (8)

Another question I get asked is how do I take this product? Well it is recommended to chew and swallow after food. Now just as an aside I have had people who find that taking it before meals works better. If you find that Min Acid doesn’t work as well as expected you can try taking it before food or even in the middle of your meal. On a similar note I’ve had a few people ask me if they have to chew it. The answer is yes, it is better if you chew and swallow. If you think about it this makes sense. As you chew and then swallow the nutrients coat the cells of your mouth, throat and digestive tract thus promoting their health. In my clinical experience working with people who have digestive concerns a formula such as Min Acid works better in a chewable form than a pill.

How does all this related to my blog on mucositis? Well as I’ve said the benefits of Min Acid include reducing inflammation, heat gut damage and even help to reduce diarrhea/ constipation. These benefits are important for those who have mucositis. For more information on mucositis please see my blog on this topic!

Overall Min Acid is an excellent formula for our overall gut health. Our next topic will be Opportunist Infections.


  1. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/licorice#:~:text=These%20extracts%20are%20known%20as,formation%20when%20taken%20with%20aspirin
  2. https://www.nationalnutrition.ca/articles/supplements/dgl/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7348626/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7090173/
  5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323761
  6. https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/marshmallow-root
  7. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-plantains
  8. https://www.drugs.com/npc/slippery-elm.html



Protein Powders

Protein Powders

Protein Powders Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Invite health has a number of different type of protein powders. These include a whey based protein, a plant based protein and even a weight management powder that can help improve our overall nutrition.  That being said why is 



INTRODUCING PROBIOTIC HX IMMUNE~GUT AND IMMUNE SUPPORT By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   We all know about the benefits of a probiotic. Whether you know about it through a healthcare or wellness provider or from commercials and advertisements, it’s rather familiar to us all. 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


Herpes…the word always seems make people cringe and curl their face in disbelief. It is associated with sores along the nether regions of the body. Many people are plagued with cold sores at one time or another. Some may even experience chronic breakouts. Herpes, cold sores…they look similar, but what are they and are they related?

Cold sores are something many people are familiar with, whether they’ve personally experienced them or just heard of them from television, articles or in conversations. What many don’t realize is that the technical name for a cold sore is herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1)…yes, those pesky, common cold sores are part of the herpes virus. This is recognized as sores that can eventually scab on the lips or mouth, but can also show up on the tongue, roof of the mouth, inside of the cheeks or gums. HSV1 is often transmitted through saliva by sharing food, drinks, and utensils or by kissing.

When most people hear the word HERPES they usually think of the same thing….genital herpes or herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2).

This type of herpes looks very similar to HSV1, but it’s found on and/or near the genitals and anus. According to the Cleveland Clinic, these sores can have a burning sensation and be rather itchy. Genital herpes commonly will be transmitted from person to person through skin-to-skin contact or bodily fluids. This occurs during normal sexual activity by touch, rubbing and/or intercourse.

One thing to consider is “can herpes simplex virus 1 and herpes simplex virus 2 be transmitted between themselves?”  For example, if one person has genital herpes can it be transmitted to someone else mouth and vice versa. The simple answer is YES they can. This has been shown to happen through oral sex, both giving and receiving and both men and women. HSV1 can be transmitted to the genitals and HSV2 can be transmitted to the mouth during oral sex. If one is experiencing any symptoms or an outbreak, its best to refrain from this type of activity until the outbreak is completely gone.

So, can herpes be prevented? Depending on the outbreak there are precautions that can be taken. While doctors can offer treatments, there are things that one can do themselves. In addition to supplements to help support a strong and healthy immune system, using appropriate protection (condoms) during sexual activity can help lower the risk of transmission. Choosing to abstain during an outbreak is also a sure-fire way to limit passing HSV1 and/or HSV2 to others.

Vitamin C Toning Serum is typically used as an all over face serum.  The vitamin C and vitamin E in this formula, it can be very good to use topically for the herpes virus. I like to recommend dabbing a little on the affected area, but remember, a little goes a long way. Jut dab and cover the sore. However, just use this on sores near or around the mouth. It should not be taken orally or put on other parts of the body.

Probiotic Hx Immune helps support the immune system and keep it functioning smoothly. This has four different probiotic strains, a prebiotic, zinc and vitamin D. This is a perfect formula to start building the immune system to aid in fighting viruses. I always say “a strong and healthy immune system should be your first line of defense”.

L-Theanine is something that may help control breakouts from happening. We know that during times of increased stress and/or anxiety, the likelihood of a breakout increases. Therefore, managing stress and anxiety to help keep it to a minimum can help reduce breakouts of the herpes virus.

L-Lysine is often used by those with a history of herpes outbreaks, both simplex 1 and 2. It is believed that it blocks the absorption of arginine in the gut, as the herpes virus needs continuous arginine to copy and thrive in the body.








