Tag: nutrition

The Elements That Make Up Your Body – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 334

The Elements That Make Up Your Body – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 334

Have you ever wondered what your body is made of? Learn about the essential elements and minerals that keep your body functioning.

Green Tea and Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 332

Green Tea and Bone Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 332

Green tea is commonly known for its antioxidant protection and immune support, but did you know that it can also promote bone health? Learn how its most active constituent, EGCG, can support overall bone health.

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329


Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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There’s a nutrient found in your brain called phosphatidylserine. It is very important for the health of the brain, the way the brain functions, the memory and the ability to learn. Unfortunately, the level of phosphatidylserine declines with age, which can impact people’s ability to learn and remember things such as names, dates and tasks.† 

Phosphatidylserine in the body

There is about two ounces of phosphatidylserine in the human body, but half of it is in the brain. This shows you how important this nutrient is in the brain because you need the same amount for your brain as you do for the rest of the body.†

In the brain, phosphatidylserine is located in the phospholipid bilayer. Its tail points out towards the tail of another phospholipid called phosphatidylcholine. Together, these tails create vibrations that occur millions of times per minute, which is basically the life of the brain cells. It’s very important for the brain cells to communicate because this is what initiates and creates the various body functions.†  


Phosphatidylserine is also needed to build and recycle mitochondria, which convert sugar and oxygen into energy. This nutrient takes old mitochondria and recycles them into new, functioning mitochondria so your brain has plenty of energy, even into late old age.† 

Supplementing for brain health

The problem is that by the age of 30, your phosphatidylserine starts to decline in the membrane of your brain cells, causing the cells to stiffen. This affects your ability to pay attention, your ability to focus, your mood and more. But phosphatidylserine is not in any food to any degree, so it is important to turn to supplementation. Research has shown that giving people about 300mg of phosphatidylserine every morning with their breakfast helps to promote memory functions and the ability to learn.† 


In this podcast episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. talks about the importance of phosphatidylserine and how it impacts brain functions including memory, learning and mood. He shares various studies about the usage of this nutrient in the brain and provides tips for promoting your memory and brain health.† 

Key Topics: 

  • The role of phosphatidylserine throughout the body
  • The anatomy of brain cells 
  • How brain cells communicate
  • Some studies on patients with memory issues

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All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

Vitamin B6 Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH Subscribe Today! B vitamins play a really important role when it comes to supporting energy levels, metabolism, heart health, brain health and so many more systems that are crucial for the everyday functions of 

Foods for Energy – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 327

Foods for Energy – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 327

Did you know that some foods are better for your energy levels than others? Turn to highly nutritious foods and supplements for longer lasting and higher quality levels of energy.

How We Lost Focus of Nutrition as the Keeper of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 246

How We Lost Focus of Nutrition as the Keeper of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 246

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH.

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Over 2500 years ago, Hippocrates, who is the Greek physician also known as the father of medicine, had a really amazing statement and that was, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” 

Now, we fast forward to current day and we have to think to ourselves, how is it that we went so off the rails when it comes to recognizing that nutrition is part of health? It is alarming when you see the lack of nutritional understanding and nutritional planning when it comes to traditional physicians and those in healthcare in general. It really is quite a shame that they had it right 2500 years ago and then you see where we’re at now, with all of the different chronic disease states, we’re still not able to connect those dots. 

Hippocrates, for the most part, has been largely neglected, along with that philosophy and understanding of the importance of nutrition. When you look at the way we practice medicine now in the traditional sense, it’s much more about drugs than it is foods. Food as thy medicine has really kind of gone out the window. You don’t have to look too hard or too far to figure out why this trend continues. When we recognize that throughout the United States and technically throughout the world, nutrition in medical education is incredibly lacking.  

Today, I want to talk about the lack of understanding when it comes to nutrition. When we talk about nutrition, we’re not talking about putting someone on a low-salt diet or a low-sugar diet. It’s just the basic wherewithal of what is it that nutrition is and why is it that we have pulled so far away from understanding that. 

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The importance of the Mediterranean diet and superfoods

Most people have heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” That’s not a far fetched thought. We understand that our foods can either make us or break us, which is why I continuously talk about the Mediterranean diet. 

We know that if we go back in time to Hippocrates and we’re thinking about foods, we know that those foods that were incorporated into his philosophy of health were from that Mediterranean region. There is a large body of research data that suggests that the Mediterranean diet is by far superior to any other form of diet out there. It’s been shown time and time again to have all of these different health-promoting effects across the spectrum. 

Mediterranean Diet Shown Time After Time To Be The Best – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 243

We need to go back to the basics and look at things like superfoods. These are going to be foods that really, across the spectrum, are giving you a really good, abundant amount of key nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, healthy fats and the right blend of carbohydrates. There’s not one single food out there that can offer every aspect of full nutrition, but it’s when you adhere altogether to that Mediterranean diet, this is where you gain all of that benefit. 

We realize that all of these different foods, like berries, fatty fish, green leafy vegetables, nuts and olive oil, are all a really great way to “superfood up” your diet. Yogurt, for example, is a really wonderful way to balance your homeostasis within the gut microbiome. Cruciferous vegetables, including brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, really can heighten our body’s ability to function properly. If you’re not hearing this from your physician, it’s probably because they’re not trained in that.

Tune into the full podcast episode to learn more about why many doctors do not know enough about nutrition and why the Mediterranean diet is so important.         

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