Tag: mediterranean diet



THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET~ THE FOOD AND SUPPLEMENTS By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   The Mediterranean Diet is often thought of as one of the best ways of eating. This is a great example of how a well-balanced diet, combined with complimentary supplements, can set 

Stroke, Part III, Invite Health Blog

Stroke, Part III, Invite Health Blog

Written by Dr.Claire Arcidiacono, ND For further questions or concerns email me at [email protected]† In this final part on strokes, I wanted to review the most common symptoms that can indicate a stroke. One point I would like to emphasize is that we are all individuals. 

New Year Detox Tips, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 611

New Year Detox Tips, Invite Health Podcast, Episode 611

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Hosted by Amanda Williams, MD, MPH.

*Intro Music*

InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro [00:00:04] Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed health care professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that Invite health has to offer at www.invitehealth.com/podcast. First time customers can use promo code podcast at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started.† [00:00:34]

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Amanda Williams MD, MPH: [00:00:40] With the holidays behind us, many people like to focus in on their New Year’s resolutions. Besides losing weight, I would say one of the biggest resolutions that people oftentimes will try to focus in on is trying to be less toxic. And this can be in all areas of your life. But in particular, we talk about detoxification. And this can come from cleaner eating as well as through different supplements that people are often inquiring about as we enter into a new year. So I want to talk today about some ways that we can promote healthy detoxification as we move forward into the new year. So I am Dr. Amanda Williams, scientific director at Invite Health, and every single day, our bodies go through different phases of detoxification. It’s actually called metabolic detoxification, which is really quite complex, but it’s very fascinating at the same time because our body is using these wonderful built in mechanisms to eliminate all of these harmful compounds that we come across, whether it’s from the air we breathe, from the foods that we’re eating, and even toxins that build up internally. So we always want to make sure that we’re doing the right thing to give ourselves that extra helping hand. And we can use different strategies when it comes to our diet exercise, as well as supplementation to really kind of give the body the ability to go through those different phases of detoxification in the most successful way possible.† [00:02:20]

[00:02:21] So there’s three different phases. I’m not going to get into the heavy details on that. I’ve done podcasts on metabolic detoxification, so you can definitely look that one up. But when it comes to, you know, minimizing our exposure to toxins, I talk about this often, about trying to avoid those fragrances that you may be are fascinated by when it comes to lotions and shampoos. These are just added things as far as chemicals that we are introducing into our system. So we know that we can make wiser choices as we enter into the new year. The utilization of the InVite Health shampoo and conditioner, body moisturizer, face wash, these are all going to be very positive ways to avoid that chemical exposure, so that’s one area. We also know that we can be trying to select organic fruits and vegetables. This is always key, but even if you can’t get your hands on organic, you know, really trying to be cognizant of making sure that we are cleaning and washing our fruits and vegetables before we consume them. And then we want to, of course, include in the key nutrients that the body requires when it comes to daily detoxification. So we’re talking basic vitamins and minerals, folks. So even taking the Core multivitamin or the multi energy powder is an excellent way to kind of kick all of this off. We know that the more that we incorporate in powerful flavonoids into our diet, we are going to be on that right path. So there are many different ways that we can do this. We can look at things such as mushrooms and onions and peppers that we know really help to support the body’s natural detoxification. Add in some cilantro, some parsley, these are really easy ways for us to make sure that the body has the ability to properly detoxify, and we can certainly zero in on certain foods that really help to enhance liver detoxification, cruciferous vegetables. We know that that is going to benefit us for a couple of different reasons. In particular, even when we think about the way hormone metabolites can build up in the body and sometimes our liver can struggle with that. So when it comes to the indole-3-carbinol and the sulfuraphanes, that are contained within cruciferous vegetables, this is always a very beneficial way for us to make sure that the liver has what it needs to go through those different phases of daily detoxification looking at our green leafy vegetables and certainly also another area that we know can provide us a significant amount of support.† [00:05:05]


[00:05:05] Pretty much any of the berries, you know, those deep purple and red berries are going to pack an awful lot of punch when it comes to cellular detoxification citrus fruits. With that added, you know, natural source of vitamin C and the other minerals can also be very beneficial as well. So we look at the changes in the diet and we think, well, this can be fairly easy, right? We can just start to incorporate in a more Mediterranean style way of eating and we’re really kind of hitting that mark with supporting daily detoxification. But I understand for some folks, you know, maybe they feel limited, they feel like they, you know, don’t really want to to make these major dietary modifications. They’re going to try and do this and, you know, slow steps, and I certainly understand that. I always encourage people, the more that you eat a mediterranean style way of, you know, your diet each and every single day, the more that you’re going to feel better and you’re going to feel more energetic. And this, of course, is going to, you know, be cross system benefit. So it’s beneficial for the brain, for the heart, you name it. Mediterranean style is the way to go.† [00:06:21]

[00:06:21] But let’s just say that you’re kind of easing your way in, you said, all right, you know, I’m in this year, I’m going to start to eat, you know, more mushrooms or more onions in my food, more garlic, whatever, be the case. But you’re you’re still maybe not doing all the right things, then we want to be zeroing in on those key nutrients I had mentioned. Taking a daily multivitamin is always advantageous. We can also look at other nutrients that we know are very supportive when it comes to the way that our liver is managing the toxic sludge, as I like to describe it. But all the toxins that we just build up, whether they are endogenously made, meaning they’re coming from inside the body or if we are looking at extrinsic sources, which we know there are many of those. And this is where I always default to the Dr. Pressman daily detox powder, because this is just incredibly comprehensive when it comes to supporting the liver’s ability to filter through all of that sludge that can build up. And we certainly recognize that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or metabolic liver disease is on the rise in this country. So we want to do what we can as far as dietary changes, as well as giving that extra nutrient to the liver each and every single day. So the daily detox powder contains key nutrients, things such as milk thistle, it has ellagic acid, which is coming from pomegranate, it has green tea extract, it has nutrients to support proper fluid balance such as dandelion extract and watercress. So it’s incredibly comprehensive. It contains the amino acid, methionine, which helps to support those different phases of metabolic detoxification. So the Dr. Pressman daily detox powder is always the first thing when I think about cellular detoxification to include, as I mentioned, we can look at many other nutrients that we know have been studied and shown to be highly effective. You know, green tea, clearly any of the the power antioxidants, resveratrol, for example, apple cider vinegar, we can look at alpha lipoic acid, a lot of different things that we know can help to facilitate this. You know, straight milk thistle itself is also an option, but if we want to be incredibly comprehensive, I think that the daily detox powder is really the way to go. And at the end of the day, we all want to be doing better when it comes to the choices that we make as far as our diet, exercise and of course what supplements are going to best support our specific needs.† [00:09:07]


[00:09:07] And the way that I look at it is there’s no such thing as like a crash detox because they’re not really effective. It’s kind of like a crash diet, also not very effective. It’s they’re not sustainable over time. But what we do know is that if we eat a healthy diet every day for adhering to a mediterranean style way of eating, and we are also recognizing that every day our body is having to contend with different chemicals and exposures that we have, so incorporating in a supplement that’s going to support everyday cellular detoxification such as the daily detox powder, this is really the avenue that we want to be focused or zeroed in on so that we get that comprehensive daily support. So we want to do first with our foods, let food be thy medicine. And secondly, we have to say, well, we know that we go through these different phases and we know that these different phases are heavily reliant on the vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. So if we can add in a powerful multivitamin, such as the Core multivitamin or the multi energy powder, and then we enhance that even more by adding in that daily detox powder, we’re really setting ourselves up to have a more successful path when it comes to keeping our body free of all of that sludge. So I thought this was a fitting time to talk about detox, because a lot of folks after the holidays do feel like this is the time that they not only want to shed some extra pounds, but they also want to zero in and focus in on liver health and just overall body detox.† [00:10:49]

[00:10:50] So that is all that I have for you for today. I want to thank you so much for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. Remember, you can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting invitehealth.com/podcast. Do you make sure that you subscribe and you leave us a review. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InVite Health and we will see you next time for another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.†[00:10:50]

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Let’s Talk About Seasonal Affective Disorder- InVite Health Podcast, Episode 579

Let’s Talk About Seasonal Affective Disorder- InVite Health Podcast, Episode 579

The seasons are changing! Amanda Williams MD, MPH goes into depth about Seasonal Affective Disorder and how it can affect you in fall & winter

Nitric Oxide, Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 550

Nitric Oxide, Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 550

Nitric Oxide is so incredibly important that is why there is two parts. Part two will be discussing ways to enhance our nitric oxide through diet and supplements.

Debunking The Myths On Fad Diets With The Intuitive Eating Mindset – Podcast Episode 545

Debunking The Myths On Fad Diets With The Intuitive Eating Mindset – Podcast Episode 545

intuitive eating

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Please see below for a complete transcript of this episode.

Debunking The Myths On Fad Diets With The Intuitive Eating Mindset – InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode 545

Hosted by Melissa Bistricer, MS, RDN

*Intro music*

InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed healthcare professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that InViteⓇ Health has to offer at www.invitehealth.com/podcast. First time customers can use promo code PODCAST at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started! †

*Intro music*

Melissa Bistricer, MS, RDN: [00:00:39] Welcome to another podcast at InViteⓇ health. Today we’ll be talking about the importance of following a healthy, balanced diet, debunking the myth of all these fad diets. My name is Melissa Bistricer and I am a registered dietitian. I’m so excited to bring to you the nutritional aspect of nutrients here and InViteⓇ Health. Nutrition, food for thought: Our food needs to be our fuel, not our comfort or an addiction. † [00:01:03]

[00:01:04] InViteⓇ health, promotes an integrative approach providing vitamins into our daily life to increase your quality of life. In conjunction with nutrients it is also important to learn and include other lifestyle modifications like nutrition, exercise and sleep. These practices with the use of vitamins will promote optimal benefit in your daily life. † [00:01:23]

[00:01:24] A healthy diet is a balanced diet. All these fad diets you’ve been on promised you that you’re going to lose weight and be successful. The programs have you thinking that you’ll lose x amount of weight from the whole-30 to ketogenic to paleo. The reality is that yes, you will lose the weight, but the minute you decide to go off you will gain the weight back and even more. What is the benefit in doing that? The truth is, no one can uphold the restrictions in the diets. Likely you’ll end up falling and binge eating the foods that were restricted, which again result in you gaining back the weight and even more. † [00:01:59]

[00:02:00] Let’s discuss and get into details of how you can live a happier, healthier life with no restrictive diets haunting you. This way you can enjoy, look, and feel your best. The approach I like to use with clients, customers or patients is the intuitive eating mindset. This is simply terms is a non dieting approach to change eating habits. According to the National Eating Disorder Association intuitive eating is just trusting your body to make food choices that feel good to you without judging yourself or the influence of diet culture. To learn this process can be scary and haunting, but the correct tools and guidance you will feel like a million bucks for the rest of your life.† [00:02:42]

[00:02:43] A couple of tips to start off with in the intuitive eating mindset, which can be hard to do, but over time, working through it will definitely be worth it. The most important is to completely reject diet mentality, come to terms that dieting will not get you where you want to be. It will just get you embarrassment, frustration, and even exhaustion. Then we need to allow our brains to recognize our hunger cues. There is something called the Hunger Fullness Cue Chart, which helps us put into perspective and recognize when we are starving, hungry, satisfied or overstuffed, then we need to be able to make peace with food. Meaning no food is off limits. We just need to be able to feel our fullness rather than eating straight from the top of ice cream and mindlessly eating until you reach the bottom of the container. Or like, wait, what happened to all the ice cream? Did I really finish it? Does that even satisfy me? Rather than taking a bowl with a few scoops of ice cream and being aware of your fullness, maybe one bowl will satisfy you. Maybe two much just being mindful and aware that it is important in this journey. Remember? Another important factor is to challenge the food police. Who has the right to put food in a good or bad category? Don’t let the feelings of fear or guilt get too you because there is no such thing as a good or bad food. This is why, in intuitive eating we aren’t following a specific diet plan. There is a component of discovering the satisfaction of food. We don’t want to eat on the go in the car or being rushed. We want to enjoy our food. There are studies to prove that those who eat while doing something else will eat more. † [00:04:19]


[00:04:20] Learn to cope with the emotions by not using food when you feel overwhelmed, stressed, sad, bored or even lonely. Do not turn to food finding something else to help lift your mood to deal with the emotions. This can be through meditation, like yoga, you can run or even walk. Exercise can also help to make you feel better, but not focusing on the amount of calories burning. Rather how it makes you feel. Choose an exercise you’re going to enjoy. And this is not going to be focused on calories that you are burning so you can enjoy rather than forcing herself to do something you do not enjoy. One of the other things of intuitive eating is to not focus on calories, carbs or fats in different foods. Oftentimes, I see individuals who are consistent dieters who have memorized specific foods that are high in calories, carbs or fats. They tend to forget about the foods that they actually enjoy eating. The idea is to start to focus on foods you enjoy to eat that will help satisfy you. † [00:05:24]

[00:05:26] Unconditional permission to eat – you may think that means to go eat pizza and candy at all times while it is. But the truth is, is that once you allow yourself to enjoy the food, the less your brain will actually desire it. The foods that have. Being restricted are no longer off limits now. Therefore, you’re able to eat them whenever you want. The cravings will be less frequent or intense and more likely to feel in control when the foods are around. Once you’re able to listen and learn what is best for your body and learn what makes you feel best, you might find yourself eventually reaching for nutrient dense options rather than the pizza or the candy.  Remember that just because you fall one day and eat poorly doesn’t define you. It does not mean you have failed and tomorrow you will continue to eat poorly. The idea is, is that eating healthy long term is what matters. One day of mistakes will not affect you as it is what happens on most days that matters the most. † [00:06:20]

[00:06:20] It is important to not get confused between fad diets and a healthy lifestyle modification. When I say that following a Mediterranean diet can be beneficial for reducing inflammation, improve blood vessel function, and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. This is not limiting the foods you are eating but is reducing risk factors. My recommendations for specific diseases or conditions may correlate with specific lifestyle modifications. Intuitive eating is a process to dig deep and to learn about that carbs, protein and fat are not the enemy. There are three main sources of nutrients in our body that we need to survive. Now let’s talk about why they are so important and necessary to eat in our daily life. † [00:07:03]\


[00:07:04] Carbs is our main source of energy. They are not the enemy. Eat them. Your body needs them. Oh, yes, I did say that. Go out and eat carbs. But keep in mind to listen to your hunger, fullness cues. Carbs provide the body with glucose which is converted to energy to use to support bodily functions and physical activity. Fun fact, about glucose, it comes from the: Greek word sweet, which is a type of sugar from foods that you eat that the body uses for energy either right away or it stores the glucose for later. It travels throughout the bloodstream to your cells called blood glucose or blood sugar. Insulin is a hormone involved that moves glucose from the blood to the cells for energy and storage. A dietician at the University of Texas Medical School of Houston states that carbs are important for energy providing vitamins and minerals, but not all carbs are created equally. According to the US Department of Agriculture, the USDA states that the best Carb sources are those that contain a lot of fiber. For example, those are in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These types of carbs generally take longer for the body to process and break down, therefore taking longer to break down into glucose and providing more nutrients. Refined carbs are sometimes considered as “bad” carbs, which is incorrect as there’s no such thing as good or bad carbs. Refined carbs are just processed and have been removed of part the grain, and sometimes have additional added sugar. This can be eaten with consideration but still can be eaten as all carbs provide energy to the body and break down into glucose. The general rule of thumb with carb sources are fruits, starchy vegetables, milk, starches or grains. Just remember to listen to your hunger, fullness cues, to be aware and listen to your body as a guide. It is important to remember that carbs are our energy source. † [00:09:00]


[00:09:01] Protein is in every single part of our bodies. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks due to them being attached to long chain. They are macronutrients in the body which are needed in large amounts to stay healthy. The most important function of protein is to help the body repair cells and make new cells. Consuming protein daily is extremely important as it plays a role in keeping the cells in good shape and protein cannot be stored in the body. Protein is not able to be stored in the body. Therefore, when the needs are met, any extra protein is used for energy or stored as fats. Too much protein can lead to the protein becoming stored as fat. Therefore, leading leading to weight gain over time and generally can result in consuming excess calories from protein intake. † [00:09:53]

[00:09:54] There are five reasons why getting enough protein is super beneficial to the body: One Build protein is an important building block in bones, muscles, cartilage and skin. In fact, it helps with  as well as it’s made mostly up of protein. Two repair your body uses protein to build and repair tissue. Three oxygenate red blood cells are contained in proteins and carry oxygen throughout the body. This can help to supply the body with nutrients needed to survive. Four digest half of our dietary protein is consumed daily in order to make enzymes which aid in digestion of food. This can help to make new cells and body chemicals. Five regulate protein plays a role in hormone regulation during the transformation and development of cells during puberty, specifically. † [00:10:45]

[00:10:46] Protein is important in the body to get every single day. The amount differs based on physical well-being and lifestyle. An individual who works out may need more protein to recover from the intensity of the physical activity. They need protein to help repair and strengthen muscle tissues in the body. For individuals who are critically ill, they may need increased protein to help reduce infectious complications, improve muscle mass and quick rates of recovery. The most important role of protein, again, is to help the body repair cells and make new cells. † [00:11:19]

[00:11:20] Lastly, fats in small amounts are essential for a healthy, balanced diet. The body does need dietary fat for energy and to help support cellular function. Fats will also protect your organs and keep you warm, as well as help to absorb nutrients and produce important hormones. There are several types of fat, such as saturated, trans-monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fats. Among these four types of fats, they all have different chemical structures and physical properties. The so called “bad” fats are the saturated and trans-fats. And this is because they will harden in your arteries potentially leading to risk factors such as heart conditions. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are better choices as they are liquid at room temperature, like canola oil. † [00:12:06]

[00:12:07] Fats do have a different effects on cholesterol levels in the body. A diet high in saturated fats will increase the LDL cholesterol, which is defined as the bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Having fats such as mono or polyunsaturated fats can reduce the bad cholesterol levels. When we want to be aware of the types of fats we are consuming. We want to consume essential fatty acids which the body cannot naturally produce and can be gotten through food or supplementation. Anther role of fat is to help the body absorb vitamins such as A, D, E and K. They are all known as the fat soluble vitamins, which means they need fat in order to be absorbed properly in the body. Dietary fat is important in the body to give the body energy and to support cell function. Fats will also help to protect the organs and help keep your body warm. The fat will help absorb some nutrients and produce important hormones in the body. Eating fat is definitely part of a healthy diet. Though choosing the healthier fats like avocados, fatty fish like salmon, nuts, seeds or dark chocolate would be a better option.† [00:13:16]

[00:13:17] Do not forget that a healthy, balanced diet is supposed to include the foods that you love as well. Just keep a balance of portion sizes, listen to hunger cues, and choose to emphasize an overall eating healthily as a long term goal. † [00:13:31]

[00:13:32] For further questions, you could always chat with me as a nutritionist or any of our health care providers to assist you here at InViteⓇ health or email me at [email protected] that’s [email protected] I am Melissa Bistricer, RDN ready to share the knowledge to help you modify your lifestyle to live a happier, more successful life. I’m looking forward to continuing to provide you with educational podcast and blog post. Again nutrition, food for thought: our food needs to be our fuel, not our comfort or an addiction. Have a great day and tune in for the next podcast coming your way soon. † [00:13:32]

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