Tag: InVite Health

Cancer and Weight Loss

Cancer and Weight Loss

Cancer and Weight Loss Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Weight loss is a common side effect experienced by those with cancer. This weight loss can occur for a number of reasons. To start with, having cancer can lead to weight loss. This is because in some 

Methyl-B: Feel More Energy, Fight Daily Stress and More!!!

Methyl-B: Feel More Energy, Fight Daily Stress and More!!!

Methyl-B Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Most people have heard that it can improve your health if you take a B complex. You may even have heard the term “methylation”. But do you know what that term means? Why does it even matter? This blog 




Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Neuropathy is usually something that most people associate with diabetes. This is an accurate connection because one of the most common causes of neuropathy is diabetes. But did you know that neuropathy can also occur after cancer treatments? To start off this topic I’ll ask a simple question, what is neuropathy? Well neuropathy, or as some call it peripheral neuropathy is basically a condition where the peripheral nerves or in other words the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord become damaged. This is very common in our hands and feet. (1)

The symptoms you can experience if you have neuropathy can include numbness or tingling in your feet, hands, legs or even arms. You may also feel as if you are wearing gloves or socks when you’re not. You may have sharp, jabbing pain that may even occur during activities that don’t normally cause pain. As the neuropathy progresses’ you may notice an increase in sensitivity to touch. There may also be muscle weakness and a lack of coordination. If your motor nerves are affected you may have an inability to move. You may notice an intolerance to heat. You may experience either excess sweating or an ability to sweat at all. There may also be a drop in blood pressure. You may also have bowel, bladder or digestive problems. (1) Lastly you may notice cramps in your feet. (2)

It’s important to see a doctor if you notice the symptoms of neuropathy starting to develop. When you see the doctor they will do a full medical history and a neurological exam. The doctor may also order certain blood tests, imaging tests and even nerve function tests. The doctor may also perform a nerve and skin biopsy. (3)

Neuropathy can lead to a loss of sensation. This means you may not feel if something is too hot to touch. As a result you may have complications such as burns. As a result of the loss of sensation you may end up with skin injuries or deeper wounds especially on the feet. Because of the lack of feeling in your feet you may not notice any injuries which increases the risk of developing an infection. (1) If an infection is left untreated it can lead to complications such as the need for an amputation. (4)  Lastly neuropathy often leads to a lack of balance which can lead to an increase in your fall risk. (1)

What can you do to help with the symptoms of neuropathy? Well as I said in my blog on chemo brain it is often best to wait till after treatment is complete to start supplements. This is to avoid any potential interactions. However life style changes can be implemented at any time.

  • Drink plenty of water. The typical amount recommended is ½ your body weight in oz. So if you weigh 120 pounds drink 60 oz of water. Additionally it is important to get plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables! (2) Check out Invite’s Greens Hx and Organic Greens. Remember there are no bad vegetables. Whatever kind you like is the best kind. I also want to point out that many stores will have sales on frozen vegetables which are just as nutrient dense as fresh. I know my parents love to stock up on frozen vegetables and even frozen berries especially when they are not in season!
  • Treat any underlying conditions that increase your risk of neuropathy. For example if you have diabetes it is important to maintain control of your blood sugar. (2) Please check out my blog series on this topic.
  • Be careful when using sharp objects such as knives. (2)
  • Monitor your extremities for injuries and wear protective gear as well as use any assistive devices and proper lights. (2)
  • ALA has been found in studies to be helpful in reducing pain associated with neuropathy when used as part of a treatment protocol. (5) Please see Invite’s Alcar+ALA and our Alpha-Lipoic Acid
  • B1 has been found to help with the symptoms of neuropathy especially in the beginning stages. (6) Please see Invite’s Nerve Hx and our B Complex 100.
  • B12 has been found to help with the pain associated with neuropathy. B12 deficiency is also known to make neuropathy worse. (7) Personally I always recommend B12 for anyone who has neuropathy. Please see Invite’s B12 lozenges as well as our Methyl-B
  • Magnesium according to the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy can help with the signs of neuropathy that are associated with chemotherapy use.(8) Please see Magnesium Glycinate, Citrate and Bio Avail Magnesium powder!
  • Turmeric has been found to be very helpful in reducing the pain associated with neuropathy. (9) Please see Invite’s Bio-Curcumin & 5- Loxin formula!


Our product highlight will be our Methyl-B formula!



  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352061
  2. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/side-effects/pain/peripheral-neuropathy.html
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20352067
  4. https://stoppingmedicalmistakes.com/how-an-infection-could-lead-to-amputation-oregon-medical-malpractice-lawyer-explains-sepsis/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9264721/#sec-a.m.ctitle
  6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/benfotiamine
  7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32722436/
  8. https://foxintegratedhealthcare.com/neuropathy/8-great-vitamins-for-neuropathy/#:~:text=4.,nuts%2C%20avocados%2C%20and%20legumes.
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8125634/#sec8-ijms-22-04666title

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about one of my favorite formulas for our memory and brain health. This formula is called Cerebral Care. But what is it about this formula that I like so much? 

Combat Chemo Brain

Combat Chemo Brain

Combat Chemo Brain Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   One topic that comes up a lot is what to do about the side effects that can occur as a result of the different cancer treatments.  The first side effect I will be talking about is called 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


The Mediterranean Diet is often thought of as one of the best ways of eating. This is a great example of how a well-balanced diet, combined with complimentary supplements, can set the stage for a healthy lifestyle.  But what do we really know about this incredible diet?

In its simplest form, the Mediterranean Diet is a whole food way of eating. This means you eat real, unprocessed foods. It is a diet that it rich in fruits (all kinds), vegetables (greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and everything in between), whole grains (like quinoa), beans and legumes (like lentils, peas, chickpeas). Including, in moderation, into your meal plans should also be low-fat dairy (think yogurt and feta), a variety of fish and poultry, nuts and healthy fats (look for olive oil and avocado).

So what are the benefits of following a Mediterranean Diet? Well, it has been studied and is recommended by such acclaimed establishments such as Harvard Medical School, The Mayo Clinic and The American Heart Association. This plan has been shown to help lower the risk of such issues as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, some cancers and arthritis, just to name a few. This is in part because of the elimination of chemicals and processed products, and consuming whole, nutritious foods.



Breakfast~ Whole grain bread topped with smashed avocado, tomato slices, olive oil and sea salt and fresh pepper to taste

Lunch~ Watermelon salad (see recipe)

Snack~ Strawberries or pepper slices (mixture of the colors-red, yellow, orange and green) with yogurt dip (see recipe)

Dinner~ Grilled Salmon served over spinach and quinoa



2 cups arugula

1 cup watermelon (cut into bite-sized pieces)

1 cup cucumber (cut into bite-sized pieces)

1/2 cup low-fat feta cheese

1/4 cup raw walnuts

Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, lime zest, and a pinch of sea salt. Mix up and enjoy!



3/4 cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt

1 scoop Greens Hx, Purples Hx, Oranges Hx or Reds Hx

Mix until well combined and enjoy with fruit or veggie sticks.

Bonus: If you add some water and a pinch of sea salt it makes a great dressing for salads or poultry.


Greens Hx is a great compliment to this diet as it is packed full of greens, vegetables and some fruits. As many people have difficulty getting enough leafy greens and vegetables in their daily diet, this is a good option to incorporate as you are working on shifting from little to no vegetables to a minimum of five cups a day can make that transition easier. It also helps to supplement nutrients and even extra probiotics to support the digestive system.

Fish Oil is a main staple as a supplement for most people. It supplies Eicosapentaeonic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaeonic Acid (DHA) to help support healthy heart and brain functions. While the Mediterranean Diet recommends fish multiple times a week, making sure we are getting a daily fish oil can offer benefits each day for optimal wellness.

Oranges Hx, Purples Hx or Reds Hx help to supply the benefits of fruits. While fruit is a staple of the Mediterranean Diet, not everyone can tolerate a variety of fruit, such as diabetics and pre-diabetics. This is a something to add to a daily regimen for added nutrients, picky fruit eaters (like me!) and even safe for those that need to monitor their blood sugar. Depending on one’s personal needs, one of these powders or a combination can be added to a glass of water of plain yogurt for a yummy daily treat.

Whether you are a carnivore or a vegan, the benefits of the Mediterranean can set you up for some positive health changes.



